SERA Notifications

This article describes when and to whom SERA sends email notifications. Select a link in the Email column to display an example of the email contents.

Note: Text in the examples that is in italic represents the specific values that the system adds to an email.

Email Purpose Sent When Sent To
Funding Action (FA) To notify owners that a funding action has been processed by GCA. The email includes a PDF of the completed form as an attachment. GCA completes the Campus Notify step while processing a funding action. PI, Application PI, Administrative Contact, Pre-Award Budget Contact, eGC1 Preparer, and first-level reviewers for the org code receiving funding.
Application Has Been Awarded To notify EH&S that an awarded application has an EH&S compliance approver or watcher. GCA completes the Campus Notify step while processing a funding action, and EH&S appears on the approval graph as a compliance reviewer. Appropriate reviewers for the node on the graph
Post Award Change (PAC) To notify owners of a post award change processed by GCA. The email includes a PDF of the completed form as an attachment. GCA completes the Campus Notify step while processing a post award change. PI, Application PI, Administrative Contact, Pre-Award Budget Contact, eGC1 Preparer and first-level reviewers for the org code receiving funding.
Advance Budget Request Processed​​​​​​​ To notify owners that an advance budget request has been processed by GCA. GCA completes the Campus Notify step while processing a budget advance. PI, the Advance Preparer(s).
Advance Sub-Budget Request Processed To notify the sub-budget PI and preparer that an Advance has been processed by GCA. GCA completes the Campus Notify step while processing a budget advance. Sub-budget Principal Investigator and the Advance Preparer(s)
Extension of Advance Budget Request Approved To notify the PI and preparer that an Advance Budget Number end date has been extended. GCA “Approve Extension” or “Approve Request to Extend Advance” Principal Investigator named on the Advance and the Advance Preparer(s)
Extension of Advance Sub-Budget Request Approved XXXX To notify the PI and preparer that an Advance Budget Number end date has been extended. GCA “Approve Extension” or “Approve Request to Extend Advance” Principal Investigator named on the Advance and the Advance Preparer(s)
Extension of Advance Budget Request Denied To notify the PI and preparer that a request to extend an Advance Budget Number end date has been denied. GCA denies the extension. Principal Investigator named on the Advance and the Advance Preparer(s)
Extension of Advance Sub-Budget Request Denied ZZZZ To notify the PI and preparer that a request to extend an Advance Budget Number end date has been denied. GCA denies the sub-budget extension. Principal Investigator named on the Advance and the Advance Preparer(s)