Tag Archives: ASR

August 7, 2024 SAGE Suite Release Notes

SAGE-to-Workday Integrations

  • Award Integration When an Advance Exists: When an Award Setup Request (ASR) is routed to GCA and an award in Advance Spend status already exists in Workday, SAGE now sends the remainder of the award setup data to Workday. This integration will reduce manual entry for GCA and expedite processing of new awards from an existing advance.
  • Allow GCA to Select Award Lines to Integrate to Workday: When transitioning from an award in Advance Spent status to a fully setup award in Workday, GCA may now use the associated ASR to select which SAGE Budget worksheets should integrate as award lines in Workday. This prevents duplicate lines from being set up when multiple award lines already exist. When an award in Advance Spend status does not already exist, all award lines will be integrated by default.

Note: This feature is visible within SAGE Central for OSP and GCA only.

  • Display Message for GCA for Award Setup Requests for Advance Spend Awards: When transitioning from an award with Advance Spend status to a fully setup award in Workday, the associated ASR now displays a message for GCA to indicate that an Advance exists and provides guidance on system behavior.

Award Setup Requests

  • Display Workday Award Number in Header: When viewing an ASR in Processed status or one with an associated processed advance, users now see the Workday Award ID referenced in the header of the ASR.
  • Display Workday Budget Totals by Object Class and Ledger: All ASR users can now see the object class, ledger names, and totals within the Budget and Lines section. This represents the amounts by object class that will be sent to Workday via integration to establish the Workday Award Plan.
  • Customize View for Budget and Award Lines Section: All ASR users can now customize their Budget and Award Lines section to view or hide the object class/ledger or award line details for more concise viewing.
  • Fix: Erroneous Validation Messages on Award Setup Requests: Budget-related validations in an ASR will now only show when specific SAGE Budget or award line data is missing or problematic. The validation message now clearly specifies when a budget is not connected to a request.

Advance Requests

  • Advance Request Form Changes: Advance Request formatting has been adjusted to align with the design of the Award Setup and Modification Requests. This consistency improves the user experience and supports the future integration of Advance Requests. Key changes include:
    • Request Form Header: When available, the Workday Award ID and the legacy (FIN) budget number now display in the header of the advance.
    • Navigation: The right side panel of eGC1 information has been relocated to the General Information section of the left navigation.
    • General Information Section: The following eGC1 fields now display in the General Information Section: short title, long title, Sponsored Program Activity type. A new subsection now provides RFA details from the eGC1 for GCA benefit. Additional help text has also been added to clarify alternative department worktag needs. These same fields display in the Review and Submit section and the Request Summary once the request has been submitted.
    • Supporting Attachments Section: GCA can now add attachments to the Advance Request.
    • GCA Team Assignments Moved to “More Options”: GCA can now assign advances in the same way as other requests, adding consistency to their views and processes.
  • Renewal Advance Form Help Text Update: The General Information section of a renewal advance is now updated with help text to prompt users to add information related to the worktags in need of renewal.

Award Requests List

  • Label Update for Filter by Principal Investigator: The “By Department/Center” header in the Filter Requests section now reads “By Principal Investigator.” This filter allows users to display all requests for a given PI. Searches can be refined by selecting additional status filters.


  • Fix: Applications Tasklist Sort in SAGE Central Not Working Properly: In SAGE Central, the Applications tasklist now properly returns sorted results when more than one sort level is specified.
  • Fix: Personnel and Role Type Search Not Working Properly in SAGE eGC1 Tasklist: Searching by personnel lookup and role type in the SAGE eGC1 tasklist is now functioning as expected.

February 22, 2024 SAGE Suite Release Notes


Award Setup Requests

Help Text Added for Supporting Attachments

Award Setup Requests (ASRs) now provide the following guidance in the Supporting Attachments section: “Please upload all attachments that support your request. Common examples of supporting attachments include correspondence with the sponsor, compliance protocols or approvals, agreement documents and notices of award, and copies of reports.

Award Setup Requests (OSP & GCA only)

Budget Amounts Display by Workday Ledger, Object Class, and Spend Category

OSP and GCA can now see a breakdown of the ASR’s linked budget amounts by the categories needed for Workday plan setup. The amounts are aggregated by Ledger, Object Class, and Spend Category for each award line and period. This feature allows GCA to more easily enter the amounts needed for the Workday plan, and supports the end of February budget integration release by allowing GCA to preview the amounts that will flow to Workday.

