Tag Archives: Subaward

April 11, 2024 SAGE Suite Release Notes

SAGE eGC1 Update

  • Principal Investigator (PI) Escalation Process Remediated: When PI Escalation is selected on an eGC1 Certify & Route page, the reviewer for the Cost Center Receiving Funding is now able to approve the eGC1 on the PI’s behalf in their absence.

SAGE Budget Updates & Fixes

  • Budget Navigation & Snapshot Help Text Updates: Within SAGE Budget, the left navigation menu text of an open budget has been updated from “History” to “Snapshots & History.” Once selected, additional help text clarifies the use of snapshots for Award Modifications.
  • Improved Performance on Complex Budgets: Technical improvements have been made to decrease the time it takes to load and save large, complex SAGE budgets, improving SAGE stability by reducing timeouts experienced by users.
  • Fix: Worksheet Custom F&A Saving Issues: An issue has been resolved where users were at times experiencing long wait times when saving custom F&A settings.

SAGE Awards Updates & Fixes

  • Character Limit for Return Comments Increased: When reviewers return Award Setup Requests (ASRs) or Modification Requests (MODs) to campus users, reviewers now may enter up to 1,000 characters when adding comments for return reasons.
  • Fix: Missing Workday Awards Synced to SAGE: The Workday award numbers now display for all processed award requests (Advance, Award Setup, and Modification Requests).Note: This fix was implemented as a patch on 3/27/2024 to address missing award ID reports.
  • Fix: Award PI Not Displaying on the Request List: When a PI is changed on an award, users now see the current Workday Award PI on the request list, instead of the PI at the time of the request.
  • Fix: Changing the Award Preparer Blocks ASR Resubmissions: Changing the Award Preparer while an ASR is in process no longer causes errors when attempting to resubmit returned ASRs.
  • Fix: Ad hoc Award Reviewer Events and Comments Not Saving: Ad hoc approver actions (approvals or returns) now log as event records in the Comments & History section, and reviewer comments are now saved as expected.Note: An update is still required to implement sending an email notification to the Award Preparer when an Ad Hoc Approver returns an item.

SAGE Subawards Update

  • Subaward Performance Improvements: Performance improvements have been implemented to decrease the processing time required to open and submit subawards.

SAGE Central Updates

  • Funding Entity Name Default in Admin Actions: When an Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) user creates a new admin action that is linked to an eGC1, the current sponsor name from FECDM will default, instead of the original SAGE sponsor name from the eGC1.

Award Email Notifications

  • Award Notifications Updated: Notification formats for ADVs, ASRs, and MODs have been updated to provide clarity on when action is needed and by whom.

Miscellaneous Maintenance

  • SAGE No Longer Sends $0 Rows to Workday Plans: The SAGE integration to Workday has been updated so that rows with $0 amounts will not be integrated into Award Plans. This was occurring at times when PIs were added to SAGE budgets with no costs, or when line items existed with no costs in the current period.
  • Error Handling Updated for Dependent Services: To improve SAGE stabilization, improvements have been made to error handling when external services that SAGE depends on are unavailable. This will reduce load on the servers when issues arise that prevent SAGE from retrieving data from those systems and services.
  • Required Security Updates: To keep SAGE up-to-date with security needs, the technology used for development of SAGE user interfaces (Node, Angular, Nx) has been updated to the most recent versions.

You can create a modification for an existing subaward with a status of Active, Expired, or Closed Out, if it has no other modification in process.

In the Request in Process section of the Overview page, select Create Modification Request to display the modification request form.

subawards request in process section with create modification button

Modification Details

This section displays the Workday Award ID and the associated eGC1.

new modification details section

Modification Type(s)

You must select at least one type of modification, and fill in the corresponding information. The Subaward Start and End Dates, Subaward Total Amount and the Request Start Date fields display for reference.

Modification Type Request Description Additional Data Required
Extension For a new Subaward End Date which extends the current project period; once you select Extension, Early Termination is no longer selectable Request End Date
Early Termination For a new Subaward End Date which shortens the project period; once you select Early Termination, Extension is no longer selectable Request End Date
Funding Change For a decrease (Deobligation) or increase (Supplement) to the subaward’s funding.

