Upload all attachments relevant to your award setup or modification request. You can select one or more files, and then drag and drop them or use the Browse for Files link. You can add attachments while your request is in Composing or Returned status.
The following image shows the section you use to upload attachments:
Required attachments include:
Communication between campus and sponsors, and campus and OSP.
Attach emails as “.msg” or “.eml” files, this allows OSP to respond directly to email threads if needed
Award documents
All award setup requests should include some type of Notice of Award or Agreement document
Is there a sponsor deadline for accepting the Award? Attach sponsor documentation.
You will also need to Select “Sponsor has a deadline for accepting award” in the General Information section. Explain where this date is located in the notice of award in the instructions field and attach sponsor documentation in the supporting attachments section.
Compliance documentation, such as IACUC and IRB approvals
Additional Attachment Requirements for Modification Requests
Different types of modification requests may require a variety of other attachments. Review Award Changes for more details on OSP/GCA Modifications.
Funding & Budgeting Changes
Carryover- sponsor approval required
Attach a concurrence letter that details the reason for unused funds and how those funds will be spent in support of the project for OSP signature and submission to the sponsor.
Addition of Equipment
Attach a concurrence letter and supporting sponsor required documentation, such as a copy of the quote from the equipment vendor/manufacturer.
Adding Subaward – sponsor approval required
Attach a concurrence letter for submission to the sponsor along with any other sponsor required documentation.
Supplemental Funding
MODs for supplemental funding should include similar Required Documents as an ASR request.
If there is a deadline for accepting the supplemental funding make sure to include sponsor documentation to that effect.
TIP: Applying for supplemental funding? When supplemental funding requests to a sponsor require a proposal application, complete an eGC1. Note, ASRs and MODs are not used for proposals.
For those requiring a modification: If there is not a sponsor system of submission involved, attach the progress report or other sponsor required documentation for progress report submission to the sponsor.
If a sponsor uses an electronic system for submission of the report, use that system to prepare and forward your request to OSP (AOR). An example is eRA Commons (NIH).
Attach a copy of the report with your Modification Request.
Restriction Release
Include supporting documentation that reflects requirement has been met (e.g. protocol approval).
Clinical Trial Amendments (CTA)
Include the following applicable attachments to your request:
Amended Scope of Work
Updated Protocol
Current IRB approval
Draft CTA amendment
Sponsor/CRO correspondence
CTO summary review & approval email with attachments – if the budget changes by 10% or there are new charges. If the CTO summary review/approval is still pending, state this in the comments. Always provide the most current CTO summary review. Include:
Email response from the PI to CTO approving the CTO Summary budget review/approval
Once you have uploaded an attachment, you will see several columns:
File Name – the name of your file
Type – select a value from the menu as shown below – this is a required field
Agreement Documents
Cost Share Addendum
Internal (UW) Document
Correspondence with Sponsor
Non Financial Report
Description – enter a brief description of the file – this is a required field
Attached On – displays the date and time the document was uploaded
Note: The maximum file size is 100MB. A message of “Can’t upload—file exceeds 100MB limit” will display if your file exceeds that size.
The attachments will display in reverse chronological order of their most recent version.
The following image shows a newly uploaded file, with the Type menu expanded and a red exclamation alert for the missing Description:
Selecting the blue caret (>) to the left of the file name will expand the row. Information about the version of the attachment will display, along with a Version Comment field. The following image shows an expanded entry:
Attachments can be downloaded from the Award.
While your Award Setup Request is in Composing status, you can delete an attachment by selecting the blue trash can icon at the far right.
Note: Do not delete OSP- or GCA-generated documents unless instructed.
This opens a confirmation dialog window, as shown below:
To cancel the process, select the blue X in the upper right, the Cancel button, or simply click outside of the dialog window.
Depending on the status of your request, Review & Submit may be the Request Summary page, which also presents a read-only summary of your request.
The Review & Submit page:
Displays a read-only summary of the information entered for each section.
Allows you to Submit & Route your completed award, when in Composing status.
Allow you to Resubmit & Route your award, when in Withdrawn or Returned status.
Allows an ad hoc reviewer to Return the request, when in Routing status.
The following image shows this page with the General Information section expanded:
While your award is in Composing status, an alert will display at the top of the page to indicate any required data that is still missing.
