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Tools of the trade

Our toolkits include ready-to-use copy, visual assets, social media posts and more. These tools make participation straightforward, accessible and ensure a unified voice that boosts the UW brand.

Check back often as we add additional toolkits representing more UW initiatives and programs.

Questions? Contact


About the UW presentation

This PowerPoint presentation is designed to introduce audiences to the University of Washington. It is intended primarily for audiences in Washington, but it can be adapted for presentations given outside the state. It can be used as either a stand-alone presentation or an addition to a presentation on another topic that would benefit from the audience’s first having a better understanding of the UW and its public mission.

The presentation is divided into six sections: an opening section, a closing section and two slides for each of the UW’s four brand pillars. The notes section of each slide has additional facts and information that build on the theme of that slide. These are intended to provide options that you can choose from — you do not need to use all these facts in your presentation.

The UW campus with Mount Rainier in the background.

Download Powerpoint

Additional content

More facts and stories are available at:

In addition, an introductory video is available for download.

Brand Anthem Video

The Brand Anthem video continues to tell the story of Be Boundless by highlighting ways the University of Washington is improving our world. The video inspires prospective students, community members, partners, and the people of Washington state to join us in our pursuit of boundlessness.

Narrated by UW alumna Jean Smart, who generously donated her time and talents to help tell our story, the Brand Anthem video highlights the UW’s values by featuring students and faculty who connect their passion with the positive impact they having on the world. This video showcases the spirit of possibility that is core to our mission.

Boundless Cover Photo Play Button

View Full Version (1:18)

View Ad Version (:30)

Embed on your site

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Captions can be used for social media posting or when sharing through your other digital channels.

From the University:

  • As someone who gets to share UW’s story every day, I couldn’t be prouder of our new Brand Anthem. It beautifully captures the boundless spirit and the incredible Pacific Northwest setting that make the University of Washington special. Watch it here and feel the Husky pride! #BeBoundless #GoHuskies
  • We tell the world why the University of Washington is the place to be — and this new video says it all. Whether it’s classrooms beneath the waves or cheering in the greatest setting in college football, the UW is where change begins. Check out our powerful new Brand Anthem! #BeBoundless #GoHuskies
  • So excited to finally share the new Brand Anthem we’ve been working on for the UW! It’s been an honor to help tell the story of boundless possibility and showcase the beauty of our Pacific Northwest home. Can’t wait to see it airing across the nation! #BeBoundless #GoHuskies
  • Months of collaboration, creativity, and Husky pride went into this new Brand Anthem for the UW—and it’s here! It’s a celebration of everything that makes this university extraordinary, from its breathtaking setting to its inspiring people. Watch and share! #BeBoundless #GoHuskies

From Alumni/Community:

  • The University of Washington is more than a place — it’s where world change begins. This new Brand Anthem captures the heart of the UW: boundless possibility, breathtaking Pacific Northwest views, and the Huskies who make a difference. Watch the video and share our Husky pride! #BeBoundless
  • Why do people come to the University of Washington? To make an impact, change the world, and be part of something bigger. This new Brand Anthem says it all. If you’ve ever called UW home, this one’s for you. #BeBoundless #GoHuskies

From Faculty:

  • As faculty, we have the privilege of helping students discover their potential and change the world. This new University of Washington video beautifully captures the boundless possibilities the UW offers — from the classroom to the world stage. Proud to be part of this community. #BeBoundless
  • This new UW Brand Anthem is a powerful reminder of why we do what we do. From inspiring students to pursuing groundbreaking research, UW is a place where impact happens every day. Watch and share this vision of boundless possibility. #BeBoundless #GoHuskies
  • Why do people choose the University of Washington? Because it’s where their ideas take flight, their voices create change, and their impact begins. Proud to be part of a community that makes a difference every day. Watch UW’s new video and be inspired. #BeBoundless #GoHuskies

Fill in the Blanks Campaign

This is a marketing campaign intended to raise UW brand awareness in our community. We want the University of Washington to be top of mind for prospective students and this campaign is a thought-provoking reminder of who we are as a university.

This creative authentically highlights the UW’s strengths by featuring real UW students and faculty, connecting what they’re passionate about with the positive impact they’re having on the world and the spirit of possibility that is core to our mission. We are looking to inspire prospective students, UW community members and partners to join us.

Messaging platform

Share your unique stories through the following lenses:

  1. Affordability and value
    What programs, grants and scholarships are available to prospective students? How does UW provide support to those who need it? Connect the value of a UW degree.
  2. Community impact
    Why should people care? How the UW impacts your family, your neighborhood and community. Simplest way to connect using a granular impact.
  3. Career preparedness
    How does UW provide something unique to students to prepare for life and their future careers? Academic value of UW experience as it relates to the future.

Create your own FITB ad

Protip: Let’s be real.

