Tag Archives: eGC1

The Approval Graph for an application is based on:

  1. The Cost Center Receiving Funding ID
  2. Any cost sharing Cost Center IDs
  3. Any additional Cost Center IDs listed on the “PI, Personnel & Organizations” page
  4. Any facilities or centers identified in the compliance section of the eGC1
  5. Cost Center for the PI and personnel listed on the eGC1
  6. Primary position unit’s Cost Center ID, if different from the selected unit, for the PI and personnel listed on the eGC1

Use the Additional Organizational Unit Reviewers section if this application requires the approval of any additional departments or units (not identified by the above categories) for:

  • Joint Appointment Units
  • TBA Personnel Units
  • Space and/or Resources
  • Other (for example, CoMotion)

Note: Only add those units not already represented on the approval graph.

You must add at least the Cost Center Receiving Funding on the Details page and the PI before SAGE can generate a draft approval graph. When that is done, you will see a “View draft approval graph” link below and to the right of this section. The graph will update as you add additional reviewers.

Select Look Up Cost Center (or Add another Cost Center) at the bottom left of this section to add the Cost Center Number and Name. You must then select the appropriate Approval Rule Type from the drop-down menu and add Comments.

The following image shows an example of an added organization for a joint appointment.

Additional Organization Unit Reviewers section in SAGE

Use the Delete link to the right of the added department or unit to remove it from the list. The system will prompt you for a confirmation of the deletion.

Access permissions govern what a user may see and do with a specific eGC1 (and connected budget) in SAGE.

The eGC1 Preparer, Principal Investigator (PI), Administrative Contact, and Pre-Award Budget Contact are automatically Owners of the eGC1.

  • When you link an eGC1 and Budget, the Budget Preparer also becomes an owner of the eGC1
  • If you create an Advance Budget Request for the eGC1 (with or without a connected budget), the Advance Preparer(s) and any others assigned access to the Advance will also be listed in the Access section of the eGC1’s page

Any owner, any user with Read/Write permission, or any user with the Global Edit ASTRA role for the appropriate Cost Centers may give Read-Only or Read/Write access to other SAGE users.

Different permission types have different access rights:

Owner Read/Write Read-Only Global Editor Approver Watcher
View Contents Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Edit Contents Yes Yes No Yes * No No
Assign Access Yes Yes No Yes * No No
Delete Yes No No No No No
Complete Yes Yes No No No No
Withdraw /
Yes Yes No Yes * No No
Return No No No No Yes No
Add Reviewer or Watcher Yes Yes No ** Yes No
Add Comment Yes Yes No ** Yes Yes

* Note: A Global Editor can edit or withdraw an eGC1 only if the editor’s span of control matches the Cost Center of an approving unit. Global Editors access eGC1s from the My Approvals tab. Note that you cannot see eGC1s in Composing status on the My Approvals tab.

** A Global Editor cannot add reviews, watchers, or comments even if they has Read/Write assigned access to the eGC1.

To create an Advance Budget Number Request for an eGC1, you must be an owner or have been assigned access – either Read/Write or Read-Only. For Global Editors, this means you must open the eGC1 from the Approvals tab and assign yourself access (or change one of the contacts, if appropriate). Then you can create an Advance.

You can edit an eGC1, if:

  • You have read/write access to it AND
  • It has a status of Composing, Withdrawn, or Returned

Editing exceptions are:

  • The Contacts & Assign Access page of an eGC1 is always editable
  • The PI, Personnel & Organizations page is also editable for an eGC1 with a status of Approved, Awarded, or Denied by Sponsor

Changing a Routing eGC1

If you need to make changes to a routing eGC1, you must start by withdrawing it from routing. Before you withdraw your eGC1, you may want to contact approvers to let them know that you plan to do so. A routing eGC1 would have a status of Routing or In OSP.

To withdraw and then re-route the eGC1:

  1. Click Certify & Route on the left navigation menu.
  2. Click the Withdraw button in the Update Application section at the top of the page.
  3. Make the changes to your eGC1, and then return to the Certify & Route page.
  4. Scroll down to the Process Application section, and click Route to Reviewers. When you click Route to Reviewers, the eGC1 moves back into routing and becomes locked for editing.

