ASR General Information
The General Information section contains basic information about your Award Setup Request. Any fields that are required are noted.
The sections are:
Award Overview
- Short Title (from eGC1, required)
- Full Title (from eGC1)
- Current Period Start Date (required)
- Current Period End Date (required)
- Sponsor Total for Spending Period
- Estimated Award End Date
- Sponsored Program Activity Type (required, drop-down menu)
- OSA: Professional Development Public Service (UW External)
- OSA: Other Sponsored Activity
- OSA: IPA/JPA/Staff Assignment
- OSA: Equipment
- OSA: Construction
- OSA: Clinical Trial Non Federal Sponsor (including Industry Sponsored)
- OR: Research: Basic
- OR: Research: Applied
- OR: Other Training: Research
- OR: Fellowship: Research Undergraduate
- OR: Fellowship: Research Graduate or Professional
- OR: Development
- OR: Clinical Trial, Federal
- I: Training and Development (UW Internal)
- I: Fellowship: Non Research Undergraduate
- I: Fellowship: Non Research Graduate or Professional
- Clinical Trial Phase (drop-down menu)
- Values: I, II, III, IV, Other, None
- Sponsor Award Issue Date
- Sponsor Award Number
- Non-Monetary Award (toggle)
- Select the toggle to display the Non-Monetary Award Amount field
The following image shows the Award Overview portion of the General Information form section:
Sponsor Details
- Sponsor (from eGC1, required)
- Instruction text below this field reads: “If you can’t find your Notice of Award sponsor, it may not exist in our system. Request Sponsor Setup in FECDM (Funding Entity Core Data Management).” and links to the FECDM form.
- Sponsor Type (not editable)
- Bill to Sponsor (from eGC1, same as Sponsor, editable)
- Funding originates from a different entity than the sponsor listed above (flow-through). Select the toggle to display the following fields:
- Originating (Prime) Sponsor (required, from eGC1, if toggle enabled)
- Originating (Prime) Sponsor Type (not editable)
- Originating (Prime) Sponsor Award Number
- The sponsor has a deadline for accepting the award.
- Instruction text: “Use only when the sponsor has specified a required date to receive the signed award by to provide funding. Upload the required documentation of the deadline from the sponsor in the Supporting Attachments section.” and links to the attachments section.
- Select the toggle to display the following fields:
- Deadline for Accepting Award Date (required)
- Instructions for where data source can be found in Notice of Award
The following image shows the Sponsor Details portion of the General Information form section:
PI & Department
- Cost Center (required)
- Principal Investigator – display only (from eGC1)
The following image displays the PI & Department portion of the General Information form section:
Select the Next Section button at the bottom, right of the page to navigate within your award.