This view is also intended to be made available to campus via SAGE in the future.
award setup request workday ledger, object class, spend category

Budget Data Toggle

In the ASR budget section, OSP and GCA can now customize their view of budget data by toggling Object Class Details and Award Line Details on or off. Whichever setting is applied in the Budget and Award Lines section is also displayed in the Review section.

award setup request budget expand, collapse, and customize details view buttons

Modification Requests

Start/End Date Labels and Help Text Updates

The Modification Request Form labels in the General Information section have been updated to clarify the dates GCA is requesting.

  • Current Authorized Spending Start/End Date has been updated to Award Line(s) / Budget Period Start/End Date

Below the dates, the following help text displays for further clarification: “If the sponsor requires financial reports/invoices per budget period, provide the funded period’s start date for new Award Line(s) to be set up in Workday. For a single report/invoice at the end of all budget periods, use the Award Setup Request start date that established the award unless your department/unit prefers new annual Award Line(s) and SAGE Budget periods.

SAGE Budget

SAGE Budget Alert & Validation for 03-62 (subaward) Line Entries

As an added reminder, SAGE Budget now displays an alert that the 03-62 (subaward) line entry is for the proposal budget only. Additionally, Award Setup Requests that include 03-62 as a line entry will be blocked from submission, and users will be reminded to instead create a subaward worksheet.

Fix: “Do Not Round” budget setting resulting in unexpected rounding

An issue has been fixed where the “Do Not Round” with 0 decimals setting selection was rounding up instead of truncating at the decimal level set by the users.

Fix: Some employee benefits not defaulting for staff entries

An issue has been fixed where some employee benefits were not defaulting in the SAGE Budget personnel section, due to the change from Job Classification to Job Family within Workday. The employee selection now pulls from the new Workday Job Family values.

SAGE Central: Admin Actions (OSP)

Fix: Cost Center changes resulting in multiple codes displayed

An issue has been fixed where changes to the Cost Center Code in an Admin Action were saving multiple times, causing an unexpected display of information.

Fix: Incorrect sponsor saved on add/change

An issue has been fixed where the incorrect sponsor displayed in the Admin Action after changing or adding a sponsor.

Performance Improvements

Error handling improvements

The SAGE team continues to review error logs and address issues that create additional load on the system.

Supporting Attachments: Awards and Modifications

  • Uploading Attachments
  • Required Attachments

    Uploading Attachments

    Upload all attachments relevant to your award setup or modification request. You can select one or more files, and then drag and drop them or use the Browse for Files link. You can add attachments while your request is in Composing or Returned status.

    The following image shows the section you use to upload attachments:

    awards supporting attachments add files section

    Required attachments include:

    • Communication between campus and sponsors, and campus and OSP.
      • Attach emails as “.msg” or “.eml” files, this allows OSP to respond directly to email threads if needed
    • Award documents
      • All Award Setup Requests should include some type of Notice of Award or Agreement document
      • Is there a sponsor deadline for accepting the Award? Attach sponsor documentation.
        • You will also need to Select “Sponsor has a deadline for accepting award” in the General Information section. Explain where this date is located in the notice of award in the instructions field and attach sponsor documentation in the supporting attachments section.

    When a user selects the toggle for " The sponsor has a deadline for accepting the award, additional required fields display.

    • Compliance documentation, such as IACUC and IRB approvals

    Additional Attachment Requirements for Modification Requests

    Different types of modification requests may require a variety of other attachments. Review Award Changes for more details on OSP/GCA Modifications.

    Funding & Budgeting Changes

    Carryover- sponsor approval required

    • Attach a concurrence letter that details the reason for unused funds and how those funds will be spent in support of the project for OSP signature and submission to the sponsor.

    Addition of Equipment 

    • Attach a concurrence letter and supporting sponsor required documentation, such as a copy of the quote from the equipment vendor/manufacturer.

    Adding Subaward – sponsor approval required

    • Attach a concurrence letter for submission to the sponsor along with any other sponsor required documentation.

    Supplemental Funding

    • MODs for supplemental funding should include similar Required Documents as an Award Setup Request.
    • If there is a deadline for accepting the supplemental funding make sure to include sponsor documentation to that effect.

    TIP: Applying for supplemental funding? When supplemental funding requests to a sponsor require a proposal application, complete an eGC1. Note, ASRs and MODs are not used for proposals.

    F&A Waiver Requests

    Attach F&A Waiver form when requesting the use of a non-standard Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rate that does not fall into university policy for a specific sponsored project.

    Other Changes

    Federal Data Repository Access & Submission

    • Attach the completed Federal Repository form.

