Tag Archives: eGC1

There are a number of ways to move from page to page within your eGC1 and to save the data you have entered.

example breadcrumb trail and title

Below the main tabs in SAGE at the left side of the page is a breadcrumb trail which you can use to return to your My eCG1s tasklist. When an item is open the breadcrumb reads “Back to My eGC1s” followed by the item number (for example, A999999), and then the name of the page you are on. Selecting the item number returns you to the Details page which is the page you see when you first open an eGC1.

Below the breadcrumb is the page heading made up of the eGC1’s Short Title, ID, and the name of the PI, separated by the vertical bar character. This appears on every page as a quick reference.

Action Bar Icons

On the right side of the page, just below the heading is a set of icons that allow you to do a number of actions. These are described in order from left to right.

Action bar icons

  1. Previous Page: a straight left-pointing arrow moves you to the prior page on the left navigation menu
  2. Next Page: a right-pointing arrow moves you to the next page on the left navigation menu
  3. Save Page: a diskette icon which saves a copy of the current values in the eGC1 to the database
  4. Reset Form: a curved, left-pointing arrow which clears any un-saved values from the page
  5. Create a copy of this eGC1: a double-page icon which opens a new eGC1 (after confirmation pop-up) that is a partial copy of the original (see the Copy an Existing eGC1 article)
  6. Delete this eGC1: a trash can, that appears when the eGC1 status allows, and lets you Delete an eGC1

Left Navigation Menu

When you are viewing an eGC1, a navigation menu appears on the left side of the window. It lists all of the pages that are part of the eGC1, and includes links to Save & Close the eGC1 and to Check for Errors. You can click on any page link to move to that page. The page you are currently viewing will be highlighted in the menu. In this example, the PI & Personnel page is highlighted.

e g c 1 left navigation menu

If your application is in Approved, Awarded, or Denied by Sponsor status, then an additional “View Funding Status” link displays. Clicking this link will take you to the MyResearch Funding Status page for the application. Note: As of July 6, Funding Status and Non-Award Agreement data may be out of sync with SAGE and Workday until MyResearch is remediated. Please use SAGE to review eGC1 and award status until further notice.

Under the appropriate conditions, one of two additional links will appear:  Permanently Withdrawn or Denied by Sponsor. See the linked articles for details.

In the footer of an eGC1 page, there is a Previous link and either a Continue or Next button (depending on the page you are viewing). Just like the arrow icons in the “action bar” clicking Previous will move you to the prior page in the left navigation menu. Clicking the Continue or Next button will move you to the following page.

example previous and continue buttons in footer

example of previous and next buttons in footer

Closing an eGC1

In order not to lock out a colleague who may also need to work on an eGC1, you should always exit an item using SAGE links.

You have a few options for closing an eCG1:

  • Use the Save & Close this eGC1 link in the left navigation menu
  • Use the Back to My eGC1s breadcrumb
  • Click on the eGC1 FORMS tab

Each of these methods will save any changes that were made, and release the item so that another person would be able to edit it.

Saving eGC1 Data

The data values in your eGC1 are saved whenever you do any of the following:

  • Click the Save icon in the action bar
  • Navigate to a different page of your eGC1
    • by using the Next or Previous arrows in the action bar
    • by using the button/link in the footer of a page
    • by clicking on a different page link on the left navigation menu
  • Click the Save and Close this eGC1 link from the left navigation menu
  • Click the Back to My eGC1s breadcrumb

The System to Administer Grants Electronically (SAGE) is the tool that researchers and grant administrators use to prepare proposals for approval and submission to the funding agency. At the UW, the appropriate campus units, compliance offices, and the Office of Sponsored Programs must review and approve all grant and contract proposals.

The Approvals component of SAGE manages the electronic routing of the proposal for approval. It is also used to manage the approvals for Advance Budget Requests and Award Requests for funded proposals.