The most important part of this campaign is to tell REAL stories in an authentic way, by highlighting real voices in authentic settings.

1) Identify your story angle(s).
  • Affordability and value. What programs, grants and scholarships are available to prospective students? How does UW provide support to those who need it? Connect the value of a UW degree.
  • Community impact. Why should people care? How UW impacts your family, your neighborhood and community. Simplest way to connect using a granular impact.
  • Career preparedness. How does UW provide something unique to students to prepare for life and their future careers? Academic value of UW experience as it relates to the future.

Protip: Pair these story angles with your unit’s messaging priorities.

2) Select a person and/or a profile.
  • Try to identify surprising relationship or connection. Connecting two things in an unexpected yet symbiotic way.
  • Subject should understand the reach and visibility of this campaign awareness. This exposure is very beneficial to a student participant as well.
  • Do an interview to learn more about the work being done or a project in the works. Hear from the subject in their own words. What are the possibilities for this story? Showcase an individual in an authentic way.

Create your own FITB headline

You can modify the language for your program or unit, the audience you’re trying to reach, and the goals of the piece. The one aspect that remains constant is the FITB formula: two blanks in a full sentence, which the subject(s) of the ad have “filled in” and customized in their own words, Mad Lib-style.

The basics:

  • There should be two blanks in the message, as seen in the Anatomy of an Ad example below.
  • The subject can vary between “I,” “we,” or a named group.
  • Messaging is most successful when you keep the following best practices in mind –

Something that seems small is paired with something bigger/more universal.

Example: “I research shellfish DNA because I care about healthy communities.”

This highlights how individuals can make a difference, and how seemingly small contributions add up to big results.

Two disparate things have a unique or surprising connection.

Example: “I study beehives because I care about safe buildings.”

The juxtaposition of these two things piques the reader’s interest and makes them want to learn more.

Ideally, the FITB headline inspires the reader to learn more: whether on the page (as seen in the Anatomy of an Ad) or via a link.

FITB photo style

Here are some best practices for creating your own FITB photo. Most importantly, your photo is a visual expression of the story you are telling. Keep the focus on real people, doing real work in real settings to create authenticity in your photos.

Best practices:

  • Environmental portraiture. Using an individual or a group of people is the best way to present your subjects and topics. Show the participants in their natural working/research environments – this could be a lab, the outdoors or whatever environment makes a connection to the research. The image should relate to the FITB headline that is created.
  • UW brand presence. Use UW elements in your shoot. This can be created with apparel of purple or gold, or incorporating a block W that may already be in the place you are shooting. Other useful branding items are stickers and patches that can be placed on props and removed after the shoot. Having a splash of purple and using the block W makes our ads stand out from other universities.
  • Create authenticity. Plan photography with location and color in mind but remember to be in the moment. Engage with your participants to get them to show how they do their work.  Conversations that help the participant feel comfortable and relaxed and in their element will help create an authentic moment.
  • Tell the story in ONE photo. This is the time to be creative. Show enough of the environment to give information as to where the participant is and what they are doing. But also make sure to remember negative space for the headline copy. Images are much more powerful when there is a moment of movement or action. This can be a hand just reaching for something, a drop coming off a pipette or a facial expression capturing emotion.
  • Take complementary photos. Leave time to get a few variations of the images, such as a change of attire or removing/adding props. Consider getting images of the environment and equipment, and of the participant in other settings as they set up or move through their space. These images will give texture and feel to additional media that you may want to post on social media or other channels.
Examples of portrait style
Examples of atmosphere and tone

Putting it all together

Below are some design recommendations to consider as you build your own FITB ad:

The Anatomy of an Ad

Screenshot 2024 09 10 At 3.19.51 Pm

  • White UW wordmark on a purple Boundless Bar.
  • Margins above and below wordmark within banner should be equal to height of wordmark.
  • Upper left corner is the ideal location.

The components of the headline are:

    1. Informational text
    2. Handwritten text
    3. FITB underline
  • Informational text type should be set in Bookmania Semibold font, either white or black, depending on the background.
  • In an effort to be authentic, the original ads used scanned versions of the subject’s real handwriting. However, an alternative option is to use a handwriting font in either Spirit Gold or Spirit Purple, depending on the background. We recommend these Google font options:

Protip: Adjust letter and word kerning to replicate real handwriting.

  • Handwriting text should be 135% size of type and baseline should align with type baseline.
  • FITB underlines should offset slightly below baseline of informational text. Descenders can extend over underline.
  • FITB underlines should be the same color as the informational text.
Body Copy
  • Body copy should be set in Encode Sans Normal Medium.
  • Recommended sizing is 8 pt over 9.5 pt leading, or a proportional size/leading relationship.
  • Body copy is typically the same color as header type, but either white or black, depending on the background.
Boundless W
For X, For Y Tagline
  • To develop your For X, For Y tagline, visit the Tagline guidelines.
  • The For X, For Y copy should be in sentence case. BE BOUNDLESS appears in all caps.
  • Sentence case font should be set in Encode Sans Normal Bold. All caps font should be set in Encode Sans Normal Black.