Any approver who already approved your eGC1 is not contacted again. If you make a major change, you may add them back into the approval graph as ad hoc approvers.

Note: If you have marked your eGC1 Yes for Ready to Submit and it is at In OSP status, you must contact OSP to return your eGC1 in order to make changes.

Read/Write Access to the eGC1

The eGC1’s owners and any users specifically assigned read/write access on the Contacts & Access page can edit an eGC1.

The owners are:

  • PI
  • Administrative Contact
  • Pre-Award Budget Contact
  • eGC1 Preparer
  • Budget Preparer, if a SAGE Budget is linked to the eGC1

Users with a SAGE ASTRA role of Global Edit with a Cost Center that matches any Cost Center for a reviewer in the approval flow can also edit an eGC1.  Note: Global Editors access completed eGC1s from the My Approvals tab. A Global Editor cannot access an eGC1 in Composing status with just the Global Editor role.

The Details page of the eGC1 includes basic information about the proposed research, such as the proposal dates, the Cost Center Receiving Funding, and the sponsor.

The Certify & Route page includes the final compliance questions, a place to add information for the UW reviewers, and the ability to check for any remaining errors. Select Route to Reviewers to send your application to the reviewers.  Once routed, you will see a Withdraw button. Use it to withdraw your application for editing. You would then re-route it with the changes.

The sections on the page vary depending on the application’s status and whether the person editing is the PI or not.

The advanced search allows you to enter one or more criteria to find eGC1s. More specific searches will return fewer results.

You may search all eGC1s or limit your search to just the eGC1s that you have authorized access to. The following image shows the advanced search page.

Advanced Search for eGC1s in SAGE

Search Criteria

Select Search to display all matching results beneath the search criteria. To open an eGC1 that you have access to, select its number. To open its Approval Graph (for Routing, In OSP, Approved, Awarded), select the Status value.

You can sort the results by any one column by selecting that column’s title. Clicking once will sort the list in descending order; clicking again will reverse the order.

Search Field Description
eGC1 Number Enter the entire eGC1 number with or without the preceding “A”.
Short Title Enter any of the words or string of letters contained in the Short Title. You must enter at least 3 characters.
Full Application Title Enter any of the words or string of letters contained in the Full Application Title. You must enter at least 3 characters.
PI Name Enter the last name, last name plus first initial, or last name plus first name. For example Smith; Smith, J; or Smith, John. You must enter at least 2 characters.
Personnel Click the Look Up Personnel link, search for and select the desired person. Results will include any eGC1 that has this person listed on the PI & Personnel page.

Once a person has been selected, a Clear link will appear, which will clear the value for the Personnel, Name, and Role Type fields from the search criteria.

Name This read-only field displays after a person is selected, and displays the name of the person selected.
Role Type This drop-down menu appears after a person is selected. It allows you to look for someone in any research role, or in one specific role. The choices are:

  • All
  • Principal Investigator
  • Co-Investigator
  • Key Personnel
  • Fellow
  • Mentor
  • Multiple PI
  • Application PI
  • Other
Sponsor Name Enter any of the words or string of letters contained in the sponsor name. You must enter at least 3 characters.
Date Created Greater Than Enter a date and the results will be restricted to any eGC1 created after that date. For example, enter 6/1/22 and the results will only display those eGC1s created after that date.
Date Created Less Than Enter a date and the results will be restricted to any eGC1 created before that date. For example, enter 6/1/22 and the results will only display those eGC1s created before that date.
eGC1 status Choose one option from the drop down list. Only eGC1s in the selected status will appear on the display list. For status definitions, see the eGC1 Statuses article. (egc1-statuses)

Search Scope

This field allows you to choose between searching All eGC1s or just the eGC1s to which you have access (My eGC1s only). This can be helpful in finding all of the eGC1s that a particular researcher is associated with, for example.

search scope

If you search all eGC1s, the result list will display an icon (red “not” sign) next to those eGC1s you cannot access. If you need access, you can click on the Contacts link in the far right column to see who can provide assistance.