Enter a negative Funding Change Amount for a Deobligation.

Funding Change Type of De-obligation or Supplement and a Funding Change Amount
Scope Change For a change in the Scope of Work An attachment that includes background information and/or objectives and work to be performed
Other Modification For other changes Special Terms or Instructions for OSP.
Note: characters such as < or > will cause errors.

The following image shows a modification for an extension and a supplement funding change.

modification types section for extension and funding change


  • SAGE will not allow you to submit a modification for both an Extension and an Early Termination.
  • The Request Start Date field is not editable.
  • If you just need to change the PO number for your subaward, email ospsubs@uw.edu to request the change.


If your modification includes a Scope Change, you must upload an attachment. Include any other appropriate attachments. OSP requires specific documents for modifications. Review the Setup page for Subawards for a description of the required documents.

Save or Submit

At the bottom of the page you can select either Save Draft and Close or Submit.

If you have not completed filling in all the required information, select Save Draft and Close to save and return to the Subaward Overview page. You can also save by selecting the SC number in the breadcrumb at the top of the page.

Selecting Submit will validate that you have completed all of the required fields. If not, the modification request page will re-display with validation messages for missing information.

Note: If your subaward is older and therefore missing contact information, when you select Submit, you will see a validation message. The Contacts section will display as part of the Modification page so that you can add the required data.

If all required information has been entered, the submission will complete and the Subaward Overview page will display a confirmation of the submission.

Note: If your modification is in Withdrawn or Returned status, the button’s label is Resubmit.

This page displays subawards on which you are:

  • Subaward Preparer
  • Financial Contact
  • UW Principal Investigator
  • Assigned Read/Write access

The list displays the subawards from newest to oldest.

You can filter the list based on the status of the overall subaward or the latest subaward request.

You can also search for and view a subaward if:

  • You have assigned Read Only access to the subaward
  • You are an owner (PI, contact, preparer) of the associated Funding Action’s parent eGC1
  • You have assigned read-write or read-only access to that parent eGC1

The fields displayed for each subaward listed are:

Field Description
Subaward Number System-assigned unique number; select to open the subaward
Subrecipient Name Institution receiving the outgoing subaward
Last Request Status Current status of the most recently created request. An arrow icon  arrow icon  appears if the request is in Withdrawn or Returned status.
Subaward Status Current status for the subaward
Subaward Start Date Starting date for the subaward
Subaward End Date Calculated end date of the overall subaward based on all requests in Active or Expired status
Total Subaward Amount Calculated amount of the overall subaward based on all requests in Active or Expired status
UW PI UW Principal Investigator’s Name
Latest PO Number The most recent purchase order number for this subaward request
FA Cost Center ID Organization associated with the award (Funding Action)
Award Number Workday Award Number (AWD-nnnnnn)
eGC1 Number Application associated with the subaward
eGC1 Short Title Associated application’s short title

Filter the list

Use the filter check boxes to limit the list to subawards with the selected statuses. Your list will include any subaward whose latest subaward request status or subaward status matches the selected ones.

my subawards page filters

The first set of check boxes are for the status of the latest request. By default, the system selects all of these check boxes.

The second set is for the subaward’s status. By default, the system selects just Active and Expired.

You can use the Select All and De-Select All links for each status set to easily adjust your list. Review the Subaward and Subaward Request Statuses article for status definitions.

Use Search to quickly find a subaward. Enter a search term in the text box, use the drop-down menu to include All Subawards or just My Subawards, and then click Search.

You must enter at least one character to search.

my subawards search box

The results will include any subaward with a value that matches your search term for these columns:

  • Subaward Number
  • Subrecipient Name
  • Subaward Start and End Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
  • Total Subaward Amount (matches exact amount)
  • UW PI
  • PO Number (only the most recent value is searched)
  • FA Cost Center ID<
  • eGC1 Number
  • eGC1 Short Title

For example, if you search for “555” your results would include Subawards with a Subaward Number of SC555 or SC12555, or an FA Cost Center ID or eGC1 Number that included the value.

