Summer Study 2020 - Friday, July 31

Friday, July 31, 2020 - 10:00 to 11:30

Phase 1:

What Comes Next?: You saw Phase 2 present their projects on Wednesday. Think of two ideas of projects you could do to present next year at Summer Study. Think of things you might already be working on with school projects.

Friday, July 31, 2020 - 10:00 to 11:30

Phase 2:

Run Through of Presentations for Closing Ceremony: Phase 2 Scholars and Interns will discuss and refine their presentations so they are ready to share their accomplishments at the 2020 Summer Study Closing Ceremonies. These fun, student-lead presentations are always appreciated by fellow students, DO-IT staff, and the larger DO-IT "family." Get ready to strut your stuff and show off some highlights from your camp experience!

Friday, July 31, 2020 - 16:00

Phase 1 and 2:

Closing Ceremonies: Everyone's invited, especially family and friends! DO-IT Scholars and their guests, along with mentors, instructors, and staff will celebrate accomplishments and reflect on the 2020 Summer Study. Student projects and activities will be highlighted as Scholars graduate into the next "phase" of the Scholars program. We'll hear about Summer Study classes, review what we've learned, check out some pictures and the annual Snapshots yearbook, explore the 2020 Summer Study website, view Scholar video creations, and look back on the first online Summer Study!