Awards Access & Roles
The Access & Roles page displays a read-only list of the individuals who have access to the Award Setup Request or Modification Request and their level of access, as well as other details. Access is shared with the selected eGC1.
The table displays one contact per row. The columns of information include:
- Contact
- Role
- Permissions
- Primary Organization (cost center) – only for Owners
- Email – only for Owners
- Phone – only for Owners
The following image shows this section with some example data.
Access Roles
Individuals with a role that has Owner permissions are listed first in the table, followed by any General Collaborators. The Owner rows display in the following order:
- Award Preparer
- Advance Preparer
- Budget Preparer (if applicable)
- eGC1 Preparer
- Pre-Award Budget Contact
- Administrative Contact
- Principal Investigator
All owner role rows display even if there is no one assigned to that role. General Collaborators will display in the order added.
By default, the person who creates the Award Setup Request or Modification Request becomes the Award Preparer. The exception is when OSP creates the request, the Award Preparer will be empty when the PI or administrator first views it. An Award Preparer will need to be added.
The other owners are populated from the associated eGC1 application and from its connected budget, if applicable. An owner’s primary organization, email, and phone information will display. Anyone with Owner permission can make changes to the request. A new request will not have any default collaborators.
Note: At the time of award, eGC1 owners will have the ability to initiate an Award Setup Requests. Access to the eGC1 and Award Setup Request will then need to be updated on each item independently. So if someone leaves/needs to be removed, the change must be made on both the eGC1 and the ASR.
A person may have more than one Owner role, but cannot be both an Owner and a General Collaborator. If you try to add an existing person in a role that would conflict, their name would appear grayed out in the search results.
Editing the Access List
Note: anyone who is an Owner or who has Can Edit permissions may update the Access & Roles page of an award in any status.
To replace an existing owner, start typing the new person’s name or NetID in the Contacts column for that role, then select them from the results list. The one exception is that the Principal Investigator cannot be changed or removed.
In addition, a Pre-Award Budget Contact or Administrative Contact can be either demoted to a general collaborator with edit permission or removed from the budget by using the “more options” menu icon to the far right (three vertical blue dots). Any time you choose “remove” from the menu, a confirmation dialog will display.
An Award Preparer, if there is at least one other Award Preparer, can be demoted or removed.
General Collaborators
To add a general collaborator, select Add Contact, then choose “Add general collaborator” from the drop-down menu. A new row will be added to the top of the table. Start typing the person’s name or NetID in the Contact column, then select them from the results list. After adding a person, you can use the Sort by Role link to re-order the list.
Use the drop-down menu in the Permissions column to give either View Only or Can Edit access. The default choice is View Only.
You can change the access permission at any time. Anyone with Can Edit permissions can make changes to the award.
General Collaborators can also be:
- Promoted to be the Pre-Award Budget Contact or Administrative Contact
- If the contact role is empty, the collaborator is moved directly.
- If the contact role is not empty, a confirmation dialog appears to confirm the replacement. The person being replaced is demoted to a general collaborator with edit permission.
- Removed from the budget