The Subaward Number is a clickable link depending on your permissions to access that subaward.

Note: the status check boxes selected also affect the search results.

Select the Clear Search link to refresh the tasklist and display only your subawards.

Create New Subaward

Select the Create New Subaward button, on the upper right of the page, to start the process of creating a new subaward.

You can create a new Subaward Request if you have the Subaward Preparer ASTRA role for SAGE. Review the Subaward Access and Permissions  article for details.

To create a new request, enter SAGE and select the Subawards tab. On the upper right of the page, select the Create New Subaward button. A New Subaward Request details page will display.

You can save your initial draft at any time. There are no fields required to do a save. When you save it for the first time, the system will assign your request a unique number.

To save your draft, you can either use the Save Draft and Close button at the bottom of the page or select “Back to My Subawards” in the breadcrumb.

Note: You can delete a request that is in Composing status. This removes it entirely from SAGE. Use the trash can icon on the upper-right of the page to delete your subaward.

You can also display the Manage Access Page by selecting the Manage Access button on the upper right of the page. Manage Access allows you to grant read-only or read/write access to your subaward.

To submit your new request to OSP, you will need to complete a number of required fields. Some fields will not be editable until you have selected your eGC1. The system will pre-populated other fields from the eGC1.

The following sections describe these steps.

Award Selection

Use the Look Up award button to select the appropriate Workday Award ID for your subaward request. An Award is required to submit your request.

The following image shows this button:

look up award id button

To choose the award, enter the Workday Award ID in the search box (for example: AWD-123456).

Note: You can only search by the Workday Award ID.

The following image shows the search results:

Create new subaward Workday search results

Select the Workday Award ID to choose it.

Once you select an Award, its Award Number will display in the Subaward Request Details section. The eGC1, Project Title and Project Short Title fields will populate from the associated application’s Full Application Title and Short Title. These values are not editable. If you change the selected award, these field values will automatically update.

Change award when creating a new subaward request

The UW PI Name, UW PI Email, and UW PI Phone fields in the Subaward Contacts section will also populate from the selected eGC1. These fields are editable while the request is in Composing status.

The Subaward Preparer’s contact information will populate as well.

Subrecipient Selection

Use the Look Up Subrecipient button to search for and select the subrecipient. You can search by any part of the subrecipient’s name or its type (for example: foundation, private industry, non-profit). the following image shows the subrecipient search dialog.

choose subrecipient dialog

Click on a Subrecipient Name to select it. The following image shows a partial list of search results.

example of subrecipients results list

Note:  the results list displays the first 25 subrecipients. If you do not see yours, refine your search.

You must select a valid subrecipient prior to submitting your subaward request to OSP.

If you cannot find the subrecipient you’re looking for, send an email request to ospsubs@uw.edu with the subject line “New Subrecipient.” If the subrecipient is not found in SAGE, it is likely a brand new subrecipient entity.

This process will include obtaining a Subrecipient Entity Certification Form from the subrecipient, along with other documentation. This is a separate process from the Workday supplier/subrecipient process.

When you’ve selected your subrecipient, you will see a link for changing the subrecipient.
If the selected subrecipient requires re-certification, you will see a note indicating that, as seen in the image below:

Subward recipient needs re-certification

Funding Action (FA) Data

Note: This is no longer an active field and information only displays for awards prior to UW Finance Transformation in July 2023.

Related Funding Action information will display for a subaward modification.

The following image shows the Funding Action section in Subawards:

Subawards Funding Action Request fields

Additional Fields

The remaining fields are described in the following table.

Field Description
Request Amount This amount must be greater than zero, but not greater than the Funding Action amount.

If the subaward is planned for multiple years, enter the anticipated multi-year total funding and period of performance.

Required for submission.

Do you anticipate a multi-year subaward? If Yes, two additional fields will display:

  • Estimated Project End Date
  • Estimated Project Amount

Required for submission.

If allowed by the prime award, is automatic carry forward authorized by the PI? Select Yes, No, or Not Applicable/Not Allowed.

Required for submission.