    Progress Report / RPPRs

    • Not all progress reports require a Modification request. Review details on Progress Report submission to determine if a modification is needed.
    • For those requiring a modification: If there is not a sponsor system of submission involved, attach the progress report or other sponsor required documentation for progress report submission to the sponsor.

    If a sponsor uses an electronic system for submission of the report, use that system to prepare and forward your request to OSP (AOR). An example is eRA Commons (NIH).

    • Attach a copy of the report with your Modification Request.

    Restriction Release

    • Include supporting documentation that reflects requirement has been met (e.g. protocol approval).

    Clinical Trial Amendments (CTA)

    Include the following applicable attachments to your request:

    • Amended Scope of Work
    • Updated Protocol
    • Current IRB approval
    • Draft CTA amendment
    • Sponsor/CRO correspondence
    • CTO summary review & approval email with attachments – if the budget changes by 10% or there are new charges. If the CTO summary review/approval is still pending, state this in the comments. Always provide the most current CTO summary review. Include:
      • Email response from the PI to CTO approving the CTO Summary budget review/approval
      • CTO Billing Grid and Budget attachments

    Programmatic Changes

    Key Personnel Changes – including PI

    Work Scope Change

    Schedule Changes

    Extension Requests

    Review guidance on Extension Requests

    End of Award Changes

    Early Termination, Relinquishments and Award Transfers

    Attach an End of Award Form

    Defining the Attachment

    Once you have uploaded an attachment, you will see several columns:

    • File Name – the name of your file
    • Type – select a value from the menu as shown below – this is a required field
      • Agreement Documents
      • Cost Share Addendum
      • Internal (UW) Document
      • Correspondence with Sponsor
      • Non Financial Report
    • Description – enter a brief description of the file – this is a required field
    • Attached On – displays the date and time the document was uploaded

    Note: The maximum file size is 100MB. A message of “Can’t upload—file exceeds 100MB limit” will display if your file exceeds that size.

    The attachments will display in reverse chronological order of their most recent version.

    The following image shows a newly uploaded file, with the Type menu expanded and a red exclamation alert for the missing Description:

    Awards supporting attachments with one file and Type drop-down list

    Selecting the blue caret (>) to the left of the file name will expand the row. Information about the version of the attachment will display, along with a Version Comment field. The following image shows an expanded entry:

    supporting attachments example with version comment

    Attachments can be downloaded from the Award.

    While your Award Setup Request is in Composing status, you can delete an attachment by selecting the blue trash can icon at the far right.

    Note: Do not delete OSP- or GCA-generated documents unless instructed.

    This opens a confirmation dialog window, as shown below:

    Awards delete attachment dialog window

    To cancel the process, select the blue X in the upper right, the Cancel button, or simply click outside of the dialog window.

The Review & Submit page is visible when your request is in composing, returned, or withdrawn status. Reviewing this information before submitting allows you to confirm if your request is complete.

For more information, see What is a complete ASR? Using the Checklist: Award Setup Request – Steps for PI/Campus can also help you identify whether your request is complete.

The Review & Submit page:

  • Displays a read-only summary of the information entered for each section.
  • Allows you to Submit & Route your completed award when in “Composing” status.
  • Allows you to Resubmit & Route your award when in “Withdrawn” or “Returned” statuses.

The following image shows this page with the General Information section expanded:

A screenshot of the read-only Review & Submit section with the General Information section open.

Review and Submit Alerts

The Review and Submit page will display alerts at the top of the page to indicate any section where required data is still missing and which field(s) to complete.

The following image shows an example of the alert message for incomplete sections:

Missing Data Alert showing fields that have missing data that need to be completed

Budget & Award Line Alerts

To capture missing information related to the connected SAGE award budget, you will see alerts on both the Review & Submit page, as well as the Budget & Award Lines page of the ASR. The Review & Submit page will display a more generic message “You are missing one or more fields in your budget worksheet(s).”

Image of Budget and Award Lines alert indicating that there are missing fields in your budget worksheet that need to be completed

When you go to the Budget & Award Lines page, you will see an alert to “Expand your worksheets to see missing required information you will need to complete before you can submit this request.”

You will also see the yellow alert on the specific worksheet that contains the missing information. When you expand the worksheet, you will see the specific detail in need of correction. Missing details that may need to be provided within the expanded worksheet section include: missing PIs, Cost Centers, Security Grant Hierarchies, and F&A details.

Image showing budget and award lines page with alerts to complete missing data in your SAGE Budget worksheet

Subaward Cost Alert

Award budgets require each subaward to have its own separate worksheet in SAGE Budget. If instead you entered the subaward amount on a primary or internal worksheet as a 03-62 expense, the alert in the ASR will indicate “Your budget contains at least one subaward cost. Award budgets require subawards set up as a Subaward Worksheet. Remove 03-62 Outside Services—Subcontract (Proposal Budget Only) costs from your worksheet(s) and create new Subaward Worksheet(s).”