By default, the scope is set to All eGC1s.

Search Results

The results list will include all eGC1s that match your search criteria. You can click on any column heading to sort the results by that column’s values. Click a second time to reverse the order of the sort. At the far right, above the column headers, the number of Total Results will display. The following image shows a list with one example entry.

E G C 1 advanced search results list

The results list displays the following fields:

  • eGC1 Number
    • If you have access to this item, click the number to open it
    • A red “not” sign (circle with bar) will display when you do not have access
  • PI Name
  • Full Application Title
  • Sponsor Name
  • eGC1 Status
  • Date Created
  • OSP Need By Date
  • Application Type
  • Ready to Submit – Yes or No
  • Budget Number
    • If a SAGE Budge is connected to the eGC1
  • Contacts
    • Click this link to display the applications contacts to ask for access

Export Results to Excel

You can check this box, next to the Search button, prior to executing your search. The results list displayed on the page will then also be exported to an excel file.

This page is where you indicate:

  • The Principal Investigator (PI)
  • Any additional research personnel involved with the proposed project and their roles
  • Any additional organizational or common interdisciplinary units that need to review the application

SAGE will pull in Financial Interest Disclosure System (FIDS) data to provide the disclosure and FCOI training status for all personnel who are investigators.

The Additional Organizational Unit Reviewers section allows you to add reviewers for joint academic appointments, TBA personnel units, space and/or resources, and any other reason.

The Common Interdisciplinary Organizational Unit Reviewers section allows you to quickly select a unit and add their reviewers.

Note: You should keep the PI and Personnel list up-to-date throughout the life of the research project.

In this section, select Route to Reviewers to start it routing for approval. The system will run a validation check, the same one for the Check for Errors link. You will either see the pop-up window with an error list or the message that your application is locked for editing and starting the routing process.

You must correct all errors before you can complete the eGC1.

e g c 1 certify and route process application section

Is this application ready to be submitted to the sponsor?

Your response to this question lets OSP know if they can submit the attached sponsor documents. Answer No when routing the eGC1 with draft sponsor documents for internal UW approvals.

You must mark your eGC1 Yes for Ready to Submit by the deadline listed in GIM 19 Internal Deadlines for Proposals to External Entities.

For eGC1s which OSP will submit, if the answer is No, then OSP will not submit the application online. If the answer is Yes, then OSP will transmit these documents to the sponsor once they have completed their review process.

Each time you withdraw or a reviewer returns your eGC1, SAGE clears the answer to this question.  You will have to re-answer it when you re-route the application. This is to help you to remember to move it from No to Yes at the appropriate time.

Note: You will not be able to route your eGC1 with Ready to Submit = Yes if any investigators have not completed their FIDS disclosure.

Check for Errors

Click this link to check that all required fields have values and all business rules in this eGC1 are correct. A list of errors displays in a separate window. As you correct errors on the eGC1, click Check for Errors again to see an updated Error List in the window. Once you have addressed all of the errors, select the Route to Reviewers button. See the Errors and Warning Summary article for more details.

View Entire Draft eGC1 (PDF)

Click this link to preview or print the entire eGC1. The printout will be labeled “DRAFT.”

Print Draft Routing Sheet

After you have entered the PI and the Cost Center Receiving Funding, you may click this button to preview or print the draft Routing Sheet. The printout will be labeled “DRAFT” so you must not use it for routing purposes.

If you have any paper documents to submit to campus reviewers, attach a copy of the final Routing Sheet to a copy of the application and provide it to each of the units that will review.

The content of the Routing Sheet will depend on the selections on the eGC1: department and dean for the PI, personnel, Cost Center Receiving Funding, and some compliance questions.

The Routing Sheet has two purposes:

  1. Provide a link between the paper documents and the online record.
  2. Provide a list of the units needing to approve this application. Use the checkboxes to denote which copy is for which unit (replacing the need to hand write the name of the unit on each copy for delivery).