Purchase Order Number PO entered by OSP. No campus action required.

Required for issuance.

Special Terms or Instructions for OSP Enter any additional information.

Include the Workday GR# and ASR#.


The following image shows this part of the subaward request.

Subawards Additional Fields


You must include an attachment to submit your request. Review the attachments article for how to upload your document. OSP requires specific documents for new requests. The Setup page for Subawards article describes the required documents.

Subaward Contacts

The contacts article covers how to manage the subaward contacts.

Save or Submit

At the bottom of the page you can select either Save Draft and Close or Submit.

If you have not yet completed filling in all of the required information, select Save Draft and Close to save all of your data and return to the My Subawards page.

Selecting Submit validates whether you have completed all required fields. If not, the page will display any validation messages about missing information.

If all required information is there, the submission will complete and the Subaward Overview page will display, with a confirmation of the submission and status change.

When you open a subaward in any status other than Composing, you will see the Subaward Overview page.

At the top right of the page are buttons that will display the Manage Access Page and the View Attachments Page.

The overview page includes the following sections:

Subaward Summary

This section displays general information about the subaward.

The following image shows an example of this section.

overview subaward summary section

Field Description
Project Title Populated from the full title of the application associated with the initial subaward request.
Project Short Title Populated from the short title of the application associated with the initial subaward request.
Subrecipient The institution receiving the subaward.

Note: If the subrecipient’s certification status is expired and needs re-certification, a prompt will display beneath the subrecipient name, as shown in the image above

It reads: “Subrecipient needs re-certification Re-certify Subrecipient

If you would like to help facilitate that process:

  • Click the link to the Subrecipient Certification PDF form
  • Have the subrecipient complete the form
  • Upload the signed form as an attachment in your Subaward Request

The form is not required prior to submission of the subaward request. This status prompt and link will also display in the Subaward Overview Summary section.

Subaward Status The current status of the subaward.
Subaward Start and End Dates Populated from the Funding Action associated with the initial (New) subaward request. The Start Date for any modification requests will populated from that of the subaward. The End Date will adjust based on any modification requests that reach Active or Expired status.
Total Subaward Amount Calculated field which includes any supplemental funding or de-obligation in modification requests that have reached Active or Expired status
Automatic carry forward authorization by PI? Yes, No, or Not Applicable, as indicated when the subaward was created

Subaward Contacts

Review the Subaward Contacts article for details on managing the contacts information.

Request in Process

When a subaward request has a status of Composing, In OSP, OSP Assigned, Issued, Withdrawn or Returned, it will display in this section.

Note: Only one request can be in process at a time.

The following image shows this section.

subawards request in process section

Summary information displays for the request.

Field Description
Request Type “Initial” for a new subaward; one or more types for a modification
Modification Number OSP enters this value. It confirms the sequence of changes to the subaward agreement.
Current Status Status of the request
Request End Date End Date for the request
Request Amount Amount for the request
PO Number PO Number for the request
OSP Assigned to Upon submission, the system assigns a request to Subaward Intake. OSP will then assign it to the individual who will review it, generally when it moves to OSP Assigned status.
Latest Update The latest status change event for this request. It shows who made the change and when, and includes a description and any related comments.

You can select the request number or the Open link to see the request details page.

From this section, you can also Withdraw a request in In OSP status, or cancel a request that is in In OSP, OSP Assigned, or Issued status.

If there is no request in process, a Create Modification Request button will appear. Select it to create a new modification.

subawards request in process section with create modification button

Processed Requests

This section lists all of the requests associated with this subaward, with the most recent listed first. The following image shows an example of this section.

subawards processed requests section

Field Description
Subaward Request Number The subaward request’s system-generated unique number
Modification Number OSP enters this value. It confirms the sequence of changes to the subaward agreement.
Request Type Initial for a New request or one or more of the following types for Modifications:

  • Extension
  • Early Termination
  • Supplement
  • De-obligation
  • Scope Change
  • Other Modification

Note that a modification cannot be both an Extension and an Early Termination.