The following image shows an example of the alert:

Image showing Subaward cost alert requesting removal of 03-62 costs from budget worksheet and to add a new subaward worksheet

Return Reason Alerts

If an ad hoc reviewer, OSP, or GCA returns the ASR to you, you will see who returned the item, along with the Return Reason, displayed on the Review & Submit page as an alert. You will also see this same information in the Comments & History section.

Image showing return reason alert

Submit & Route your ASR

The Submit & Route button at the bottom of the Review & Submit page is enabled once you have entered all required data.

The following image shows the Submit & Route button:

Submit and Route button

Selecting Submit & Route will start the routing and approval process for an Award Setup Request in “Composing” status and change the request’s status to “Routing.” The system will re-validate all required fields.

If you are working with a “Returned” or “Withdrawn” request, the button will say “Resubmit & Route” instead.

Resubmit and Route button

When you select the Resubmit & Route button for an award in “Returned” status, a dialog will display. Once you have entered your comments, the Resubmit & Route button will become active. The dialog, with a comment and active button, is shown in the following image.

Resubmit and Route section

Upon submit/resubmit, the left navigation menu will now display the Request Summary, rather than the individual award sections.

Request Summary

The Request Summary page displays for Award Setup Requests in the following statuses:

  • Routing
  • OSP Setup
  • OSP Assigned
  • GCA Assigned
  • Denied
  • GCA Workday Setup

The menu on the left will include a link for the Request Summary instead of the individual sections. The page displays the details for each of the award sections as view-only for review.

The following image shows the sections available in the left-navigation menu of the Request Summary page along with some request details:

Image showing New Award Setup Request left navigation menu options: Request Summary, Approvals, Access and Roles, Comments and History

Withdrawing an Award

If you have chosen to add an ad hoc department reviewer to the approvals, while your award is in “Routing” status, you can withdraw it to make updates if you have edit access and are not also an approver. A Withdraw Request button will display at the bottom of the Request Summary page, as shown in the following image:

Withdraw Request button

Selecting this button will move your award to “Withdrawn” status and make it editable. It will also add an entry to the Comments & History section.

In the Approvals section, the approval flow will reflect the change in status. A node will indicate who withdrew the request, along with the date. The final node will display “Withdrawn,” and any unapproved nodes will be marked as canceled.

Withdraw capability is not allowed while the request is in “OSP Assigned” or “GCA Assigned” status, since the units may be actively working on the request.

Select each of the following for information about the Award Setup Request Header and Navigation:

Award Setup Request Header Elements

The header contains the following information, reading from left to right:

  • A blue arrow that returns you to the task list
  • “New Award Setup Request” default title
  • Request ID: prefix ASR with unique 6 digit number
  • Request Application (eGC1) ID with link to open
  • Award Activity: Workday Award ID
    • Note: The Workday Award ID is only visible if the award is Processed or is associated with a Processed Advance.
  • Request Status (Composing, OSP Setup, etc.)
  • A “More actions” menu (3 vertical blue dots). Choices vary with status:
    • Add comment
    • Change Request Application (eGC1)
    • Delete request

The following image shows an example header:

A screenshot showing an Award Setup Request with ASR# ASR12345, Request Application ID #A123456, Award Activity #123456, and Request Status: Processed,

More Actions Menu

The menu choices vary depending on the status of the Award Setup Request.

Status Menu Choices
  • Add comment
  • Change Request Application (eGC1)
  • Delete request
  • Add comment
  • Change Request Application (eGC1)
  • Delete request
  • Add Comment
  • Delete request  (Note: appears only if OSP has not approved)

The following image shows the menu choices:

more actions change menu

Add Comment

Select “Add comment” to include a comment in the Comments & History section. Enter your text in the comment box, and then select the Add Comment button.

Click “Cancel” or the “x” (in the upper right) to close the dialog window without adding a comment. The following image shows this dialog window:

more actions add comment dialog

Change Request Application (eGC1)

Select “Change Request Application (eGC1)” to replace the currently attached application with a different one.

Note: Changing the associated awarded application will update and, in some cases, remove appropriate data in the Award Setup Request.

