How to Use These Materials

The enclosed materials are designed for use in presentations which will stimulate departmental discussion and action to ensure that all students in your programs have equal educational opportunities. Each presentation option is appropriate for meetings of administrators and/or department chairs, advisors, faculty, teaching assistants, support staff, students, and others. The presentations are intended for use in public and private, two-year and four-year, large and small post-secondary institutions. Presentation lengths can vary from twenty minutes to one hour or longer. The materials were tested in the College of Engineering at the University of Washington and refined based on faculty and staff evaluations.

Two presentation options are outlined in these materials.

  • The Short Presentation can be presented by anyone regardless of experience with respect to students with disabilities.
  • The Comprehensive Presentation requires some experience or preparation on the part of the presenter(s).

Just designate a presenter to review these materials, choose the format that fits your needs best, schedule a presentation for your next meeting, and get ready to DO-IT!