Advance Non-Fiscal Compliance

The Non-Fiscal Compliance section displays the Human Subjects and Animal Use compliance questions and responses.

A Copy Page Link button displays to the right of the page title. Use this to capture the page’s URL to share with a colleague for review.

There are two response tabs:

  • Current Responses
    • Displays the responses from the associated application at the time the advance is created. You have the option to edit those responses, as described below. This tab is selected by default.
  • Responses from older eGC1s & advances
    • Displays a read-only view of the responses from related items.

Current Responses

This tab displays two expandable sections: Human Subjects and Animal Use. You can expand one section at a time by clicking on the blue caret to the left of the section name. Each section shows the questions and current responses from the associated application’s Non-Fiscal Compliance page.

When a section is expanded, there is a Close link at the lower left, and a Next or Previous Section link at the lower right for navigating between the two sections.

The Human Subjects section displays the current responses from the associated application for the HS-1 question, with HS-1A and HS-1B (if HS-1 was answered Yes), and the HS-2 question. You can add IRB Application Details, if known, which OSP will be able to view.

The Animal Use section displays the AU-1 question and current response. You can add protocol details, if known, which OSP will be able to view.

At the bottom of the page, below the Current Response sections, there is a check box and the statement “I have reviewed these responses and confirm they are accurate and up-to-date.”  You must check the box to fully complete the Non-Fiscal Compliance section of the advance.

Editing Responses

At the far right of each section is an Edit link. Select this link to update the responses. The section will become editable, displaying the current response. When you make a change, messages will appear at the bottom of the screen: first “Updating your responses – this might take a moment…”, then “Finished updating responses”.

When you change a response, a “Reason for change” text box will display. Use this to explain the changes you are making. In some cases, when you change a value from No to Yes, you will see additional questions that need to be answered. You may also be prompted to add IRB Application (Human Subjects) or Add Protocol (Animal Use).

When you first select the Edit link, the link changes to Done. Select Done to save any changes you have made and return to the read-only display. You can leave the section as editable, and select the Done link at another time. Your changes will need to be saved in order to complete the section.

Responses from older eGC1s & advances

The second tab for this section displays the responses from related items.

The associated eGC1 displays in an expandable section. Selecting the eGC1 number will open the application in a new tab/window. The text (Original Responses) follows the eGC1 number. Below the number is the text Item last edited with the date.

Use the blue caret to the left of the application number to expand/collapse the section. This will display five collapsed sub-sections, one for each of the eGC1 Non-Fiscal Compliance question sets:

  • Human Subjects
  • Animal Use
  • Environmental Health & Safety
  • Equipment & Materials
  • Data & Technology

You can expand each section to see a read-only view of the responses.

Note: For a renewal advance request, the most recently updated award compliance responses will display.

The following image shows the application section expanded, displaying the compliance sub-sections.

non-fiscal compliance e G C one responses