Request End Date The End Date for the subaward request
Request Amount The amount of the subaward request
Request Status The current status of the subaward request
PO Number PO Number for the request
OSP Assigned To The person within OSP who will be reviewing this request.

Select the Subaward Request Number to see a read-only view of the request details.

All Event History & Comments

Review the Event History & Comments article for details on viewing and filtering the change event information.

November 9, 2023 SAGE Suite Release Notes



Award Lookup Now Used for Subaward Setup

Subaward requests can now be submitted using SAGE. With the transition to Workday, subawards are now associated with Awards, rather than Funding Actions (FAs). To set up a new subaward, users will search and select their award, and the eGC1 data will default based on the award selected.

subaward request award lookup buttonsubaward request award lookup resultssubaward request award details

Funding Action (FA) Validation and Lookup Removed

Since subawards are now associated with awards, the subaward FA lookup is no longer active or needed, and the validation has been removed. For legacy subawards, the FA fields will continue to display for reference.
subaward request details with F A data

Holds on Award Setup (ASR) and Modification (MOD) Requests

OSP and GCA Can Apply Holds to ASRs and MODs

OSP and GCA can now set and remove holds on ASR and MOD Requests. A new Holds section is available in the left navigation. After saving holds, an entry will display in the Comments & History section of the ASR/MOD.
A S R and MOD holds section

History of Holds Added to Comments & History Section

Campus, OSP, and GCA can view the history of holds activity on the Comments and History section of the ASR or MOD request.
holds data in comments and history section

Holds Banner Displays on ASR and MOD Requests

When holds are applied to an ASR or MOD request, users will now see a banner at the top of the request, alerting them to the hold. The campus banner will be informational only, and highlighted in blue. The OSP and GCA banner will be red, and indicate any action that may be needed before moving the item forward in the workflow.

Campus banner
SAGE holds banner

OSP & GCA banner
SAGE Central holds banner

Required Fields on Award and Budget Setup

Required Fields on SAGE Budget Worksheets

The SAGE Budget worksheet settings have been updated to show an asterisk next to fields that are required for ASR and MOD requests. These fields support the Workday award data needs.
sage budget worksheet settings required fields

In the SAGE Budget Salary and Benefit Costs section, additional help text has been added to remind campus that a person must be entered with the Principal Investigator role to provide the necessary grant PI data to Workday for award setup.
additional heop text for principal investigator requirement

Required Fields on Award Setup Requests

Required fields on the Award Setup Request now display an asterisk next to the field label. When the user clicks in a required field and navigates away, additional red highlighting will draw their attention back to the fields required.
award setup request required fields example

Miscellaneous Maintenance

eGC1 Status Updated to “Awarded” When Awards Are Processed

When awards are set up in Workday and the award setup request is marked as “Processed” in SAGE, the associated eGC1 status will now change from “Approved” to “Awarded.”

OSP Ability to Change the Linked eGC1 on Award Setup Requests

When OSP initiates an ASR and while it is in “OSP Setup” status, OSP can now change the linked eGC1 if an error has been made, prior to sending the ASR to campus. OSP will need to refresh the “Access & Roles” section after changing the eGC1 to see updated eGC1 data.

Modification Start and End Dates Display for Schedule Changes

On Modification Requests, when users select the Schedule Changes category, the “Current Authorized Spending Start Date” and “Current Authorized Spending End Date” fields will be visible and enabled for users to enter the dates. Existing MOD requests already processed with the Schedule Changes category will display the date fields without any dates populated.

Removal of Deny Reason for Requests

An issue was preventing the deny reason on requests from saving properly. Until a full fix can be completed, in the interim, the deny reason field has been removed and OSP or GCA will now enter the reason as a comment instead. The denial reason field will be added back into a future release.

Advance Extension Requests No Longer Show Former Budget Numbers

The former budget numbers no longer display for users on new Advance Extension Requests.

Award Request List Default Set to 25 Rows for OSP and GCA

In order to improve performance and reduce load on systems, the defulat setting of the Award Request List for OSP and GCA will initially show 25 rows instead of 50 rows. Users can still set it to up to 50 rows if needed, for now, but with dome deteriorated performance expected.

