Read the latest stories that capture our 50th anniversary milestones, events and more.

Talk with Emile Pitre Highlights 50th Events
The culminating event featured a Welcome Home Reception and Talk.

Historical Display Opening
The UW community gathered to commemorate the opening of “Revolution and Evolution.”

Four-Hour Sit-in Led to Big UW Changes
The Seattle Times features the transformational efforts of the Black Student Union on May 20, 1968.

HFS Congratulates OMA&D
UW Housing & Food Services recognized the 50th Anniversary by sharing some student impact stories in this great video.

The Story Behind the Exhibition
This feature by the UW School of Art shares a behind-the-scenes look at how the 50th Anniversary Exhibition is coming together with the help of design students.

OMA&D at 50
Columns Magazine highlights the people and programs behind the 50-year legacy of OMA&D in its March 2018 edition.

Keeper of the Flame
Columns Magazine also features UW Black Student Union Founding member Emile Pitre who has spent much of his career with OMA&D.

Fireside Chat Series
Five influential alumni connected to OMA&D shared their stories with students during Husky Leadership Initiative’s Fireside Chat Series.