This guide describes the functionality of the Approvals component for:

The My eGC1s page displays those eGC1s to which you have direct access either as an owner or through read-only or read-write permissions. The eGC1s are listed in order by Date Created with the newest one first. The following image shows the header for this page.

my E G C ones page

The fields displayed in the list, reading left to right, are:

  • eGC1 # – system assigned unique number – click this to open the eGC1
  • PI – Principal Investigator’s Name
  • Full Application Title
  • Sponsor Name
  • eGC1 Status – this field is linked, but the links are not currently active
  • Date Created
  • OSP Need By Date
  • Application Type
  • Ready To Submit
  • Budget Number – number of the connected SAGE Budget, if there is one; selecting this number will open the budget in a new browser tab or window.

From the My eGC1s page, you can find and open an eGC1 by its number, filter the list by status, link to an Advanced Search and create new eGC1s.

Find and Open an eGC1 by Number

quick open by e g c 1 number

To use this feature, enter the number of the specific eGC1 (with or without the “A”) in the text box and click Open. The page will refresh and display the eGC1.

Filter the eGC1 List by Status

You can use the status checkboxes to select which items appear on your list. Your list will update each time you check or uncheck one of the status boxes. For status definitions, see eGC1 Statuses.

The Select Composing, Select Routing, and Select All links will reset the status checkboxes to show only those items that match your choice.

The following image shows this section of the page.
my E G C ones page status checkboxes
When you first display the My eGC1s page, only items in Composing status are displayed. If you don’t currently have any eGC1s in Composing status, you’ll see this version of the page as show in the following image.

my E G C ones page with no composing items

You can use the quick find-and-open feature, choose to view Routing items or all items, go to the Advanced Search page or create a new eGC1.

Link to an Advanced Search

Click the Advanced Search link to display a search page you can use to find eGC1s by various criteria.

Create a New eGC1

Click the Create New eGC1 button to open the wizard for creating a new eGC1 application.

Enter any information that will be helpful to campus and OSP reviewers. This may include special sponsor requirements, exceptional situations or other information that will assist reviewers in understanding your application.

e g c 1 additional information section

Note: On the Application Summary page and in SAGE Central (OSP’s view of SAGE data), the Additional Information field (which appears on the eGC1’s Certify & Route page) is referred to as eGC1 Comments.

The “approval flow” includes all UW individuals, divisions, departments, deans, and/or compliance offices (including OSP), that must review and sign off on a proposal before its submission to the sponsor. Review: How the Flow is Generated.

SAGE automatically routes the proposal to the individuals and units included in the approval flow. The system also sends email notifications of pending approvals to Approvers on campus. OSP uses their SAGE Central tasklist to manage proposals waiting for approval. Review: Reviewer Email Notifications.

As a reviewer, you can access the approval flow for an application from the Approvals tab in SAGE. You have the option of viewing a graphical or a textual representation of the approval flow.  If you are a preparer or owner of the eGC1, you can also access the approval flow from the Certify & Route page of the application.

Generally, anyone who appears on the SAGE approval flow is referred to as a reviewer. More specifically, reviewers are either Approvers or Watchers.



  • Monitor the status of an eGC1; they are not required to approve the eGC1
  • May choose to “mark” the application as Watched
  • May add a comment that then becomes part of the permanent record of the proposal

Organization Codes have been replaced with Cost Centers; see Cost Center Receiving Funding article.

The Organization Code Receiving Funding is the UW’s ten-digit code which identifies the department or unit that will receive funding. Ask your fiscal specialist or department administrator which code you should use.

Note: GCA requires the code to be at the department level or below. See the OPB Orgcode and Budget Number Guidelines for an explanation of organization levels.

The following image shows this section before a code is selected.

E G C one org code receiving funding section

Enter your organization code number directly on the page or select Look Up Organization Code to use the Organization Chooser.

Once you have selected the organization code, the associated Box number will appear. You can edit the box number if desired. If you need to change the box number associated with the code, use the “Changes To Existing Org Code Form” available from the Office of Planning & Budgeting web page.

