Awards Approval Process

This article describes the following:

Approval Flow

To approve an Award Setup Request, log in to SAGE and click on the Awards tab.

awards tab in SAGE

Select the award to review from the list or use the Advanced Search link to find a specific award.

On the left navigation menu, select Approvals.

The approval flow reads from top to bottom. Some approver nodes may grouped and, within the group, can be approved in any order.

The first node lists the Award Preparer(s), then any added Ad Hoc Reviewers, followed by nodes for OSP and GCA.

The following image shows the approval flow, with an ad hoc reviewer, for an Award Setup Request before any approvals have occurred:

A S R approval flow with an ad hoc reviewer

As the Award Preparer, when you select Submit & Route in the Review & Submit section, your node will turn green and indicate the submission, as shown in the processed approval flow image at the end of this article. Note: Once you have routed the award, the OSP node will be ready for review, and you will no longer have the option to add an ad hoc reviewer.

Add/Remove an Ad Hoc Reviewer

If you can edit the Award Setup Request, you can add an Ad Hoc Reviewer (that is, a reviewer for a particular purpose only) to the approval flow. These manually-added reviewers could be a person that needs to review and approve the Award Setup Request in addition to the Award Preparer.

You can add a person by selecting the plus sign (+) that appears on the approval flow. Once the award is ready for review by GCA, the plus sign (+) before GCA will no longer display.

When you select the plus sign (+), an Add Reviewer dialog window displays. Enter a comment for this reviewer, which is required. Then search by name or NetID for the person you want to add. The Add Reviewer button will then be enabled for you to select. The approval flow will update to show the added node, and the reviewer will be notified when their node is ready for review, like the other approvers.

The following image shows the Add Reviewer dialog window:

advance add ad hoc reviewer

To delete the added reviewer, select the 3-dot menu icon in the node and select “Remove reviewer.” A confirmation dialog window displays.

The following image shows the Remove Reviewer dialog window:

advance remove ad hoc reviewer

Processed Award Setup Request Flow Example

The following image shows an example of the approval flow for an Award Setup Request in Processed status:

example approval flow of process award setup request