The following image shows an example of the alert message for incomplete sections:
If your budget includes any 03-62 Outside Services—Subcontract entries on either the primary or another internal worksheet, you will see an alert icon next to the worksheet. The banner and explanation text will appear below the worksheet row.
The text reads: “Your budget contains at least one subaward cost. Award budgets require subawards set up as a Subaward Worksheet. Remove 03-62 Outside Services—Subcontract (Proposal Budget Only) costs from your worksheet(s) and create new Subaward Worksheet(s)”.
The following image shows an example of the alert:
By default, the General Information section will be expanded when you open this page. Only one section can be expanded at a time. Selecting to expand a different section will automatically collapse the current one.
The Submit & Route button at the bottom of the page is enabled once you have entered all required data.
The following image shows the Submit & Route button:
Selecting Submit & Route will start the routing and approval process for an Award Setup Request in Composing status and change the request’s status to Routing. The system will re-validate all required fields.
The left navigation menu will now display the Request Summary, rather than the individual award sections.
Request Summary
This page displays for Award Setup Requests in the following statuses:
OSP Setup
OSP Assigned
GCA Assigned
GCA Workday Setup
The menu on the left will include a link for the Request Summary, in place of the individual sections. The page displays the details for each of the award sections as view-only for review.
The following image shows the menu and part of the Request Summary page:
Withdrawing an Award
While your award is in Routing status, you can withdraw it to make updates if you have edit access, and are not also an approver. A Withdraw Request button will display at the bottom of the Request Summary page, as shown in the following image:
Selecting this button will move your award to Withdrawn status and make it editable. It will also add an entry to the Comments & History section.
The approval flow will reflect the change in status. A node will indicate who withdrew the request, along with the date. The final node will display Withdrawn, and any unapproved nodes will be marked as canceled.
Resubmit & Route
Once you have completed your changes, use the Resubmit & Route button on the Review & Submit page to move your Award Setup Request back to Routing status. The following image shows this button.
When you select the Resubmit & Route button for an award in Returned status, a dialog will display. Once you have entered your comments, the Resubmit & Route button will become active. The dialog, with a comment and active button, is shown in the following image.
In the Modification Details section, select all of the modification categories that apply. When you select a category, additional fields display.
The categories are:
Funding & budgeting changes
SAGE Budget modifications
Schedule changes
Extensions and other award schedule modifications
Programmatic changes
Personnel, location, payment, work scope, or non-fiscal compliance modifications
Other changes
Cost center or restriction release modifications
End of award changes
Early termination and relinquishment modifications
For instructions on which modification categories to use, see the UW Research website page Award Changes.
The following image shows the category list, without any selections made:
For all change categories, the additional fields are:
Sponsor Award Number
Sponsor Modification Number
The sponsor has a deadline for accepting the award (toggle), with the instructions: Use only when the sponsor has specified a required date to receive the signed award by to provide funding. Documentation from the sponsor will be needed to make this request.
Selecting the toggle displays the Deadline for Accepting Award Date field
If you select the Funding & budgeting changes category, the following fields display:
Current Authorized Spending Start Date
Current Authorized Spending End Date
Modification Application, with the instructions: Add another application (eCG1) if there is a proposal submission process for a Non-Competing Continuation, Supplement, or Revision.
Modification Sponsor Total for All Spending Periods
Note: this is the new award total as identified by the sponsor.
If you select the Schedule changes category, the following fields display:
Award Line(s) / Budget Period Start Date
Award Line(s) / Budget Period End Date
The following image shows all the additional fields:
Request ID: Prefix “MOD” with unique 5-digit number
Award Application (eGC1) with link to open
Award Activity: Associated award number from Workday Finance
Request Status (OSP Setup, OSP Assigned, Processed, etc.)
“More actions” menu with drop-down list showing “Add comment” and ”Delete request” (options vary)
The following image shows a Modification Request header:
“More Actions” Menu
The menu choices vary depending on the status of the Modification Request.
Menu Choices
Add comment
Delete request
Add comment
Delete request
Add Comment
Delete request (Note: appears only if OSP has not approved)
The following image shows the menu choices:
Add Comment
The option to add a comment always displays, as shown in the following image:
Select “Add comment” to include a comment in the Comments & History section.
The following image shows the Add Comment window. Enter your comment, then select Add Comment.