Fix: Truncated Comments on Requests with URLs

ASR and MOD request comments with URLs in them now show proper alignment without truncation.

Fix: SAGE Budget Personnel Side Panel Freezes

The SAGE Budget TBD personnel entry has been updated to prevent side panel freezing when users clicked out of fields quickly, prior to SAGE saving the data.

Update: Missing PI Validation Message on Award Setup Requests

The language used on the Award Setup Request Review and Submit page when the SAGE Budget worksheet PI is missing has been updated to direct users back to SAGE Budget to add a worksheet PI.

Fix: Cannot download previous version of attachments on Requests

Users can now select the current or prior version of attachments on ASRs, MOD, and Advance requests.

Fix: Animal Use Protocols Not Always Saving Country Data

An issue with the saving of “Country” data when a new institution was added to Animal Use protocols on the eGC1 has been fixed.

Temporary Change: Advance Tasklist “Processed” Filter Deactivated

Due to performance issues, we have temporarily deactivated the “Processed” status filter on the SAGE Advance Tasklist. While we work on improvements, this temporary solution will protect system performance and mitigate risk. In the meantime, if campus users need to locate a processed advance, they should use Advanced Search and search by either the Advance number or the eGC1 number to find an item.

Please note that SAGE Central filters will not change, but we recommend avoiding filtering for all “Processed” advances until we patch the issue next week.

User Interface Design Component Updates

A required Angular Material version upgrade has been completed, which has slight impacts to the SAGE user interface. The design changes of note include the following:

SAGE Budget, Advances, and Awards Sections: Excess table spacing has been reduced, small font sizes have been increased, and all capital letters on buttons and table headers have been removed to improve readability and accessibility.

SAGE Budget Icons: Subaward and Fabrication worksheet icons have been updated in the left navigation and the Budget Summary section within the Other Costs table. The More Actions menu (three dots) has been replaced with a Delete Worksheet button for Internal, Subaward, and Fabrication worksheets in the left navigation.

user interface design components example

Campus research teams and related central offices use the SAGE Suite electronic research administration system to manage application proposals and related items.

    • SAGE: System to Administer Grants Electronically – is used by campus researchers and administrators
    • SAGE Central is used by both the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and Grants and Contract Accounting (GCA)

In addition, FIDS: Financial Interest Disclosure System is used by researchers designated as investigators; it integrates with SAGE.

The following set of tables gives a high-level overview of who uses each of the different components, and describes the possible actions and the why and/or when.

SAGE: System to Administer Grants Electronically

WHO: Campus research administrators, Principal Investigators, campus reviewers, compliance reviewers

Create SAGE Budgets Centralizes data gathering for salaries, benefits, and F&A rates. It can be connected to an application, which automatically populates the eGC1 budget data on the Budget & Fiscal Compliance page. Any changes to the budget will update in real time when the eGC1 Budget & Fiscal Compliance page is viewed.

In addition, if your eGC1 is a Grant Runner application using the RR Detailed Budget form, your budget data will appear in the form.

When creating an Award Setup Request, you will need to connect a budget.

Create applications (standard or Grant Runner) Required for all sponsored research. The standard eGC1 pages of the application are, in effect, an approvals routing cover letter for the proposal. Only the UW uses the eGC1; it does not go to the sponsor.

A Grant Runner application includes, in addition to the standard eGC1 pages, the sponsor forms for NIH. OSP submits the application “system-to-system.”

Approve routing applications The Principal Investigator, Multiple-PI, Application PI, academic reviewers (division, department, dean) and compliance reviewers (human subjects, animal use, EH&S, etc.) view and approve the application. At each approval, SAGE captures a PDF snapshot of the application and attaches it to the eGC1’s Approvals History & Comments page. Copies of the attachments are also captured.

Administrators and reviewers have the option to return the application to the research team for changes. They can also add other reviewers (as individuals or a group) to the approval flow as needed. These are referred to as “ad hoc” reviewers (approvers or watchers).