The following image shows the Change Request Application dialog window:

more actions change request application

The values updated from the newly associated application are:

  • Short Title
  • Full Title
  • Sponsor
  • Bill To Sponsor
  • Originating Sponsor
  • Principal Investigator (PI)

Award Preparer:

  • Add the award preparer from the originally connected eGC1.
  • Edit the originally connected eGC1 and remove the award preparer since the eGC1 is no longer connected to the ASR.

Delete Request

Select “Delete request” to remove the Award Setup Request from the system. The following image shows this dialog window:

more actions delete request

Click “Cancel” or the “x” (in the upper right) to exit the dialog window without deleting the request (keeping the Award Setup Request).

Award Setup Request Form Sections

On the left side of the page is the navigation menu to access the form sections. The section being displayed will be highlighted. Click on any section name to navigate to that section.

Below the Form Sections are links to Awards Approvals, Awards Access & Roles, and Awards Comments & History.

The following image shows the left navigation menu with the General Information section highlighted:

Awards navigation menu

Previous and Next Section Buttons for Navigation

At the bottom of each section a button for the Previous Section and the Next Section will appear, as appropriate.

previous and next section buttons

The form sections that display will vary depending on status. The following table lists what sections appear for each status.

User Statuses when all sections are visible Statuses when the form sections are replaced by the Request Summary

Approvals, Access & Roles, and Comments & History also display.

Campus user with edit/view rights
  • Composing
  • Returned
  • Withdrawn
  • OSP Setup
  • Routing
  • OSP Assigned
  • GCA Assigned
  • GCA Workday Setup
  • Denied
  • Processed
Ad Hoc Approver
  • OSP Setup
  • Routing
  • OSP Assigned
  • GCA Assigned
  • GCA Workday Setup
  • Denied
  • Processed

Note: Ad Hoc Approvers can only approve—they cannot make edits.

A SAGE Budget is required for all Award Setup Requests (ASR), and is connected to the ASR on the Budget and Award Lines page. You can learn more about creating a SAGE award budget on the SAGE Budget Resources page. Note that Clinical Trial budgets reviewed by the UW CTO do not need to contain any amounts, only the necessary data needed for Workday award setup, as outlined in the Creating a Clinical Trials Budget for SAGE Awards job aid.

Connect Budget Breakdown from SAGE Budget

Your SAGE award budget identifies how you would like your awarded funds to be set up in Workday. A SAGE Budget is required as indicated by the red asterisk.

Create your SAGE Budget

Create a new award budget in SAGE Budget or copy and modify an existing SAGE Budget. The level of detail required for the award budget should be tailored to the sponsor’s requirements and campus unit needs. Award budgets are often less detailed than proposal budgets. It is usually simpler to create a new award budget from scratch.

Review the Quick Tips for Simplifying Your Award Budget in SAGE job aid for more information.

Note: Since the “Primary Worksheet’s” name integrates into Workday as the Grant Name, it is best to title the “Primary Worksheet” as you want it represented in Workday.

Connect your SAGE Budget

Once you have created your SAGE award budgetwith amounts and periods that match your notice of awardconnect your budget to the Award Setup Request. In the Search for a budget box you can type a budget title, budget number or PI last name to display all eligible budgets matching your criteria.

Note: Eligible budgets include SAGE Budgets that are not currently connected to an eGC1 or another ASR.

The following image shows the search box:

budget and award lines connect budget breakdown

Next, select your budget from the results list:

Select your Budget from the results list

After your budget is connected, the following information will display:

  • Budget name and BudgetID.
  • Open Budget button.
    • This opens the connected SAGE Budget in a new browser tab.
  • A list of the Period(s) connected with start date and end date.
    • SAGE will automatically select Period 1.
    • Select any additional periods authorized by your sponsor.

Information shown when connecting your Budget

Note: Any changes made to your SAGE Budget will sync to the Award Setup Request form, until the Award Setup Request is submitted. Changes can also be made to the budget when the ASR is in Returned status.

SNAP Award Period Setup: To streamline the SNAP award process and eliminate the need for temporary budget extensions, SNAP awards will be set up for the full anticipated duration of the award. Therefore, select all budget periods at time of ASR. However, also note that only period 1 should contain amounts. Future periods should contain $0, until the supplemental modification comes through for the next period. Review NIH SNAP: A Detailed Guide for Completing the Award Setup Request in SAGE for more details.

Change the Connected Budget

You can change the connected SAGE Budget if the status is:

  • Composing
  • Returned, but only if OSP has not approved
  • Withdrawn (available only when routing to an ad hoc approver)

A Change Budget link will display to the right of the Open Budget link, as shown in the following image:

award setup request change budget link

Selecting this link will open the Change Budget? dialog window. You can search for the desired budget by budget title, BudgetID number, or PI.