Modification Request Form Sections
On the left side of the page is the Navigation Menu, divided into two parts.
From the top part, you can access the Form Sections. The section being displayed will be highlighted. Select any section name to navigate to that section.
Select each of the following for more information:
The header contains the following information, reading from left to right:
A blue arrow that returns you to the task list
“New Award Setup Request” default title
Request ID: prefix ASR with unique 6 digit number
Request Application (eGC1) ID with link to open
Award Activity: Workday Award ID
Note: The Workday Award ID is only visible if the award is Processed or is associated with a Processed Advance.
Request Status (Composing, OSP Setup, etc.)
A “More actions” menu (3 vertical blue dots). Choices vary with status:
Add comment
Change Request Application (eGC1)
Delete request
The following image shows an example header:
More Actions Menu
The menu choices vary depending on the status of the Award Setup Request.
Menu Choices
Add comment
Change Request Application (eGC1)
Delete request
Add comment
Change Request Application (eGC1)
Delete request
Add Comment
Delete request (Note: appears only if OSP has not approved)
The following image shows the menu choices:
Add Comment
Select “Add comment” to include a comment in the Comments & History section. Enter your text in the comment box, and then select the Add Comment button.
Click “Cancel” or the “x” (in the upper right) to close the dialog window without adding a comment. The following image shows this dialog window:
Change Request Application (eGC1)
Select “Change Request Application (eGC1)” to replace the currently attached application with a different one.
Note: Changing the associated awarded application will update and, in some cases, remove appropriate data in the Award Setup Request.
The following image shows the Change Request Application dialog window:
The values updated from the newly associated application are:
Short Title
Full Title
Bill To Sponsor
Originating Sponsor
Principal Investigator (PI)
Award Preparer:
Add the award preparer from the originally connected eGC1.
Edit the originally connected eGC1 and remove the award preparer since the eGC1 is no longer connected to the ASR.
Delete Request
Select “Delete request” to remove the Award Setup Request from the system. The following image shows this dialog window:
Click “Cancel” or the “x” (in the upper right) to exit the dialog window without deleting the request (keeping the Award Setup Request).
Award Setup Request Form Sections
On the left side of the page is the navigation menu to access the form sections. The section being displayed will be highlighted. Click on any section name to navigate to that section.
The following image shows the header and a few columns and rows of the Award Requests page:
Request List Display
For each existing request, the list displays the following information. Note: The Request Application (eGC1) ID and Short Title columns are “frozen” so they are always visible. You can scroll to the right to see the additional columns.
Fields without a value will display an “em” dash (—)
Request Application (eGC1) ID
(doesn’t scroll)
eGC1 Application associated with this request
Short Title
(doesn’t scroll)
Short Title of the associated eGC1 application; select this to open the Award Setup Request or Modification
Request ID
Unique identifier; select this to open the Award Setup Request or Modification
Request Type
Award Setup Request (ASR)
Modification Request (MOD)
Advance (ADV)
Extension (ADV)
Principal Investigator
The principal investigator for the request
Request Status
Composing – newly created by campus, or created by OSP and sent to campus (initially OSP Setup status), but not yet submitted for approval
Routing – submitted and routing for approval
Withdrawn – withdrawn from Routing by an owner/editor
Returned – returned from Routing by an approver
OSP Setup – newly created by OSP, but not yet sent to campus
OSP Assigned – an OSP individual and/or team has been assigned to the request
GCA Assigned – OSP has approved the request
GCA Workday Setup – the data is being entered into Workday
Denied – denied by OSP
Processed – the request is fully processed
Request Status Date
Date the status changed, for example: 12/06/2023, 9:42 AM
Workday Award ID
The Award ID for this request
OSP Individual Assigned
Person’s name; blank if unassigned.
Request Deadline
Sponsor’s deadline for accepting the award
Cost Center
The associated cost center
Sponsor Name
Sponsor name for the award
Sponsor Award Number
Number assigned by the sponsor
Prime / Originating Sponsor Name
Prime / Originating Sponsor Name
Request Amount
The Sponsor Total Amount for Spending Periods for the request
Request Created Date
Date and time, for example: 12/01/2023, 5:12 PM
By default, there are ten items on a page, with the most recent first. If you have more than ten requests, the system will add pagination links at the lower right of the page. You can also customize the number of items on the page to 25 or 50.
