Closing the Gap

DO-IT staff recently attended the Closing the Gap conference in Minneapolis, MN. Closing the Gap focuses on assistive technology used by students with disabilities and is attended by a mix of educators, therapists, clinicians, and parents. Popular topics this year included the use of new tools like iPods, iPads, and LiveScribe Pens as tools for students with disabilities.
As part of our participation in Closing the Gap, DO-IT presented on Accessible Science Labs and Equipment. We showed one of our latest videos: STEM and People with Disabilities ( We also talked about strategies for making labs more accessible and demonstrated a variety of accessible science equipment. Participants in the session discussed science labs back at their own schools. We also brought equipment for participants to see, touch, and play with.
DO-IT also hosted a booth in the exhibit hall, distributing information about our programs and resources to conference participants. Individuals were interested to learn more about our resources related to transitioning to college, accessible technology, and universal design.