The following image shows the dialog window:

award setup request change budget dialog

Select your budget from the results list and select the Change Budget button. The page will update to reflect the updated information.

View the Award Budget By Period

The Award Budget By Period portion of the Budget & Award Lines form section includes a tab for each period selected, with its description, and an “All Periods” tab on the left if more than one period was selected.

Award Budget By Period Section

To the right of the section are three buttons:

  • Expand Budget: opens the Award Line Details sections for the entire budget.
  • Collapse Budget: closes the Award Line Details sections for the entire budget.
  • Customize Details View: allows you to customize your view of budget data by toggling Object Class Details and Award Line Details on or off. Whichever setting is applied in the Budget and Award Lines section is also displayed in the Review & Submit section.

The following image shows these buttons with the Customize Details View expanded:

As you scroll down to view the details of your budget, the Expand Budget and Collapse Budget buttons will continue to be visible.

The following image shows the collapsed view of a budget with a single award line.

Each SAGE Budget worksheet will show as a row on the ASR Budget page. The first row is the Primary Worksheet.

The first column, Worksheet / Award Line, displays the following information:

  • Worksheet Title
  • F&A Rate
  • Base Type
  • Location
  • Sponsored Program Activity Type

Selecting the blue caret (>) to the left of the worksheet title displays the Object Class with Ledger details and the Award Line Details section for that individual award line. See detail below.

The remaining columns display the costs for that category:

  • Total Direct Costs
  • Costs Subject to F&A
  • Total F&A
  • Fees
  • Total Costs

For a single Period, there is a Period Total row. For the All Periods view, there are Budget Total, Sponsor Awarded Total, and Difference rows.

Important: The Difference row compares the amounts between the Budget Total Costs and the Sponsor Awarded Total on the General Information page. Any difference is expected to be resolved prior to submission or you can expect a return. Review the Guidelines for a Budget Difference Between the SAGE Award Budget and the Sponsor Award job aid for tips on reconciling the difference.

Object Class and Spend Category Details

This section displays when the Expand Budget button is selected. It shows a breakdown of the ASR’s linked budget amounts by the categories that will integrate to the Workday plan. The amounts are aggregated by Ledger, Object Class, and Spend Category for each award line and period.

The following image shows an example of this section:

Screenshot showing examples of expanded Object Class with Ledger Details, Spend Category Summaries, and Totals.
Image: Object Class and Spend Category Details

Award Line Details

The Award Line Details section represents information that will integrate to Workday from SAGE Budget and the ASR. Some details like Terms and Conditions are entered by OSP and GCA, and will only be visible to campus once those units have taken their actions. This is a good opportunity to review the details that will comprise the award lines and grant details in Workday, prior to integration.

General Information/Terms & Conditions

  • Carryover
  • CFDA Number
  • Cost Center
  • Disposition of Balance
  • Letter of Credit Document ID
  • Line Type
  • Grant Hierarchy
  • Revenue Category
  • Special Conditions
  • Spend Restrictions
  • Sponsored Program Activity Type
    • Note: not required if the sponsor is the Royalty Research Fund (RRF)

F&A Details

  • F&A Cost Rate Type
  • F&A Rate Agreement
  • F&A Explanation

The following image shows the Award Line Details.

Award Line Details Section
Image: Award Line Details

OSP and GCA can apply and remove holds from an Award Setup Request or a Modification Request.

A hold can be placed for a variety of reasons and applied when the Award Setup Request or the Modification Request is in any of the following statuses:

  • OSP Setup
  • OSP Assigned
  • Returned
  • GCA Workday setup

Types of Holds

The following manual holds and compliance checks may be applied to your Award Setup Request or Modification Request:

  • General Hold
  • Export Control Hold
  • IACUC Approval Hold
  • IRB Approval Hold
  • Campus Input Required
  • Sponsor Input Required
  • GCA/OSP Coordination Required

Knowing a Hold has been Placed

Once a Hold is applied to your Award Setup Request or  Modification Request, near the top of the page, the following text will display in a blue font color (on all pages):

“Holds or compliance checks are in process. View the Comments & History section for more information.”

The following image shows an example of this text:

Awards Campus Holds message





More detailed information is displayed in the Comments & History section of the Award Setup Request or a Modification Request.

The following image shows an example of an added hold:

Awards Campus Holds listed in Comments and History section



The General Information section contains basic information about your Award Setup Request. Any fields that are required are noted.