View Draft Approval Graph

After you have entered the PI and the Cost Center Receiving Funding, you may click this button to view the Approval Flow. The flow content depends on the data in the eGC1 – department and dean for the PI, additional research personnel, the Cost Center Receiving Funding, and some compliance questions – as well as the rules for each organization involved with this project. If you modify the eGC1 data, the Approval Graph may change.

Route to Reviewers

Click the Route to Reviewers button to lock the eGC1 for routing. Only users with read/write permission on this application may complete it.

SAGE will check required fields and business rules in the entire eGC1.  If there are any errors, a list displays in a separate window. After you correct the errors, return to this page and click Route to Reviewers.

After you successfully route the application, it becomes “locked for editing” and you cannot make any changes. You can then print the final version of the Routing Sheet and use it for routing any paper documents. The “draft” links will change to “final” links.

If you need to edit a routing eGC1, you must withdraw it or request it be returned. The Withdraw button will display at the top of the Certify & Route page after you route the eGC1.

Every eCG1 must have a Principal Investigator (PI) listed on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page. For additional information on who can be a PI, review the UW Research Personnel page.

Note: The person you select to be the PI must have the SAGE ASTRA role of PI. If the person does not, you will see a dialog warning message. The PI must have this role before you can route the application for approval. Each department manages who may be a PI.

In the case of career development applications there could be a difference in the eGC1 PI and the PI on the sponsor’s application. See the article on the Application PI for more details.

To add the PI, select Look Up Principal Investigator and use the Personnel Chooser to search for the PI. You can enter all or part of the person’s name, or search by their UW NetID or Employee ID (EID). Some individuals have more than one appointment. Use the Academic Appointment Type and Unit information to pick the appropriate one for the project.

Once you add a PI, the Change the Principal Investigator? link displays.

Principal Investigator section

Note: If your eGC1 has a connected SAGE Budget, read the SAGE Budget and eGC1 Shared Access Data page to learn how PI information is displayed.

Data for the PI comes from the UW Directory and Workday academic appointment or position information.

  • Name  and Employee ID Number
  • Selected Unit: The unit associated with the academic appointment or position selected when choosing the PI
  • Title: Based on the academic appointment or position selected
  • Primary Position Unit: The unit associated with the PI’s primary position
  • UW box number: The UW box number for the PI’s primary position
  • Phone, Fax: The PI’s office phone and fax numbers, if available from the directory
  • Cell Phone, Pager: This information is optional
  • Email: The PI’s full campus email address from the directory

If your project has one or more multiple PIs, see the Multiple PIs article on how to designate them.

Cost Share is the portion of a project or program cost that the sponsor does not pay for.  It is the University’s share in the cost of conducting the project/program.  Cost sharing occurs either when a sponsor requires, or the University volunteers in a proposal, funds beyond those awarded by the sponsoring agency to support a particular grant or contract.

These costs are charged to an alternate source (UW or third party).  You must identify all sources, and they must agree (via the eGC1 approval process) to commit the necessary funds.  For more information, review the GCA Cost Sharing Page or the GIM 21 Cost Sharing Policy.

This page is used to indicate the types and amounts of any cost sharing for this proposal.

Note: When the Fiscal Compliance question F-3 is answered Yes, then cost sharing information is required and the fields will become editable.

Cost Sharing sections:

Cost Sharing Addendum Form

Cost sharing occurs when the research grant does not pay for all allowable expenses (personnel, tuition, equipment or services).  For detailed information on cost sharing, see the GCA Cost Sharing Page or GIM 21 Cost Share on Sponsored Programs.

When applicable, the PI or department must complete and submit the eGC1 Cost Sharing Addendum to OSP at the time of award. If OSP has not received this form before they send the Funding Action to GCA, then GCA will set up the account with restricted 02 status. GCA will block any related advance budget requests.

Cost Sharing Types

Cost sharing occurs when the research grant does not pay for all allowable expenses (personnel, tuition, equipment or services). For detailed information on cost sharing, review the GCA Cost Sharing Page or the UW Cost Sharing Policy.

cost sharing types

See the sponsor’s guidelines for this information. The University discourages cost sharing commitments when not required by the sponsor.

