Advance Review & Submit, Request Summary

NOTE: If you view an advance in a status of Composing, Withdrawn, or Returned in SAGE, you will see the Review & Submit version of this page. Otherwise, you will see the Request Summary, described below.  

Review & Submit

The Review & Submit page:

  • Displays a read-only summary of the information entered for each section, with a link to edit each section.
  • Allows you to delegate PI approval if needed, when in Composing status.
  • Allows you to Submit & Route your completed advance, when in Composing status.
  • Allow you to Resubmit & Route your advance, when in Withdrawn or Returned status.

While your advance is in Composing status, an alert will display at the top of the page to indicate any required data that is still missing. The following image shows an example of the alert message for incomplete sections.

advance review and submit validations

Delegation of PI Approval

The last section of the page is Delegation of PI Approval. This should only be used in special circumstances.

Review GIM 02 – Acceptance of Sponsored Program Awards and Fiscal Compliance on Sponsored Program Accounts (Budget Numbers).

Select the check box to delegate approval to the organization reviewer. The Approvals flow will
update to remove the PI approval node and to add the PI delegate chip to the Organization Reviewer node.

Note: this section does not appear for renewal advances, since the PI does not need to approve them.

The following image shows this section.

review and submit pi delegation option

The Submit & Route button at the bottom of the page is enabled once you have entered all required data, as shown below.

submit and route button

Selecting Submit & Route will start the routing and approval process for an advance in Composing status, and change its status to Routing. The system will re-validate all required fields, and check that the associated application does not have a child Funding Action (FA) with a status of In GCA or Re-sent by OSP. If there is an FA, you will see an alert stating that the advance cannot be submitted.

After submitting, the left navigation menu will display the Request Summary, rather than the individual advance sections.

Request Summary

This page displays for advances in a status of Routing, In GCA, or Processed.

The menu on the left will have a link for the Request Summary in place of the individual sections, as shown in the following image.

advance request summary left menu

The page displays the details for each of the advance sections as view-only for review.

The Cost Sharing and Non-Fiscal Compliance sections of a new Advance request will display an “Updated” indicator to identify when the responses in the Advance have been altered from what was listed on the related eGC1. The following image shows an example of this indicator on a Non-Fiscal Compliance section.

example of updated indicator on non-fiscal compliance section

Withdrawing and Resubmitting an Advance

While your advance is in Routing status, you can withdraw it to make updates if you have edit access, and are not also an approver.  A Withdraw Request button will display at the bottom of the Request Summary page, as shown in the following image.

advance withdraw request button

Selecting this button will move your advance to Withdrawn status and make it editable. It will also add an entry to the Comments & History section.

The approval flow will reflect the change in status. A node will indicate who withdrew the request with the date and will be labeled either Advance Preparer or Advance Editor, if you have a general collaborator “can edit” access role.

The final node will display Withdrawn, and any unapproved nodes will be marked as canceled. The following image shows an example of the approval flow for a withdrawn advance.

approval flow for a withdrawn advance

Once you have completed your changes, use the Resubmit & Route button on the Review & Submit page to move it back to Routing status. The following image shows this button.

advance resubmit and route button

Your advance will return to routing status.

Resubmitting a Returned Advance

When you select the Resubmit & Route Request button for an advance in Returned status, a dialog will display.  Once you have entered your comments, the Resubmit & Route button will become active. The dialog, with a comment and active button, is shown in the following image.

advance resubmit and route request dialog

Approving an Advance

If you are an approver for the advance, you can return or approve the request, using the buttons at the bottom of the Request Summary page. For details on approving an advance, review Approving Advances.