Tag Archives: Subaward

Subaward Statuses

When you create a new subaward, the Subaward and Request statuses will be the same from Composing through Active as OSP reviews and processes the new request. Once the subaward reaches Active status, the status of any modification requests will be independent of the overall subaward’s status.

When all of a subaward’s requests reach Expired status, then the system will automatically change the subaward’s status to Expired.

OSP can change a subaward’s status as follows:

From To Effect on Requests
In OSP, OSP Assigned, or Issued Canceled, if there are no requests in Active or Expired status If there is only a New request with a matching status, then the request will be Canceled.
Expired Active No change to requests
Expired Closed Out No change to requests
Close Out Active or Expired No change to requests
Canceled In OSP, OSP Assigned, or Issued No change to requests

Subaward Request Statuses

A Subaward Request will have one of the following statuses.

Status Description
Composing Newly created initial request or modification request, not yet submitted to OSP. You can delete requests that are in Composing status.
In OSP Request is submitted to OSP for review; the system assigns the request to Subaward Intake initially. You can cancel or withdraw the request when it is in this status. OSP can return the request.
Withdrawn Request was pulled back by campus for changes. You can only withdraw a requests in status In OSP. You can cancel a withdrawn request.
Returned Returned to campus by OSP for changes. OSP can return a requests in either In OSP or OSP Assigned status. You can cancel a returned request.

The Subaward Preparer will receive an email notification when OSP returns a request.

OSP Assigned Assigned to an OSP staff member for review.
Issued Issued to the Subrecipient.
Canceled Indicateds the request will not be processed. You may cancel a New or Modification subaward request that is in a status of Returned, Withdrawn, or In OSP.

If a subaward only has a New request, then the system will change the subaward to Canceled status.

Active A fully-executed request.
Expired The system will automatically change a Subaward request’s status to Expired once its end date is in the past.
Closed Out (Subaward only) The Subaward has been completed. When OSP changes a subaward to Closed Out status, its request statuses remain unchanged .

May 2016 SAGE Subawards Release 1

The new Subawards section in SAGE marks a change in both business process and system usage.

Former State:

  • All subaward intake actions managed through Ariba

New State:

  • Subaward intake initiates through SAGE, provides OSP the ability to issue agreements at an earlier stage
  • Procurement setup & invoicing for subawards continues to initiate through Ariba

New in SAGE: Subawards

For this initial release, the following new capabilities and features are available to campus users through SAGE:

  • A new SUBAWARDS tab

new subawards tab in sage

  • Create a new subaward request and submit to OSP
  • Create a new modification request and submit to OSP
  • Search/View subaward requests and current status from My Subawards tasklist
  • View a detailed summary of all subaward modification history
  • Help documentation available through the “?” icons

Important ASTRA Permissions

Users must have the “SAGE Subaward Preparer” role to create new subaward and modification requests. ASTRA: Who Can Authorize me?

Outgoing Subaward Resources

Upcoming Releases

Over the next few months additional releases will provide other functionality, such as:

  • returns and resubmit capability
  • visibility to OSP comments and hold details

Based on your feedback, enhancements will be prioritized following this initial release.


In order to create a new subaward for one of your existing eGC1s, you must have the SAGE Subaward Preparer ASTRA role.

Beyond that, your relationship to the subaward will determine whether you can edit or view it.

Campus Role or Access Type Create New Subaward or Modification Edit Composing, Withdrawn, or Returned Subaward Requests Edit Contact Information (from Overview Page) Edit Manage Access List Open Subaward & View Request Details
Subaward Preparer ASTRA Role YES YES YES
Subaward Contact (PI, Preparer, Financial) Create only Modifications YES YES YES YES
Assigned Read/Write Access Create only Modifications YES YES YES YES
Assigned Read-Only Access YES
Any Role on any associated eGC1(s) YES


  • The category “Any Role on any associated eGC1(s)” includes anyone who has access to an eGC1 (PI, contacts, or read/write or read-only access) that is related to the subaward through its Funding Action(s).
  • The Edit Contact Information applies only to the following:
    • Subaward Preparer
    • Financial Contact
    • Subrecipient Contact

To submit your Composing subaward request, select the Submit button at the bottom of the page. The system will validate your subaward request to ensure that you have completed all of the required fields.

If required information is missing, the subaward details page will re-display with a list of validation messages.

If you’ve entered all required information, the page will refresh and you will see a submission confirmation. Your subaward is now at “In OSP” status, and is read-only. The following image shows the confirmation message.

submission success message

Note: If your request is in Withdrawn or Returned status, then the button’s label is Resubmit. The same validation check will occur for required information.

When you resubmit a Returned request, you must enter a comment.

A subaward is a formal legal agreement between the UW and another organization. For additional information on policy, review the UW Research Subawards material.

There are two types of subawards:

  • Outgoing subaward: UW portions some work to another institution.
  • Incoming subaward: Awarded institution portions some work to UW.

SAGE Subawards is for outgoing subawards only.

When UW portions work out to another institution, that institution is referred to as the subrecipient.

The Subaward Access and Permissions article describes who can create or edit subawards and subaward actions.

How do I use a different benefit rate for a subcontractor at a different institution?

Add a subaward type worksheet to your budget, using the Add Worksheet link in the left navigation menu.

You can then edit the benefit rate for any added personnel.

How do I budget for a subcontract in SAGE Budget and set the correct F&A rate?

Add a subaward type worksheet to your budget. Use the F&A section of the worksheet’s settings to enter the appropriate values.

Refer to your sponsor documentation to make sure you are applying F&A according to their specifications.