Field Description
Mandatory Check this box if mandatory cost sharing is required by the sponsor as a condition of the award.
Amount or percentage pledged Enter the dollar amount or percentage of the direct cost required for cost sharing by the funding sponsor.
If sponsor has a web page… Enter the web address (URL) for the sponsor’s page that provides specific information about their requirements, if available. Otherwise, attach appropriate sponsor cost sharing documentation.
Voluntary Check this to indicate voluntary cost sharing, which is a voluntary contribution of effort or other costs offered by the Principal Investigator (PI) but not required by the sponsor as condition of the award.
Amount or percentage pledged Enter the dollar amount or percentage of the direct cost voluntarily contributed toward this project. Because the sponsor does not require this as a condition of the award, the University discourages this type of cost sharing.
Explain and justify Enter an explanation for this cost sharing.

Personnel Cost Sharing

Personnel cost sharing refers to amounts committed by any UW unit for personnel salaries (plus benefits and Facilities & Administrative costs). This table reflects personnel entered on the Personnel screen.

Personnel Cost Sharing section

By default, personnel cost sharing is assigned to the individual’s home or primary department. If the cost sharing source is not the home department, click the Change the Cost Center? link to identify the correct unit, and provide an explanation in the Additional Information box on the Certify & Route page.

The information displayed is the person’s name and the Cost Sharing Cost Center ID and Name for the person’s primary department.

Use the Amount field to enter the dollar amount of the cost sharing for this person, for all budget periods combined. If there is no amount, leave the field blank.

UW Cost Sharing (Other)

UW cost sharing refers to non-personnel (non-salary) and “TBA” (to be assigned) Personnel items only. You enter Personnel (salary) cost sharing in the Personnel section.

UW Cost Sharing section

Add a Cost Center

Click the Look Up Cost Center button to open the Cost Center Chooser and search for and select a department or unit. The selected Cost Center ID and Name will display.

Enter a Description and Amount for this item (direct costs plus the third party’s F&A costs) for all budget periods combined.

To add another department or unit, click the Add another Cost Center link.

Delete a Cost Center

Remove an existing entry by clicking the Delete link to its right.

Addendum Form

In addition to entering cost sharing data on the eGC1, you must complete the Cost Sharing Addendum form and submit it to OSP at the time they are reviewing the application.

Third Party Cost Sharing

Third party cost sharing is an amount that a non-UW source has committed. For each contribution, enter appropriate information and attach a letter of commitment from the third party source on the Attached Documents page.

e g c 1 third party cost sharing

To add rows, click the Add another Contributor/Subaward Recipient link. Add a Description of the item, and the total dollar Amount (direct costs plus the third party’s F&A costs) for all budget periods combined.

To delete an existing entry, click the Delete link to right of that entry.

Unrecovered F&A Costs

Sometimes the University’s Facilities & Administration (F&A or indirect cost) rate is higher than the rate agreed to on an award. As a result, the University is awarded F&A Costs at lower than the negotiated rate. In this situation, the University ends up with a shortfall called “unrecovered F&A costs.” Some sponsors allow this shortfall to be applied as a cost share contribution.

If you are entering unrecovered F&A costs as cost sharing, you must complete the eGC1 Cost Sharing Addendum form. On the addendum, be sure to indicate the source of cost sharing as “unrecovered F&A costs.”

You may use Unrecovered F&A costs as a source of cost sharing if the sponsor guidelines indicate that “unrecovered F&A costs” are a valid cost sharing contribution or if prior sponsor approval is obtained. See the GCA Unrecovered Indirect Cost Page for more information.

Enter the unrecovered F&A cost amount.

e g c 1 unrecovered F and A costs

UW Summary by Unit

This section displays the grand total of all UW personnel and non-personnel cost sharing amounts for each UW unit (by Cost Center). The total does not include Third Party amounts.

For each unit, the system displays the Cost Center ID, Cost Center Name, and Amount.

UW Summary by Unit section

Total Cost Sharing

This section displays the total cost sharing from all UW sources (personnel and non-personnel), third party sources and Unrecovered Facilities & Administration (F&A) costs. This amount is automatically calculated by SAGE.

e g c 1 total cost sharing