Tag Archives: Advance Budget Request

Advance Header

All advances display a header section across the top of the page. This header remains visible regardless of what part of the advance you are viewing.

The following images show an example advance header for a New advance in Composing status and for an advance in Processed status.

advance budget request header composing status
advance budget request header processed status

The header contains the following items, reading from left to right:

  • A blue arrow, pointing to the left, which is a link back to your Advances list.
  • The text “Advance Budget Request” followed by the request’s unique reference number, in parentheses, with the prefix ADV. For example: ADV25111.
  • The eGC1 number for the Request Application (eGC1). Clicking on the application number will open a new tab displaying the eGC1.
  • The Request Status, the current status of this item
  • A more options menu (three vertical dots) which allows you to add a comment or delete the composing request

For a Processed advance, these items may appear:

  • The Advance Budget number (if it exists)
  • The Award Activity number (if it exists)
  • A link to the Associated Cycle (if it exists)
  • The Request Status
  • A more options menu (three vertical dots) which allows you to add a comment

Navigation Menu

The Navigation Menu lists the sections of your advance. When you select a section, its name will change to bold font and be highlighted with a light blue shading. The following image shows an example of an advance’s left navigation menu, with the General Information section highlighted.

advance budget left navigation menu
To the left of each section name is a circle. Initially, it will be empty. As you add and review the data in a section, the circle will include a checkmark to indicate when you have completed the section.

advance request left navigation menu with checked section

In the list of menu links below, click on any section name to view its related article:

The General Information section contains basic information about your request. All of these data fields are required.

Advance Overview

Field Description
Short Title From Application (eGC1) The short title, which populates from the eGC1.


Full Title From Application (eGC1) The full title, which populates from the eGC1.


Advance Request Start Date The start date for the advance.
Advance Request End Date The end date for the advance. The system will add a default date that is one year after the start date. You can edit the value.
(clock icon) Cumulative duration, system calculated
Reason for Request Explain the reason for this advance request. You can enter up to 300 characters.
Alternative Department Worktag Enter any additional Worktags.

Examples of acceptable alternative department worktags include

  • Stand-alone grants (GR) (e.g. Startup, Retention, Commotion-Royalty, Department Research Support, Residual Balance)
  • Cost Center (CC)
  • Program (PG)
  • Activity (AC)
  • Gift (GF)

Note: It cannot be a sponsored program grant worktag

Sponsored Program Activity Type This value defaults from the eGC1.


Activity Location Select the location from the drop-down menu. Choices are:

  • APL
  • South Lake Union Campus
  • Off Campus
  • On Campus
  • Research Vessel
  • Wa Natl Primate Research Center  (WaNPRC)
  • Harborview
  • VA Med Ctr

If you have a budget connected to your application, then the default value will be the primary worksheet’s Activity Location.

Parent Budget F&A Rate Defaults to the Facilities & Administrative rate on the application’s Budget & Fiscal Compliance page, as follows:

  • If the value is not “Multiple”, then the value is the rate from the page
  • If the value is “Multiple” and there is a linked budget, the default value is the F&A rate for the budget’s primary worksheet
  • Otherwise, no default value displays
Parent Budget F&A Base Type Select the base type from the drop-down menu. Choices are:

  • Salary & Wages (S&W)
  • Total Direct Costs (TDC)
  • Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC)
  • Total Direct Costs less Equipment & Tuition (TDC less E&T)
  • Custom…

If you have a budget connected to your application, then the default value will be the primary worksheet’s Activity Location.

Sponsor Details

Field Description
Sponsor Defaults to the Sponsor of the associated application. You can edit the value.
Sponsor Type Designates whether the sponsor is federal government, or other.
Funding Originates from a Different Sponsor On/Off Toggle Switch Indicate whether the funding originates from a different entity than the selected sponsor
Originating Sponsor Only displays if Funding Originates from a Different Sponsor is toggled on.
Originating Sponsor Type Only displays if Funding Originates from a Different Sponsor toggle is toggled on.

