Ambassador Profile

My name is Jessie. I was a 1998 DO-IT Scholar and am currently a student at the University of Washington majoring in Informatics with minors in Dance and Math. I have Dyslexia, which is a type of learning disability, and I have used Dragon Dictate, books on tape, and a speech output application called Read Please to help me with my studies. I'm interested in usability, interface design, and product development. I have two passions in my life, dancing and computer/technology. My ideal job would somehow let me combine my creative and technical sides.
For the past two years I have been involved with a campus group for students with disabilities, Disability Advocacy Student Alliance (DASA), here at the University of Washington. This year I am honored to be the group's president. DASA received a grant to create a disability awareness training program for faculty and staff and also hosts an annual Body Fair featuring integrated dance (both disabled and able bodied dancers performing together). DASA has also been working with Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW) to create a disabled student commission. Years ago there was a commission, which evaporated after the American's with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed. The ASUW Board of Directors recently re-created the commission and will be hiring a coordinator for next year. This is a very exciting development and we are pleased students with disabilities will have more representation on campus. Also, DASA is working with ASUW to bring the King County Elections Disabled Accessible Voting Equipment (DAVE) project to campus for demos during Washington State College Civics Week.