Tagline should:

  • Connect and align with the Boundless W.
  • Be vertically-centered with the Boundless W.
  • Be left-aligned if placed to the right of the Boundless W, and be right-aligned if placed to the left of the Boundless W.
  • Tagline should not butt-up flush with the Boundless W, but have a clear space of about two periods width between aligned side of the  tagline and the edge of Boundless W serif.
QR Code (Optional element)
  • Recommend black QR Code on white background box. No block W or paw print or other graphics in QR code.
  • QR should reside in one of the bottom corners to not compete with rest of graphics and text.
  • Once a QR code is created, you can track clicks and collect data on your collateral. Recommend one QR code for each item. To create a QR code, fill out this form.

Ready-to-use assets for Decoding the Universe

Digital graphic 300x250px

Uw Dirac Gw Paid 300x250 01

Digital graphic 300x600px

Uw Dirac Gw Paid 300x600 01

Digital graphic 900x250px Option 1

Uw Dirac Gw Paid 900x250 01


Digital graphic 900x250px Option 2

Uw Dirac Gw Paid 900x250 02



Foundational copy

The code we write today will decode the universe tomorrow.

Short: UW astronomy undergrads test their cutting-edge coding skills in the cosmos, interpreting what a revolutionary new telescope will discover in the night sky. Their research helps scientists like Professor Mario Jurić observe present phenomena and unravel the universe’s past — while launching the students’ careers into the future.

Medium: UW astronomy undergrads test their cutting-edge coding skills in the classroom — and the cosmos. Working with faculty like Professor Mario Jurić, the students analyze data to interpret what a revolutionary new telescope will discover in the night sky. Their research helps scientists at the UW’s Institute for Data Intensive Research in Astrophysics and Cosmology observe present phenomena and unravel the universe’s past — while launching the students’ careers into the future.



For data. For discovery.

For small steps. For big discoveries.

For learning new skills. For launching your future.

For your university. For the universe. 


For your studies. For the stars.

For dreamers. For doers.

For coding. For the cosmos.

For learning in class. For launching your career.

Share your FITB story

Do you have a great story to share that could be featured in this marketing campaign?

Contact University Marketing & Communications Executive Creative Director, Valentina Gomez Bravo.

You Double You

Working as part of the UW increases your influence and your impact in the world. No matter your skills, you can play a role in steering the course of life on the planet. But as part of UW, you can be more. You can play a role in nurturing the future. Your impact is more. Your reach is greater.

This is You Double You.

The Employment Brand toolkit empowers hiring managers to utilize branded materials to change the narrative that working at the UW is limited to staff jobs based in education. The UW offers a dynamic and diverse workforce landscape, and there are many opportunities for potential employees to make the most of their skills and find the right fit.

Messaging options

You double you at the UW. Here, at the University of Washington, you’ll find a job that will change your life and others’ lives too. Discover a place where you can thrive, where all are welcome, and where the focus is on the greater good.

Working as part of the University of Washington increases your influence and your impact in the world. No matter your skills, as part of the UW, you can become more. You can play a role in nurturing the future. Your impact is more. Your reach is greater. You double you.

You double you at the UW. As a dynamic force in global research, a leader in top-ranked healthcare and the pride of Seattle, the University of Washington offers boundless possibilities for you to succeed and belong.

Photography guidelines

Employment Branding Photography

The photo style for You Double You utilizes a foundational duotone of Spirit Purple and Husky Gold with an overlay of a cut out image of an individual person or people. You can use the Photoshop (.psd) files offered below in the Customizing a template section as a guide to make your own image.

In general, you should use the image twice — once as the background in duotone and then once as the foreground image of the person/people in full color. For the foreground image, simply cut out the person (or people) and place on top of the same duotone picture.

Assets to download

Web, social and print assets in a variety of sizes are available to download for use in your communications and outreach. There are five themes available:


Uw Hr Brand Templates 2024 Bannerads Healthcare V1 300x250


Uw Hr Brand Templates 2024 Bannerads Laboratory V1300x250


Uw Hr Brand Templates 2024 Bannerads Leadership V1300x250

Skilled Trade

Uw Hr Brand Templates 2024 Bannerads Skilledtrade V1300x250


Uw Hr Brand Templates 2024 Bannerads Tech V1300x250

Customizing a template

Take it one step further and customize your communications using these downloadable print and digital templates. All five themes are available in these InDesign and Photoshop file options.