PI & Department/Unit Details

Field Description
Cost Center Receiving Funding on Advance Defaults to the Cost Center Receiving Funding of the associated application. You can edit the value.
Principal Investigator Displays the Principal Investigator for the associated application.


RFA Details From Application (eGC1)

Field Description
RFA/RFP/PA Number Defaults from the associated eGC1.
Funding Announcement Title Defaults from the associated eGC1.
Funding Announcement URL Defaults from the associated eGC1.

You may easily copy the Funding Announcement URL by selecting Copy Link.

Use the Next Section button at the bottom right of the page to navigate within your advance.

Request an Extension

To request an extension of an existing Advance budget number:

  • You must have edit access to the existing advance, New or Renewal
  • The advance must have a status of Processed
  • The advance must be active, which is defined as any advance with a start date within the past 18 months

On your My Advance Requests tasklist, select the Processed status check box to filter your list. Those existing advances that can be extended will display an “Extend” link in the Options column at the far right. The following image shows a partial tasklist with the link appearing for one item.

advances task list with extent link example

Selecting the Extend link in the Options column opens an extension request. You will see a header section across the top of the page. This header remains visible regardless of what part of the advance you are viewing.

The following image shows an example advance header for an advance extension request that is in Composing status.

advance request renewal header

The header contains the following items, reading from left to right:

  • A blue arrow, pointing to the left, which is a link back to your Advances list.
  • The title “Advance Budget Extension Request” followed by the request’s unique reference number, in parentheses, with the prefix ADV. For example: ADV25111.
  • The number for the Associated Advance Request. Clicking on the advance number will open it in a new tab.
  • The Advance Budget number assigned from the associated advance.
  • Request Status, the current status of this item.
  • At the far right, a “more options” menu icon appears. The icon is three, blue vertical dots. The menu choices are:
    • Add Comment – displays entered text on the Comments & History page
    • Delete request – when the status is Composing, you can delete your request

Navigation Menu

The Navigation Menu is a list of links for navigating to the sections of your advance extension. When you select a section, its name will change to bold font and be highlighted with a light blue shading. The following image shows an example of a left navigation menu, with the Request Extension section highlighted. A new request opens to this section by default.

advance extension left navigation menu

Request Extension Section

Use the this section to select an end date for your request and indicate the budget(s) you want extended.

An alert will display at the top of the page, which reads “Cost share set up in eFECS, if applicable, will be automatically extended by GCA when this request is approved.” The following image shows this alert.

advance extension cost share alert

The Select End Date area includes an end date input field, the sponsor name, and a Reason for Extension field. Below the end date field, you will see a statement “You can extend through date” based on the maximum length of an extension, which is 18 months.  You cannot enter a date that is prior to the associated advance end date. Both an end date and reason are required. You can enter up to 300 characters in the Reason for Extension field. Note: be sure to include the grant worktags to be extended.

Once you have entered an end date, the system will calculate and display the Total Requested Duration, to the right of the date.

The following image shows this part of the section, before any data is entered:

extension request select end date fields and enter reason with worktags

If you select the Reason for Extension field, and then click elsewhere, it will change to a red border as a reminder that it is a required field. If you hover your cursor within the field, a “tool tip” appears that read “Please fill out this field.” as shown in the following image:

advance reason for extension field with red border

Once the required fields are completed, the Request Extension button will be enabled. Select it to route your extension for processing.  The extension will become read-only with a status of In GCA.

GCA will process the request and send the notification. Please note that the Advance Budget Extension page does not require campus approvals, so it does not display an approval flow. Department reviewers for the financially responsible organization on the associated advance will be notified that an extension request has been submitted.

The Access & Roles section and the Comments & History section are the same as that for a new advance request.

When you are viewing an advance, its Parent Application Details display in a side panel on the right. This panel displays information from the associated application.