Search for an Item
Click in the search box to display the Search By menu. Select either Request Application (eGC1) ID or Request ID, then enter your ID value, including the appropriate prefix (A, ASR, or MOD). Press the Enter key or select the search icon (magnifying glass) to start the search. The search looks for matches that start with the characters entered.
The following image shows the search menu options with the default selection of Request ID:
The results display below the Search By menu. The first line indicates the number of results found, up to ten items. The search results are sorted by most recently created.
You will see two lines of information for each result:
First Line: Short Title (with link to open in another tab) or “No Short Title Available”
Second Line: Request ID | PI First Last Name (if available)
The following image show an example result:
Click on the desired item to open it in a new browser tab. The list will include items you have read-only or edit access to.
If no matches are found, the following text displays:
No Matches. Try a different search term or choose another option to Search By.
Note: the search icon (magnifying glass) is always enabled. This means you can enter a different value and start a new search at any time.
Filter Options
To filter the list of award requests, select Filter List at the upper, right of the page to open the Filter Requests panel. Selecting the button again, or the X in the upper-right corner, closes the panel. The following image shows the Filter List button:
There are four different filters:
By Award (Workday Award ID)
By Principal Investigator
By Status
By Request Type
You can apply one or more of these filters to your list.
Select one or more values to include requests with the desired Status or Request Type. A selected filter value will change color to blue and include a checkmark. Selecting it a second time removes that value.
Status values are:
All Statuses – selected by default, with a light blue color
OSP Setup
OSP Assigned
GCA Assigned
GCA Workday Setup
Request Type values are:
All Request Types – selected by default, with a light blue color
Award Setup Request
Modification Request
To filter by Principal Investigator, enter the person’s name in the search box. You can enter as First Last or as Last, First. Select the person from the results list.
Once you have chosen all of the desired filter values, select the Apply Filters button to display the tasklist with all those filters applied. The number of results displayed based on your filtering selections will be indicated.
The following image shows the Routing and OSP Assigned status filters selected along with the Award Setup Request type. This filtered the tasklist to 4 results, as indicated just above the Apply Filters button.
Select the Reset Filters button to remove all filtering. This will leave the Filter List panel open, and will refresh the tasklist to display the full list of requests.
Note: Modification Requests can be created by anyone with “owner” or “can edit” access on the processed Award Setup Request for the Award being modified.
For converted awards, the eGC1 “owner” or key personnel with “read/write” privileges can create a Modification Request since there is no Award Setup Request.
Select the Awards tab, and then select the Create a Request link. It opens a menu with the following choices:
Award Setup Request
Modification Request (OSP/GCA)
Involvement needed from OSP and GCA
Modification Request (GCA)
Only GCA needs to review
The following image shows the expanded Create a Request menu:
Select the appropriate modification:
Use Modification Request (OSP/GCA) for all changes that require sponsor approval, an authorized official signature, or review from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).
Use Modification Request (GCA) for requests that do not need OSP review and can be submitted directly to Grant & Contract Accounting (GCA).
Additional resources to help clarify which modification type to select:
Note: If you select Modification Request (GCA) when the request needs to be reviewed by both GCA and OSP, GCA will return the Modification Request to you and you will need to delete the request and start over.
Once you select the modification type, a Create Modification Request dialog window displays. Search for, and then select, the award associated with the modification request. You must have read/write access to the processed Award Setup Request to create a modification to the award.
Search for the award you want to modify by its Workday Award ID, for example: AWD-11111
A new Modification Request will display with the status of Composing.
Your SAGE Award Budget identifies how you would like your awarded funds to be set up in Workday. You can also forecast future period budget amounts for a full project budget view. A SAGE Budget is required as indicated by the red asterisk.
Create a new award budget in SAGE Budget or copy and modify an existing SAGE Budget. The level of detail required for the award budget should be tailored to the sponsor’s requirements and campus unit needs. Award budgets are often less detailed than proposal budgets. It is usually simpler to create a new award budget from scratch.
The award budget must have a salary line with the role of PI on the Primary Worksheet, any additional UW Internal worksheets, and any Fabrication worksheets. The PI on any worksheet can have a salary of zero dollars ($0).
Note: You may wish to rename your “Primary Worksheet” to a more specific title to distinguish awards in Workday.