Request an advance budget number for awards Used when a research proposal is being awarded by the sponsor, but the actual award has not yet arrived. It requests GCA to set up a budget account in the financial system so the research team can start spending the anticipated award money. The preparer completes the request in SAGE, then GCA processes it in SAGE Central.
Create Award Setup Requests and Modification Requests for awarded eGC1 applications Used when a research proposal has been awarded and the award has been received. A “new” Award Setup Request (ASR) is created. For an ongoing award, a Modification Request might be created.

SAGE Central

WHO: Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), Grant & Contract Accounting (GCA)


Review and approve eGC1 applications OSP reviews the information on the eGC1, such as the sponsor proposal information and compliance questions, after all campus reviewers have approved.
Process Award Setup Requests Received from campus for reviews and approvals. Forwards to GCA for integration into Workday, with Award budget number.  As part of completing the Award Setup Request, the system sends a notification to the requesters.
Manage Actions Will manage existing items while transitioning to SAGE Central and Workday.
Process Advance Budget Number Requests Received from the research team, an advance allows the team to spend award money before the actual award arrives. GCA adds a budget number to the Advance and sets up that budget in the financial system. As part of completing the Advance, the system sends a notification to the requesters.

FIDS: Financial Interest Disclosure System

WHO: Any research personnel designated as an “Investigator” on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page of the eGC1.

Create a Financial Interest Disclosure for an eGC1


A disclosure for a CoMotion tech transfer agreement or IRB approval


Complete an Annual Update disclosure

Investigators are required to disclose any significant financial interests (SFI) such as salary, equity, sponsored travel, etc., that might, or might appear to, bias their research.

An investigator must complete a disclosure for each eGC1, whether or not there are SFI that apply, before the proposal can be marked as Ready-to-Submit = Yes.

The disclosures are reviewed by the SFI Reviewer, in the central Office of Research, who determines if there is a potential for a Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI).  The review occurs at the time of award (just-in-time).

Annual Updates: All investigators are required to review and update their SFI at least once a year. The “year” is calculated from the date of the last disclosure created in FIDS. Investigators are notified by email 45 days prior, and again at 15 days prior, to the end of that year’s time.

Full details on using FIDS  can be found in its User Guide.

Note: only a UW NetID is needed to access FIDS.

January 2022 Legacy SAGE Budget Retirement

Legacy SAGE Budget Retirement

Thanks to valuable user feedback, the Office of Research Information Services (ORIS) launched a redesigned SAGE Budget tool in 2020 with a more streamlined, efficient, and intuitive look and feel. This new design also lays a foundation for upcoming integrations between SAGE and Workday.

Over the last year, we’ve collected your feedback and have added several features to ensure the current SAGE Budget format meets all of your core needs (e.g. APL and Fixed Fee). We are now ready to retire the legacy format, which allows us to focus our continued enhancements in the new format only. This is especially important as we prepare for the critical role that SAGE Budget will play in communicating award budget information to the financial system when the UW goes live with Workday Finance.

Upgrading of all Legacy Budgets

With the retirement of legacy SAGE Budget, all existing budgets in the legacy format will be upgraded to the new (current) budget format. Upgrading means:

  • When you open your budget, it will open in the new (current) version.
  • Those who had access to the legacy budget will have the same access on the upgraded version.
  • On the History page, snapshots of previous budget versions will now display in the new (current) format.
  • All costs and settings (like targets and salary caps) that were enabled on the legacy budget will be enabled on the upgraded budget.
    • Note: Auto Adjusting Entries (AAE) will not be available in the new (current) format. AAE will be converted to a standard costs line on the primary worksheet, with a note, “Converted Auto Adjusting Line.” The following budget details will remain the same:
      • object/sub-object code
      • cost amount
      • periods

Budget List Updates

The following changes have been made to the budget list:

  • The option to create a legacy budget has been removed
  • The Format column has been replaced with a Created Date column
  • An “Upgraded” indicator displays when a budget has been upgraded by the system

The default sort order on the budget list remains the same, descending by last edited date. You can still search for your budgets by Principal Investigator (PI) name, budget number, or budget title.

budget list with new look

Other Budget Updates (released in advance)

The default Prorated Direct Cost (PDC) rate that displays when you enable APL on a budget worksheet has been updated from 35.2% to 35.0%.