The following fields are included:

  • Application Number
  • Long Title
  • Short Title
  • Principal Investigator
  • Org Receiving Funding from the eGC1, or blank if eGC1 has a Cost Center Receiving Funding
  • Sponsor
  • Sponsor Type
  • Flow Through (Yes or No)
  • Originating Sponsor, if Flow Through is Yes
  • Sponsored Prog Activity Type
  • Project Type
  • RFA/RFP/PA Number
  • Funding Announcement Title
  • Funding Announcement URL

The following images show the top half, on the left, and bottom half of the panel.

advance parent application details top half advance parent application details panel lower half

SAGE – the System to Administer Grants Electronically – is the web-based system used by faculty, researchers, administrators and staff.

You can stay up-to-date on changes in SAGE (and FIDS) by subscribing to our Office of Research Information Services (ORIS) News.

The core SAGE system allows you to carry out several tasks:

  • SAGE Budget helps you create an accurate budget for your grant proposal. It auto-populates data from the payroll and financial systems, helps you select proper rates, and calculates totals automatically.
    • You can connect a budget to a standard or Grant Runner eGC1 to populate budget data.
    • You will need to connect a budget to an Award Setup Request.
  • eGC1 Forms are the electronic Grants and Contracts forms you use to route your grant proposal through the University’s internal compliance process.
  • Grant Runner applications combine the eGC1 and sponsor forms for some NIH funding opportunities requiring SF424 R&R forms, including Modular, Detailed and Subaward Budgets. With the click of a button, OSP can electronically submit your application via Grants.gov to the sponsor.
  • Approvals is the electronic routing engine that stages eGC1s, Advances, and Award Setup Requests for approval by associated departments, colleges, compliance offices, and the Office of Sponsored Programs.
  • Advances creates an online request form for an advance budget number.
  • Awards allows you to create Award Setup Requests and Modification Requests.
  • Subawards submits a request for a new subaward or a modification of an existing one.

Campus research teams and related central offices use the SAGE Suite electronic research administration system to manage application proposals and related items.

    • SAGE: System to Administer Grants Electronically – is used by campus researchers and administrators
    • SAGE Central is used by both the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and Grants and Contract Accounting (GCA)

In addition, FIDS: Financial Interest Disclosure System is used by researchers designated as investigators; it integrates with SAGE.

The following set of tables gives a high-level overview of who uses each of the different components, and describes the possible actions and the why and/or when.

SAGE: System to Administer Grants Electronically

WHO: Campus research administrators, Principal Investigators, campus reviewers, compliance reviewers

Create SAGE Budgets Centralizes data gathering for salaries, benefits, and F&A rates. It can be connected to an application, which automatically populates the eGC1 budget data on the Budget & Fiscal Compliance page. Any changes to the budget will update in real time when the eGC1 Budget & Fiscal Compliance page is viewed.

In addition, if your eGC1 is a Grant Runner application using the RR Detailed Budget form, your budget data will appear in the form.

When creating an Award Setup Request, you will need to connect a budget.

Create applications (standard or Grant Runner) Required for all sponsored research. The standard eGC1 pages of the application are, in effect, an approvals routing cover letter for the proposal. Only the UW uses the eGC1; it does not go to the sponsor.

A Grant Runner application includes, in addition to the standard eGC1 pages, the sponsor forms for NIH. OSP submits the application “system-to-system.”

Approve routing applications The Principal Investigator, Multiple-PI, Application PI, academic reviewers (division, department, dean) and compliance reviewers (human subjects, animal use, EH&S, etc.) view and approve the application. At each approval, SAGE captures a PDF snapshot of the application and attaches it to the eGC1’s Approvals History & Comments page. Copies of the attachments are also captured.

Administrators and reviewers have the option to return the application to the research team for changes. They can also add other reviewers (as individuals or a group) to the approval flow as needed. These are referred to as “ad hoc” reviewers (approvers or watchers).

Request an advance budget number for awards Used when a research proposal is being awarded by the sponsor, but the actual award has not yet arrived. It requests GCA to set up a budget account in the financial system so the research team can start spending the anticipated award money. The preparer completes the request in SAGE, then GCA processes it in SAGE Central.
Create Award Setup Requests and Modification Requests for awarded eGC1 applications Used when a research proposal has been awarded and the award has been received. A “new” Award Setup Request (ASR) is created. For an ongoing award, a Modification Request might be created.