You can also use the +/-  buttons to expand and collapse the organization code’s hierarchy. The following image shows an expanded hierarchy.

E G C one org code hierarchy example

The Change the Organization Code? link will re-display the chooser so that you can select a different code.

When you create an eGC1, you are automatically named as the eGC1 Preparer. Approvers may contact you during the review process, and OSP and/or GCA staff following the awarding of funds.

To select a different preparer, click the Change the eGC1 Preparer? link beneath the preparer information to open the Personnel Chooser. Search for and select the new person.

When you choose to change yourself as the preparer, a warning message will appear. If the change you are making removes your last access to this item, once you confirm the change, the tasklist will display.

loss of access warning dialog

The information displayed for the preparer is:

  • Name and Employee ID
  • Selected unit: the name and Cost Center of the contact’s unit for the appointment selected. This is automatically displayed by SAGE.
  • Title: the contact’s title from the directory. This field is editable.
  • Phone: the contact’s phone number from the directory. This field is editable and is required.
  • Email: the contact’s email address from the directory. This field is editable and is required.

When you create a budget, you are automatically named the role of Budget Preparer. Approvers may contact you during the review process, and OSP and/or GCA staff following the awarding of funds.

  • To select a different preparer, click the Change the Budget Preparer? link beneath the preparer information to open the personnel chooser.
  • Enter the Name or UW NetID for the person you want to add, and click Search.
  • Click on the desired person’s name to select her or him and return to the Access page.

When you choose to change yourself as the preparer, a warning message will appear. If the change you are making removes your last access to this item, once you confirm the change, the tasklist will display.

loss of access warning dialog

The information displayed for the preparer is:

  • Name and Employee ID
  • Selected unit: the name and Cost Center of the contact’s unit for the appointment selected. This is automatically displayed by SAGE.
  • Title: the contact’s title from the directory. This field is editable.
  • Phone: the contact’s title from the directory. This field is editable.
  • Email: the contact’s title from the directory. This field is editable.

Use this section of the eGC1 Contacts and Assign Access page to look up an Administrative or Pre-Award Budget Contact. Approvers may contact these persons during the review process. OSP and/or GCA staff may contact them following the awarding of funds.

Review the SAGE Budget and eGC1 Shared Access Data page to learn how contact information is displayed on the shared access page of your eGC1 and its connected SAGE Budget.

Note: This page is editable regardless of the eGC1’s status.

Add Contact

Click on either the Look Up Administrative Contact or Look Up Pre-Award Budget Contact button on the Contacts & Assign Access page to open the Personnel Chooser. Search for and select the person.

The information displayed for both contacts is the same.

Administrative Contact field

  • Name and Employee ID
  • Selected unit: the name and cost center of the contact’s unit for the appointment selected. This is automatically displayed by SAGE.
  • Title: the contact’s title from the directory. This field is editable.
  • Phone: the contact’s phone number from the directory. This field is editable and is required.
  • Email: the contact’s email address from the directory. This field is editable and is required.

Change Contact

To select a different contact, click the appropriate Change the (Admin/Budget) Contact? link beneath the contact information to open the personnel chooser.

Remove Contact

To remove a contact, click the appropriate Remove the (Admin/Budget) Contact? link beneath the contact information to clear the selection.

When you choose to change or remove yourself as a contact, a warning message will appear. If the change you are making removes your last access to this item, once you confirm the change you will be returned to the tasklist.

loss of access warning dialog

How do I designate a person as an eGC1 reviewer for our department?

For a person to be a reviewer of all eGC1s submitted to your department, they need to have the SAGE ASTRA (Access to Systems, Tools, Resources and Applications) role of Department or Center Reviewer for your cost center.

You can contact your department’s ASTRA administrator and request this role assignment. If you do not know who your ASTRA administrator is, contact your department administrator or email astra@uw.edu.