W Day collage of photos with W Day logo

W DAY 2024

On Nov. 1, throw on your Husky gear and come together on Red Square for an epic celebration of Purple Pride with live music, fun photo ops and giveaways.


Join us for W Day 2024!

Supporting copy

It’s the UW’s 163rd birthday — and we’re celebrating YOU! W Day is an annual party celebrating our inspiring global Husky community that also kicks off Homecoming weekend.

On Nov. 1, sport your Husky gear and come together on Red Square for an epic W Day pep rally with the Husky Marching Band, live music and your favorite purple-and-gold giveaways. Show the world your Purple Pride and have a Dubs-up start to Homecoming weekend.

Seattle campus schedule

Friday, Nov. 1, 2024
10 a.m.–1 p.m.
Red Square




Creative downloads

Find downloads for social media, a poster and campus screens.

Download ZIP file

Husky Giving Day

Husky Giving Day is April 4, 2024! Get ready for the big day and help spread the word with the Husky Giving Day toolkit. Use the links below to download each part of the toolkit. Each link is a ZIP file with assets.

Husky Giving Day Partners

Husky Giving Day Champions

The President’s Circle

This toolkit includes narrative story, themes & key messages, links to download the brochure and visit the website, visual assets and social copy.

Program story

Short story

Nearly five decades ago, a small group of people inspired by a common goal joined together in a commitment to support the University of Washington. Today, our circle has expanded to more than 13,000 strong. We welcome you to The President’s Circle as an expression of our gratitude for an investment of $2000 or more annually. Make a gift to whatever you care about most. Invest in a specific school or program, or diversify your giving with a combination of gifts. You choose how you want to make an impact.

Long story

What happens when like-minded people unite to make dreams come true for others? Inspiration blooms. Talents develop. Lives change. Nearly five decades ago, a small group of people with a common goal joined together in a commitment to support the University of Washington. Today, our circle has expanded to more than 13,000 strong and is known as The President’s Circle. This impactful community is made up of a diverse mix of faculty, friends, alumni, fans—and of course: students. No matter how you are connected with the UW, we invite you to deepen your relationship and join us in making a difference. We welcome you to The President’s Circle as an expression of our gratitude for an investment of $2000 or more annually. Because giving is a personal, meaningful act, you can decide how you want to contribute. Make an investment in a specific school or program, or diversify your giving with a combination of gifts. Support medical research, athletics, the arts—or all of the above. You choose how you want to make an impact.

Themes & key messages

Support what you care about most.

Theme description
Reach the minimum donation amount of $2,000 annually with any combination of gifts to be a part of the President’s Circle. Donors enjoy the freedom to make their gift(s) more personal.

Key messages
Are you passionate about music? A sports fanatic who never misses a Husky game? Or are you committed to supporting the next big medical breakthrough? We recognize the importance of choice when it comes to giving. That’s why you can give to any number of areas within the UW to be a part of The President’s Circle, as long as you reach an annual total of $2000.

We are better and more impactful together.

Theme Description

A commitment to this level of giving speaks to the belief that being a part of this donor community will ensure a greater impact.

Key messages

Our group is greater than the sum of its parts. Since 1972, donors in The President’s Circle have made a significant difference through capital campaigns, academic scholarships and more. The impact of their kindness is infinite; we know yours is too.

Engage in a special donor community experience.

Theme description

The President’s Circle acts as a catalyst for progress while working some community-building magic and creating unique experiences for those who engage.

Key messages

Give with purpose, alongside those who share your values and hopes for the future as part of The President’s Circle. Make a meaningful impact as you join in the extraordinary experiences of a dedicated, connected philanthropic community.

Website & brochure

Visit Website

Download Brochure PDF

Wordmark/graphic lockup

The President’s Circle lockup is available in purple, black and white and can be downloaded as a PDF, PNG or EPS file.

Download wordmark lockup zip file

Email banners

Click on the image to download.


Social graphics

Images are available sized for Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.

Sample social media copy



Twitter sample posts

What happens when like-minded people unite to make dreams come true for others? Inspiration blooms. Talents develop. Lives change. That’s the impact that comes from #UWpresCircle [link]

Nearly 50 years ago, a small group of people with a common goal joined together in commitment to support the UW. Today, our circle has expanded to more than 13,000 strong and is known as The President’s Circle. #UWpresCircle [link]

Facebook / LinkedIn sample posts

What happens when like-minded people unite to make dreams come true for others? Inspiration blooms. Talents develop. Lives change. That’s the impact that comes from The President’s Circle. How do you want to expand the student experience, drive public good and empower innovation in both Washington and the world? #UWpresCircle.[link]

The UW is a catalyst for change. When you give with purpose alongside those who share your values in The President’s Circle, your personal impact will come to life in new ways. Learn more about the far-reaching effects your giving can have on innovative research, cancer patients, students and more. [link] #UWpresCircle