SAGE Central

WHO: Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), Grant & Contract Accounting (GCA)


Review and approve eGC1 applications OSP reviews the information on the eGC1, such as the sponsor proposal information and compliance questions, after all campus reviewers have approved.
Process Award Setup Requests Received from campus for reviews and approvals. Forwards to GCA for integration into Workday, with Award budget number.  As part of completing the Award Setup Request, the system sends a notification to the requesters.
Manage Actions Will manage existing items while transitioning to SAGE Central and Workday.
Process Advance Budget Number Requests Received from the research team, an advance allows the team to spend award money before the actual award arrives. GCA adds a budget number to the Advance and sets up that budget in the financial system. As part of completing the Advance, the system sends a notification to the requesters.

FIDS: Financial Interest Disclosure System

WHO: Any research personnel designated as an “Investigator” on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page of the eGC1.

Create a Financial Interest Disclosure for an eGC1


A disclosure for a CoMotion tech transfer agreement or IRB approval


Complete an Annual Update disclosure

Investigators are required to disclose any significant financial interests (SFI) such as salary, equity, sponsored travel, etc., that might, or might appear to, bias their research.

An investigator must complete a disclosure for each eGC1, whether or not there are SFI that apply, before the proposal can be marked as Ready-to-Submit = Yes.

The disclosures are reviewed by the SFI Reviewer, in the central Office of Research, who determines if there is a potential for a Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI).  The review occurs at the time of award (just-in-time).

Annual Updates: All investigators are required to review and update their SFI at least once a year. The “year” is calculated from the date of the last disclosure created in FIDS. Investigators are notified by email 45 days prior, and again at 15 days prior, to the end of that year’s time.

Full details on using FIDS  can be found in its User Guide.

Note: only a UW NetID is needed to access FIDS.

Use this section of your advance to review the Significant Financial Interest (SFI) and Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Training status of the investigators on the associated application. The table lists each investigator, their role, SFI disclosure submission status, and their FCOI training status. When any investigators are not up-to-date, an alert appears above the table.

SFI Disclosure Requirement

Each investigator must have completed an SFI disclosure in FIDS for the associated application whether or not they have any financial interests to disclose. If the investigator submitted that disclosure more than 12 months ago from the current date, and has not created another disclosure of any kind within the past 12 months, the investigator would need to submit an annual update disclosure.

An investigator’s disclosure status is either “Up-to-date” or “Disclosure Required” with a Notify link.  Select the Notify link to send a notification that either the primary disclosure or an annual update disclosure is needed. The system determines which disclosure is required and sends the corresponding notification. The advance preparer is copied on the notification. You can select the Notify link more than once. The date will refresh automatically. Review Advance Budget Request Email Notifications for details.

FCOI Training Requirement

If the application’s sponsor is one that requires UW review of SFI, the investigator’s FCOI training must also be “up-to-date.” The training expires after four years. If the investigator’s training is not current, their status is “Training Required” with a Notify link. Use the link to send a notification about the training requirement, with instructions. The advance preparer is copied on the notification.

The following image shows this section for a grant with one of the personnel needing to complete a disclosure or the training.

S F I and F C O I section with notify links

Below the table is a link to the parent application’s PI, Personnel, & Organizations page where you can update the list of investigators. If you make changes, the advance request will automatically update.

This page describes email notifications related to Advance Budget Requests.

The SAGE Suite Email Notifications article provides information about other system emails.

Routing and Approvals

SAGE sends a number of email notifications during the routing and approval process. The table below lists each notification type, the condition that generates the email, and the recipients. SAGE generally sends emails to the person’s UW NetID address.

Select the link in the Email column below to see an example of the email.

