UW Emergency Management

Emergency procedures poster

Seattle campus legal-sized emergency procedures posterEmergency Procedures posters

History of the Emergency Procedures poster

While the UW Seattle-campus Emergency Procedures Poster was updated in 2022, it’s history goes back nearly 2 decades.  In 2003, the UW received a one-time FEMA grant for the initial development, printing and installation of over 2,000 “Emergency Procedures Posters” for the Seattle campus.  Posters were placed in general use classrooms, auditoriums, laboratories and other public gathering spaces.  On-campus buildings constructed after 2003 included the costs for these posters in their capital budget.  While the information on the 2003 posters is still generally valid, some new information was recommended to refresh the content (i.e. UW alert, emergency blog, KOMO vs/ KIRO radio, etc…). UWEM consulted with EH&S and UWPD for the revised content.  Central funding to replace the old posters is not available; however, any member of the UW community may view, download and/or print them to post or distribute as many copies as needed.

Building Evacuation information

  • Evacuate the building using the nearest exit (or alternate if nearest exit is blocked).
  • Do not use elevators.
  • Take personal belongings (keys, purses, wallets, etc.).
  • Secure any hazardous materials or equipment before leaving.
  • Follow directions given by evacuation wardens.
  • Go to Evacuation Assembly Point (EAP) designated in your building’s evacuation plan and on building emergency evacuation signs.
  • Assist people with disabilities.


  • Drop, Cover and Hold-on under a table or desk or against an inside wall – not in a doorway – until the shaking stops.
  • After the shaking stops, check yourself and others for injuries and move toward the nearest exit or alternate.
  • Evacuate the building.
  • Do not leave the area/campus without reporting your status to your instructor, building coordinator or fire/floor warden.
  • Go to your nearest campus Mass Assembly Area for more information and critical updates.

Power outage

  • Remain calm; provide assistance to others if necessary.
  • Move cautiously to a lighted area. Exits may be indicated by lighted signs if the emergency power is operating.
  • Turn off and unplug computers and other voltage-sensitive equipment.
  • For information about a prolonged outage, got the UW’s Emergency Blog (https://emergency.uw.edu/), call UW 206-897-INFO (4636) hotline or, for regional outages, tune to KIRO radio 710 AM


  • Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station and call 9-1-1 if possible.
  • Evacuate the building.
  • Do not enter building until authorized by emergency personnel.

Suspicious person

  • Do not physically confront the person.
  • Do not let anyone into a locked building/office.
  • Do not block the person’s access to an exit.
  • Call 9-1-1. Provide as much information as possible about the person and their direction of travel.

Suspicious object

  • Do not touch or disturb object.
  • Call 9-1-1.
  • Notify your supervisor and/or the building coordinator.
  • Be prepared to evacuate

Hazardous materials release

  • If an emergency or if anyone is in danger, call 9-1-1.
  • Move to a safe location.
  • Follow the instructions of emergency personnel.
  • Alert others to stay clear of the area.
  • Notify emergency personnel if you have been exposed to or have information about the release.