To attach the SAGE budget to your Award Setup Request, search for your budget by budget title, Budget ID number, or PI.
Note: Your selected SAGE Budget cannot be connected to an eGC1 or another Award Setup Request.
The following image shows the search box:
Next, select your budget from the results list, as shown in the following image:
After your budget is connected, the following information will display:
Budget name and number
Open Budget button
This opens the connected SAGE Budget in a new browser tab
A list of the Period(s) connected with start date and end date.
SAGE will automatically select Period 1.
Select any additional periods authorized by your sponsor.
Note: Any changes made to your SAGE Budget will sync to the Award Setup Request form, until the Award Setup Request is submitted.
Change the Connected Budget
You can change the connected SAGE Budget if the status is:
Returned, but only if OSP has not approved
A Change Budget link will display to the right of the Open Budget link, as shown in the following image:
Selecting this link will open the Change Budget? dialog window. You can search for the desired budget by budget title, BudgetID number, or PI.
The following image shows the dialog window:
Select your budget from the results list. The page will update to reflect the updated information.
View the Award Budget By Period
The Award Budget By Period portion of the Budget & Award Lines form section includes a tab for each period selected, with its description, and an “All Periods” tab on the left if more than one period was selected.
To the right of the section are three buttons:
Expand Budget: opens the Award Line Details sections for the entire budget
Collapse Budget: closes the Award Line Details sections for the entire budget
Customize Details View: allows you to customize your view of budget data by toggling Object Class Details and Award Line Details on or off. Whichever setting is applied in the Budget and Award Lines section is also displayed in the Review section.
The following image shows these buttons with the Customize Details View expanded:
As you scroll down to view the details of your budget, the Expand Budget and Collapse Budget buttons will continue to be visible.
The following image shows the unexpanded view of a budget with a single award line.
The first row is the Primary Worksheet.
The first column, Worksheet / Award Line, displays the following information:
Worksheet Title
F&A Rate
Base Type
Sponsored Program Activity Type
Selecting the blue caret (>) to the left of the worksheet title opens the Award Line Details section for that individual award line.
The remaining columns display the costs for that category:
Total Direct Costs
Costs Subject to F&A
Total F&A
Total Costs
For a single Period, there is a Period Total row. For the All Periods view, there are Budget Total, Sponsor Awarded Total, and Difference rows. The difference is between the Budget Total Costs and the Sponsor Awarded Total.
Object Class and Spend Category Details
This section displays when the Expand Budget button is selected. It shows a breakdown of the ASR’s linked budget amounts by the categories needed for Workday plan setup. The amounts are aggregated by Ledger, Object Class, and Spend Category for each award line and period.
The following image shows an example of this section:
Award Line Details
General Information/Terms & Conditions
CFDA Number
Cost Center
Disposition of Balance
Letter of Credit Document ID
Line Type
Grant Hierarchy
Revenue Category
Special Conditions
Spend Restrictions
Sponsored Program Activity Type
Note: not required if the sponsor is the Royalty Research Fund (RRF)
The Awards component of SAGE (System to Administer Grants Electronically) allows you to complete an online Award Setup Request after receiving a Notice of Award (NoA) from the sponsor or to complete one that OSP has started. To make changes to your existing award, you would create a Modification Request.
Award Setup Requests
The Notice of Award (NoA) from a sponsor may be sent to either campus (the Principal Investigator or Research Administrator) or the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).
If you (campus) receive the NoA, whether or not OSP is included, you should create the Award Setup Request (ASR) in SAGE as soon as possible.
If OSP receives or retrieves a new Notice of Award and the PI is not included on the notification, OSP will create an Award Setup Request (ASR) and route it to you (campus) for completion.
All changes that require sponsor approval, an authorized official signature, or review from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), must be requested via a Modification Request (OSP/GCA) in SAGE Awards.
Modification requests that do not need OSP review can be submitted directly to Grant & Contract Accounting (GCA), also through a Modification Request (GCA only) in SAGE.
A help icon in SAGE Awards will provide guidance on which modification type to select.
Modifications Workflow
Initiate a Modification Request (MOD) in SAGE.
Select MOD categories to identify the type of change you wish to make.
Use the Comments & History and Supporting Attachments sections to provide more details on the necessary change.
Add ad-hoc approvers as needed.
Complete any additional required fields and submit the request for review and processing.