Ad Hoc Approver Improvements

Two changes were made to the list of roles that display when adding an ad hoc approver to an eGC1 approval flow:

  • Several out-of-date roles have been removed.
  • The list has been alphabetized.

SAGE Subawards (released in advance)

Subaward Expiration Fix

Subawards that reached Expired status were not updating to Active status when a modification was processed which pushed the End Date into the future. That issue has been fixed so that the overall Subaward reflects accurate status information.

Subaward History Now Includes All Subaward Status Changes

The Subaward History now includes events for each time the Subaward Status changes. Previously, the Subaward History only included status changes for Subaward Actions. This will provide more information about when the overall Subaward transitioned through process steps.

When you are logged in to SAGE, but have not been actively using the system for 40 minutes, a dialog message displays indicating that your session will expire in 5:00 minutes. The dialog will continue to count down the time. You have the option to click “Keep Working” to re-activate your session.

If you do not click “Keep Working”, then when the time count reaches zero (0) minutes, your session will expire. Your browser will be redirected to a “session expired” page from which you can log back in to the system you were using. Any unsaved data at the time your session expires will be cleared.

The SAGE system has always timed out after 45 minutes of inactivity. We have now made the timeout more visible so you know that your session has expired, instead of sending you to the tasklist with no explanation.

The following image shows the session timeout dialog, with the time remaining until expiration and the instruction to click “Keep Working” if you want to continue to stay logged in.

sage session timeout dialog

December 2017 SAGE Grant Runner Release

FORMS-E Changes to Existing Forms

NIH will require the use of FORMS-E application packages for due dates on or after January 25, 2018.  Grant Runner now includes the FORMS-E version for the following agency specific forms.  

  • PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement
  • PHS 398 Research Plan
  • PHS 398 Career Development Award Supplemental
  • PHS 398 Modular Budget (expire date change only)
  • PHS Assignment Request
  • PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information (New!!)

Federal-wide form updates that will also be incorporated into FORMS-E packages, and which are supported by Grant Runner, include:

  • RR Budget and Subaward Budget
  • RR Other Project information

NIH Form Change Resources

Review more information on:

High level FORMS-E summary of changes across all impacted forms

NIH: New Human Subjects Clinical Trial Form

NIH: FAQS for Application Forms, Form Updates, and Choosing the Correct Forms

New Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information Form

Grant Runner now includes the new PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information Form.  You will have the option of completing the form in its entirety directly in Grant Runner, or importing a completed PDF version of the form into Grant Runner.  Due to the length of this form, it is recommended that you preview the form in Grant Runner or in PDF format, early in the proposal development process to plan appropriately for the information collection involved.

SAGE Subawards

Subrecipient Re-Certification Status and Form

When completing the subaward request in SAGE, a prompt will display below the subrecipient’s name if their certification status is in an expired state and needs re-certification. This prompt will have a link to the Subrecipient Certification PDF form that can be uploaded in the Attachments section of the Subaward Request once completed. Attachment of the Subrecipient Certification form is not required prior to submission of the subaward request. This status prompt and link will also display in the Subaward Overview Summary section.


Non-Award Agreement Application Types

SAGE now provides a dedicated, streamlined eGC1 format for submitting Non-Award Agreements to OSP by requiring only the set of fields necessary for these application types. You will now select Application Types “Non-Award Agreement (new)” or “Non-Award Agreement (continuation)” for the following types of agreement:

  • Confidentiality Agreement
  • Data Use Agreement
  • Memorandum of Understanding
  • Unfunded Collaborative Agreement
  • Unfunded Research Agreement
  • Affiliation Agreement
  • Material Transfer Agreement

Note that you should select “Non-Award Agreement (continuation)” to extend an existing agreement beyond the initial term.

Activity Locations Survey

We want your feedback on the new look and feel of the Activity Locations page. Click the “Give Feedback” link at the top of that page and let us know what you do/don’t like about the design as we evaluate updates to other parts of SAGE.