Tag Archives: eGC1

UW Abstract

The eGC1 abstract should express the purpose and essence of the proposed activity in language understandable to non-specialists. Those charged with explaining the University’s research programs to the public and the state government, including the Board of Regents and the Office of News and Information, rely heavily upon the abstract. For this reason, the abstract entered on the eGC1 should be less technical than the abstract on the application submitted to the sponsor. The importance of preparing it carefully cannot be overemphasized.

The abstract field does not have a word limit.

E G C one abstract and R F A / R F P


Request for Application/Proposal or Program Announcement

For a standard eGC1, you must complete all of these fields. If a particular field is not applicable to your proposal, enter some text, such as N/A, to indicate that.

For Grant Runner applications, these fields, and the ones described below with be auto-populated with data based on the opportunity you selected.

Field Description
RFA/RFP/PA Number Enter the Request for Application (RFA), Request for Proposal (RFP), or Program Announcement (PA) number provided by the sponsor.

For Grant Runner applications, this information will be pre-populated and read-only.

Funding Announcement Title Enter the title of the funding announcement.

For Grant Runner applications, this information will be pre-populated and read-only.

Funding Announcement URL Enter the web address (URL) if the sponsor has specific information about this funding announcement on its web site.

For Grant Runner applications, this information will be pre-populated and will be editable.

Additional Fields for Grant Runner Applications Only

additional fields for grant runner applications

Field Description
Competition ID The form set used for this opportunity; this information will be pre-populated and read-only.
Opening Date, Closing Date The dates for the funding opportunity selected; this information will be pre-populated and read-only.
Activity Code The Activity Code for the funding opportunity selected; this information will be pre-populated and read-only.

This article covers both UW and non-UW Multiple PIs.

UW Multiple PI

You may only use the Multiple PI role when specifically allowed or required by the sponsor instructions. For additional information on research team roles, review the UW Research Personnel page.

When including one or more Multiple PIs:

  • Identify the UW Contact PI as the “Principal Investigator” on the eGC1
  • List all multiple PIs on the Personnel page of the eGC1 and choose “Multiple PI” from the drop down list

SAGE will add the Multiple PI to the Approval Flow and send an “approval required” email notification at the appropriate time. If the person selected does not already have an ASTRA role for SAGE,  a warning message of “no access: ASTRA permissions required” will display in red once you select the Multiple PI role. You will need to give them access, so that they can approve the application.  There are two non-PI researcher ASTRA roles that could be used.

As part of the approval process, the UW Multiple PIs are required to certify the PI Assurance Statement. The image below shows the assurance statement in the approval dialog.

The statement reads:

Principal Investigator/Program Director Assurance: I certify that the statements in this eGC1 and the related sponsor application are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. I agree to accept responsibility for the scientific conduct of the project and to provide the required progress reports if a grant is awarded as a result of this application.

The approval/agreement reads:

I am the PI and I have read and agree with the PI Assurance Statement. I understand that approving this eGC1 electronically is equivalent to my signature.

P I approval with assurance statement

Non-UW Multiple PI

In most cases a non-UW multiple PI will not have a UW NetID. Therefore, the certification will be handled manually following the Non-UW Multiple PI Assurance Statement Instructions described below. Note: the eGC1 PI is responsible for securing and retaining assurance statements for non-UW Multiple PIs in their local files.

If the Non-UW person has an “affiliate” NetID, they can be added to the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page of the application.  SAGE will not include them on the approval graph,  but you could add them to the graph as an ad hoc approver and give them access to SAGE with a non-PI researcher ASTRA role.

Non-UW Multiple PI Assurance Statement Instructions

The following steps describe the paper process.