The sections are:

Award Overview

  • Short Title (from eGC1, required)
  • Full Title (from eGC1)
  • Current Period Start Date (required)
  • Current Period End Date (required)
  • Sponsor Total for Spending Period
  • Estimated Award End Date
  • Sponsored Program Activity Type (required, drop-down menu)
    • OSA: Professional Development Public Service (UW External)
    • OSA: Other Sponsored Activity
    • OSA: IPA/JPA/Staff Assignment
    • OSA: Equipment
    • OSA: Construction
    • OSA: Clinical Trial Non Federal Sponsor (including Industry Sponsored)
    • OR: Research: Basic
    • OR: Research: Applied
    • OR: Other Training: Research
    • OR: Fellowship: Research Undergraduate
    • OR: Fellowship: Research Graduate or Professional
    • OR: Development
    • OR: Clinical Trial, Federal
    • I: Training and Development (UW Internal)
    • I: Fellowship: Non Research Undergraduate
    • I: Fellowship: Non Research Graduate or Professional
  • Clinical Trial Phase (drop-down menu)
    • Values: I, II, III, IV, Other, None
  • Sponsor Award Issue Date
  • Sponsor Award Number
  • Non-Monetary Award (toggle)
    • Select the toggle to display the Non-Monetary Award Amount field

The following image shows the Award Overview portion of the General Information form section:

A S R General Information Award Overview

  • Sponsor (from eGC1, required)
    • Instruction text below this field reads: “If you can’t find your Notice of Award sponsor, it may not exist in our system. Request Sponsor Setup in FECDM (Funding Entity Core Data Management).” and links to the FECDM form.
  • Sponsor Type (not editable)
  • Bill to Sponsor (from eGC1, same as Sponsor, editable)
  • Funding originates from a different entity than the sponsor listed above (flow-through). Select the toggle to display the following fields:
    • Originating (Prime) Sponsor (required, from eGC1,  if toggle enabled)
    • Originating (Prime) Sponsor Type (not editable)
    • Originating (Prime) Sponsor Award Number
  • The sponsor has a deadline for accepting the award.
    • Instruction text: “Use only when the sponsor has specified a required date to receive the signed award by to provide funding. Upload the required documentation of the deadline from the sponsor in the Supporting Attachments section.” and links to the attachments section.
    • Select the toggle to display the following fields:
      • Deadline for Accepting Award Date (required)
      • Instructions for where data source can be found in Notice of Award

The following image shows the Sponsor Details portion of the General Information form section:

A S R General Information Sponsor Details

PI & Department

  • Cost Center (required) – search by department/unit name, cost center name, or number.
  • Principal Investigator – display only (from eGC1)

The following image displays the PI & Department portion of the General Information form section:

Example of searching "biochem" in the Cost Center Receiving Funding field, which returns three results.

Select the Next Section button at the bottom, right of the page to navigate within your award.

November 9, 2023 SAGE Suite Release Notes



Award Lookup Now Used for Subaward Setup

Subaward requests can now be submitted using SAGE. With the transition to Workday, subawards are now associated with Awards, rather than Funding Actions (FAs). To set up a new subaward, users will search and select their award, and the eGC1 data will default based on the award selected.

subaward request award lookup buttonsubaward request award lookup resultssubaward request award details

Funding Action (FA) Validation and Lookup Removed

Since subawards are now associated with awards, the subaward FA lookup is no longer active or needed, and the validation has been removed. For legacy subawards, the FA fields will continue to display for reference.
subaward request details with F A data

Holds on Award Setup (ASR) and Modification (MOD) Requests

OSP and GCA Can Apply Holds to ASRs and MODs

OSP and GCA can now set and remove holds on ASR and MOD Requests. A new Holds section is available in the left navigation. After saving holds, an entry will display in the Comments & History section of the ASR/MOD.
A S R and MOD holds section

History of Holds Added to Comments & History Section

Campus, OSP, and GCA can view the history of holds activity on the Comments and History section of the ASR or MOD request.
holds data in comments and history section

Holds Banner Displays on ASR and MOD Requests

When holds are applied to an ASR or MOD request, users will now see a banner at the top of the request, alerting them to the hold. The campus banner will be informational only, and highlighted in blue. The OSP and GCA banner will be red, and indicate any action that may be needed before moving the item forward in the workflow.

