Summer Study Highlights

Antonio, DO-IT Intern
Phase II Scholar Sangha gestures while answering a question. DO-IT Staff Tami and DO-IT Interns Antonio and Jessica also sit at the table.
Phase II Scholar Sangha (center) practices his job interview skills at Summer Study 2015.

It was truly a privilege and an honor to serve as a DO-IT Intern at Summer Study this past July. Having gone through the program in previous years as a Phase I and Phase II Scholar, I gained invaluable skills and support that have been vital to my success as a student and as a person. I jumped at the opportunity to pass down my newly-acquired knowledge to the new Scholars. We participated in countless activities throughout the 10-day experience; here are a few highlights:

  • Scholar/Intern panel—I enjoyed being able to answer the Scholars’ questions and provide them with advice with regard to navigating college life with a disability.
  • Visits to the Pacific Science Center and Woodland Park Zoo—It was fun seeing the exhibits and hanging out with everyone.
  • Resume workshops/mock interviews—Having gone through the employment process, I was able to share with the Scholars my experiences, simulate real-world situations and offer them tips on how to “sell themselves” to employers.

Overall, Summer Study was an outstanding success. I sincerely hope everyone involved (Scholars, Interns, and Staff) uses this experience to grow and pave new paths for themselves. I will continue to do my part to improve myself and strengthen the connections within the DO-IT family.