Advance Budget Request Email Notifications

This page describes email notifications related to Advance Budget Requests.

The SAGE Suite Email Notifications article provides information about other system emails.

Routing and Approvals

SAGE sends a number of email notifications during the routing and approval process. The table below lists each notification type, the condition that generates the email, and the recipients. SAGE generally sends emails to the person’s UW NetID address.

Select the link in the Email column below to see an example of the email.

Email Purpose Sent When Sent To
Advance PI Approval Required To alert the PI that an Advance is waiting for approval PI Review node status updates to “In Progress” PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Delegation of PI Approval of Advance To alert the PI that an Advance is being submitted in their name and that the PI Approval is being delegated due to their absence or inability to approve PI Delegation is selected on “Submit & Route” page PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Advance Approval Required of Dept Reviewer To alert the Advance Reviewers that an Advance is waiting for approval Department Reviewer node status updates to “In Progress” Advance Reviewers
Advance Approval Required of Ad Hoc Reviewer To alert an Ad Hoc Approver that an Advance Budget Request is waiting for approval Ad Hoc Reviewer node status updates to “In Progress” Advance Reviewers
Advance Request Submitted for Renewal Award To notify Advance Reviewers that an Advance Budget Request has been submitted for a renewal award “Submit & Route” selected for an advance (type=renewal) Advance Reviewers
Advance Budget Extension Request Submitted To notify Advance Reviewers that an extension request for an advance has been submitted Select “Extend” for an advance on the My Advances page Advance Reviewers
Advance Request Returned by Reviewer or GCA To alert the Advance Preparer of the need to modify Advance data “Return Request” selected Advance Preparer(s)
PI Re-Approval Required for Re-Submitted Advance Request To notify the PI that the Advance Budget Request has been resubmitted and requires re-approval PI Review node status updates to “In Progress” PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Dept Reviewer Re-Approval Required for Re-Submitted Advance Request To notify Advance Reviewers that the Advance Budget Request has been resubmitted and requires re-approval Department Review node status updates to “In Progress” Advance Reviewers
Advance Budget Request Processed To notify the PI and Advance Preparer that an Advance Budget Request has been processed by GCA GCA completes the request PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Advance Budget Request with Sub-Budgets Processed To notify the sub-budget PI and Advance Preparer that an Advance Budget Request has been processed by GCA GCA completes the request Sub-budget PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Extension of Existing Advance Processed To notify the PI and Advance Preparer that an Advance Budget Number End Date has been extended GCA approves the extension PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Extension of Existing Sub-Budget Advance Processed To notify the sub-budget PI and Advance Preparer that an Advance Sub-Budget Number End Date has been extended GCA approves the extension Sub-budget PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Extension of Existing Advance Denied To notify the PI and Advance Preparer that an Advance Budget Number extension has been denied GCA denies the extension PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)
Extension of Existing Sub-Budget Advance Denied To notify the sub-budget PI and Advance Preparer that an Advance Budget Number extension has been denied GCA denies the extension Sub-budget PI, cc: Advance Preparer(s)

Investigator SFI & FCOI

As part of the Advance Budget Request process, an Advance Preparer can notify any investigators who are not up-to-date on either their SFI disclosures or FCOI Training.

Select the link in the Email column below to see an example of its content.

Email Purpose Sent When Sent To
SFI Disclosure Required To notify an investigator they need to complete a primary disclosure for the eGC1 before the Advance Budget Request can be submitted “Notify” selected under SFI Disclosure Investigator, cc: Advance Preparer
SFI Annual Update Disclosure Required To notify an investigator they need to complete an annual update disclosure before the Advance Budget Request can be submitted “Notify” selected under SFI Disclosure—Sends the SFI Annual Update Disclosure notification if the last disclosure was more than 12 months from the current date Investigator, cc: Advance Preparer
FCOI Training Required To notify an investigator they must complete the required training before the Advance Budget Request can be submitted “Notify” selected under FCOI Training Investigator, cc: Advance Preparer

System Emails to SFI Compliance Officers

The system sends these emails automatically.

Select the link in the Email column below to see an example of its content.

Email Purpose Sent When
Advance Budget Number SFI Priority Review Request To notify the Compliance Officer to re-review the primary disclosure(s) with SFI for the Advance Budget Request’s associated eGC1 The Advance Preparer routes the Advance Budget Request AND at least one investigator’s primary disclosure has a status of “Waiting for JIT” or “Review Required” and has SFI
Advance Budget Request Management Plan in Place Notification To notify the Compliance Officer to re-review the primary or related disclosure(s) with management plans for the associated eGC1 of a renewal advance The Advance Preparer routes the renewal Advance Budget Request AND at least one investigator’s primary disclosure has a management plan indicated