Campus banner
SAGE holds banner

OSP & GCA banner
SAGE Central holds banner

Required Fields on Award and Budget Setup

Required Fields on SAGE Budget Worksheets

The SAGE Budget worksheet settings have been updated to show an asterisk next to fields that are required for ASR and MOD requests. These fields support the Workday award data needs.
sage budget worksheet settings required fields

In the SAGE Budget Salary and Benefit Costs section, additional help text has been added to remind campus that a person must be entered with the Principal Investigator role to provide the necessary grant PI data to Workday for award setup.
additional heop text for principal investigator requirement

Required Fields on Award Setup Requests

Required fields on the Award Setup Request now display an asterisk next to the field label. When the user clicks in a required field and navigates away, additional red highlighting will draw their attention back to the fields required.
award setup request required fields example

Miscellaneous Maintenance

eGC1 Status Updated to “Awarded” When Awards Are Processed

When awards are set up in Workday and the award setup request is marked as “Processed” in SAGE, the associated eGC1 status will now change from “Approved” to “Awarded.”

OSP Ability to Change the Linked eGC1 on Award Setup Requests

When OSP initiates an ASR and while it is in “OSP Setup” status, OSP can now change the linked eGC1 if an error has been made, prior to sending the ASR to campus. OSP will need to refresh the “Access & Roles” section after changing the eGC1 to see updated eGC1 data.

Modification Start and End Dates Display for Schedule Changes

On Modification Requests, when users select the Schedule Changes category, the “Current Authorized Spending Start Date” and “Current Authorized Spending End Date” fields will be visible and enabled for users to enter the dates. Existing MOD requests already processed with the Schedule Changes category will display the date fields without any dates populated.

Removal of Deny Reason for Requests

An issue was preventing the deny reason on requests from saving properly. Until a full fix can be completed, in the interim, the deny reason field has been removed and OSP or GCA will now enter the reason as a comment instead. The denial reason field will be added back into a future release.

Advance Extension Requests No Longer Show Former Budget Numbers

The former budget numbers no longer display for users on new Advance Extension Requests.

Award Request List Default Set to 25 Rows for OSP and GCA

In order to improve performance and reduce load on systems, the defulat setting of the Award Request List for OSP and GCA will initially show 25 rows instead of 50 rows. Users can still set it to up to 50 rows if needed, for now, but with dome deteriorated performance expected.

Fix: Truncated Comments on Requests with URLs

ASR and MOD request comments with URLs in them now show proper alignment without truncation.

Fix: SAGE Budget Personnel Side Panel Freezes

The SAGE Budget TBD personnel entry has been updated to prevent side panel freezing when users clicked out of fields quickly, prior to SAGE saving the data.

Update: Missing PI Validation Message on Award Setup Requests

The language used on the Award Setup Request Review and Submit page when the SAGE Budget worksheet PI is missing has been updated to direct users back to SAGE Budget to add a worksheet PI.

Fix: Cannot download previous version of attachments on Requests

Users can now select the current or prior version of attachments on ASRs, MOD, and Advance requests.

Fix: Animal Use Protocols Not Always Saving Country Data

An issue with the saving of “Country” data when a new institution was added to Animal Use protocols on the eGC1 has been fixed.

Temporary Change: Advance Tasklist “Processed” Filter Deactivated

Due to performance issues, we have temporarily deactivated the “Processed” status filter on the SAGE Advance Tasklist. While we work on improvements, this temporary solution will protect system performance and mitigate risk. In the meantime, if campus users need to locate a processed advance, they should use Advanced Search and search by either the Advance number or the eGC1 number to find an item.

Please note that SAGE Central filters will not change, but we recommend avoiding filtering for all “Processed” advances until we patch the issue next week.

User Interface Design Component Updates

A required Angular Material version upgrade has been completed, which has slight impacts to the SAGE user interface. The design changes of note include the following:

SAGE Budget, Advances, and Awards Sections: Excess table spacing has been reduced, small font sizes have been increased, and all capital letters on buttons and table headers have been removed to improve readability and accessibility.

SAGE Budget Icons: Subaward and Fabrication worksheet icons have been updated in the left navigation and the Budget Summary section within the Other Costs table. The More Actions menu (three dots) has been replaced with a Delete Worksheet button for Internal, Subaward, and Fabrication worksheets in the left navigation.

user interface design components example

When the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) receives or retrieves a new Notice of Award (NoA) and the PI is not included on the notification, OSP creates the Award Setup Request (ASR). The request has an initial status of OSP Setup.

When OSP finishes the setup and sends the item to SAGE, it changes to Composing status. The contacts on the linked eGC1 application are then automatically notified by email about the newly-created ASR. They are able to edit and complete the request, and then route it.

Individuals on the Access list will see the item on their Awards tasklist. When opened,  it displays a “review” version and cannot be edited.

Review the FAQ: What do I do when I receive an Award Setup Request created by OSP?  for an overview, details on what data OSP will enter, and what data you will need to enter and review.