Email Purpose Sent When Sent To
Advance PI Approval Required To alert the PI that an Advance is waiting for approval PI Review node status updates to “In Progress” PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Delegation of PI Approval of Advance To alert the PI that an Advance is being submitted in their name and that the PI Approval is being delegated due to their absence or inability to approve PI Delegation is selected on “Submit & Route” page PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Advance Approval Required of Dept Reviewer To alert the Advance Reviewers that an Advance is waiting for approval Department Reviewer node status updates to “In Progress” Advance Reviewers
Advance Approval Required of Ad Hoc Reviewer To alert an Ad Hoc Approver that an Advance Budget Request is waiting for approval Ad Hoc Reviewer node status updates to “In Progress” Advance Reviewers
Advance Request Submitted for Renewal Award To notify Advance Reviewers that an Advance Budget Request has been submitted for a renewal award “Submit & Route” selected for an advance (type=renewal) Advance Reviewers
Advance Budget Extension Request Submitted To notify Advance Reviewers that an extension request for an advance has been submitted Select “Extend” for an advance on the My Advances page Advance Reviewers
Advance Request Returned by Reviewer or GCA To alert the Advance Preparer of the need to modify Advance data “Return Request” selected Advance Preparer(s)
PI Re-Approval Required for Re-Submitted Advance Request To notify the PI that the Advance Budget Request has been resubmitted and requires re-approval PI Review node status updates to “In Progress” PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Dept Reviewer Re-Approval Required for Re-Submitted Advance Request To notify Advance Reviewers that the Advance Budget Request has been resubmitted and requires re-approval Department Review node status updates to “In Progress” Advance Reviewers
Advance Budget Request Processed To notify the PI and Advance Preparer that an Advance Budget Request has been processed by GCA GCA completes the request PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Advance Budget Request with Sub-Budgets Processed To notify the sub-budget PI and Advance Preparer that an Advance Budget Request has been processed by GCA GCA completes the request Sub-budget PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Extension of Existing Advance Processed To notify the PI and Advance Preparer that an Advance Budget Number End Date has been extended GCA approves the extension PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Extension of Existing Sub-Budget Advance Processed To notify the sub-budget PI and Advance Preparer that an Advance Sub-Budget Number End Date has been extended GCA approves the extension Sub-budget PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Extension of Existing Advance Denied To notify the PI and Advance Preparer that an Advance Budget Number extension has been denied GCA denies the extension PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Extension of Existing Sub-Budget Advance Denied To notify the sub-budget PI and Advance Preparer that an Advance Budget Number extension has been denied GCA denies the extension Sub-budget PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)

Investigator SFI & FCOI

As part of the Advance Budget Request process, an Advance Preparer can notify any investigators who are not up-to-date on either their SFI disclosures or FCOI Training.

Select the link in the Email column below to see an example of its content.

Email Purpose Sent When Sent To
SFI Disclosure Required To notify an investigator they need to complete a primary disclosure for the eGC1 before the Advance Budget Request can be submitted “Notify” selected under SFI Disclosure Investigator, cc: Advance Preparer
SFI Annual Update Disclosure Required To notify an investigator they need to complete an annual update disclosure before the Advance Budget Request can be submitted “Notify” selected under SFI Disclosure—Sends the SFI Annual Update Disclosure notification if the last disclosure was more than 12 months from the current date Investigator, cc: Advance Preparer
FCOI Training Required To notify an investigator they must complete the required training before the Advance Budget Request can be submitted “Notify” selected under FCOI Training Investigator, cc: Advance Preparer

System Emails to SFI Compliance Officers

The system sends these emails automatically.

Select the link in the Email column below to see an example of its content.

Email Purpose Sent When
Advance Budget Number SFI Priority Review Request To notify the Compliance Officer to re-review the primary disclosure(s) with SFI for the Advance Budget Request’s associated eGC1 The Advance Preparer routes the Advance Budget Request AND at least one investigator’s primary disclosure has a status of “Waiting for JIT” or “Review Required” and has SFI
Advance Budget Request Management Plan in Place Notification To notify the Compliance Officer to re-review the primary or related disclosure(s) with management plans for the associated eGC1 of a renewal advance The Advance Preparer routes the renewal Advance Budget Request AND at least one investigator’s primary disclosure has a management plan indicated


NOTE: If you view an advance in a status of Composing, Withdrawn, or Returned in SAGE, you will see the Review & Submit version of this page. Otherwise, you will see the Request Summary, described below.  

Review & Submit

The Review & Submit page:

  • Displays a read-only summary of the information entered for each section, with a link to edit each section.
  • Allows you to delegate PI approval if needed, when in Composing status.
  • Allows you to Submit & Route your completed advance, when in Composing status.
  • Allow you to Resubmit & Route your advance, when in Withdrawn or Returned status.

While your advance is in Composing status, an alert will display at the top of the page to indicate any required data that is still missing. The following image shows an example of the alert message for incomplete sections.

advance review and submit validations

Delegation of PI Approval

The last section of the page is Delegation of PI Approval. This should only be used in special circumstances.

Review GIM 02 – Acceptance of Sponsored Program Awards and Fiscal Compliance on Sponsored Program Accounts (Budget Numbers).

Select the check box to delegate approval to the organization reviewer. The Approvals flow will
update to remove the PI approval node and to add the PI delegate chip to the Organization Reviewer node.

Note: this section does not appear for renewal advances, since the PI does not need to approve them.

The following image shows this section.

review and submit pi delegation option

The Submit & Route button at the bottom of the page is enabled once you have entered all required data, as shown below.

submit and route button

Selecting Submit & Route will start the routing and approval process for an advance in Composing status, and change its status to Routing. The system will re-validate all required fields, and check that the associated application does not have a child Funding Action (FA) with a status of In GCA or Re-sent by OSP. If there is an FA, you will see an alert stating that the advance cannot be submitted.

After submitting, the left navigation menu will display the Request Summary, rather than the individual advance sections.

Request Summary

This page displays for advances in a status of Routing, In GCA, or Processed.

The menu on the left will have a link for the Request Summary in place of the individual sections, as shown in the following image.

advance request summary left menu

The page displays the details for each of the advance sections as view-only for review.

The Cost Sharing and Non-Fiscal Compliance sections of a new Advance request will display an “Updated” indicator to identify when the responses in the Advance have been altered from what was listed on the related eGC1. The following image shows an example of this indicator on a Non-Fiscal Compliance section.

example of updated indicator on non-fiscal compliance section

Withdrawing and Resubmitting an Advance

While your advance is in Routing status, you can withdraw it to make updates if you have edit access, and are not also an approver.  A Withdraw Request button will display at the bottom of the Request Summary page, as shown in the following image.

advance withdraw request button

Selecting this button will move your advance to Withdrawn status and make it editable. It will also add an entry to the Comments & History section.

The approval flow will reflect the change in status. A node will indicate who withdrew the request with the date and will be labeled either Advance Preparer or Advance Editor, if you have a general collaborator “can edit” access role.

The final node will display Withdrawn, and any unapproved nodes will be marked as canceled. The following image shows an example of the approval flow for a withdrawn advance.

approval flow for a withdrawn advance

Once you have completed your changes, use the Resubmit & Route button on the Review & Submit page to move it back to Routing status. The following image shows this button.

advance resubmit and route button

Your advance will return to routing status.

Resubmitting a Returned Advance

When you select the Resubmit & Route Request button for an advance in Returned status, a dialog will display.  Once you have entered your comments, the Resubmit & Route button will become active. The dialog, with a comment and active button, is shown in the following image.

advance resubmit and route request dialog

Approving an Advance

If you are an approver for the advance, you can return or approve the request, using the buttons at the bottom of the Request Summary page. For details on approving an advance, review Approving Advances.

The System to Administer Grants Electronically (SAGE) is the tool that researchers and grant administrators use to prepare proposals for approval and submission to the funding agency. At the UW, the appropriate campus units, compliance offices, and the Office of Sponsored Programs must review and approve all grant and contract proposals.

The Approvals component of SAGE manages the electronic routing of the proposal for approval. It is also used to manage the approvals for Advance Budget Requests and Award Requests for funded proposals.

This guide describes the functionality of the Approvals component for: