Jinie Chon
Major: Law, Societies & Justice, Minor in Philosophy (intended)
Mentor: Law, Societies & Justice
Contact: jiniec@uw.edu
Current Research project: The Impact of Confederate Memorabilia on Black & White Voters
Sofia Dahlgren
Major: Chemical Engineering, Minor in Data Science
Mentor: Elizabeth Nance, Chemical Engineering
Contact: sdahlg@uw.edu
Current Research project: N-Acetylcysteine-Loaded Polymeric Nanoparticles for Targeted Antioxidant Therapy in the Neonatal Ischemic Brain
Nathan Greenwood
Major: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental (MCD) Biology
Mentor: David Baker, Biochemistry
Contact: forest77@uw.edu
Current research project: Design of de novo protein-binding proteins
Victoria Landrum
Major: Mechanical Engineering (Concentration in Biomechanics), Minor in Applied Mathematics
Mentor: Dr. Kat Steele, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D. Candidate Charlotte Caskey, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Contact: vlandrum@uw.edu
Current research project: Effects of Spinal Stimulation on Motor Control in Children With Cerebral Palsy
Rohda Yase
Major: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Minors in Bioethics and Education, Learning and Societies
Mentor: Ronald Young Kwon and Arianna Ericka Gòmez, Department of Orthopaedics and Sports, University of Washington
Contact: Ryase@uw.edu
Current research project: Elucidating the Role of Solute Carrier 8 (slc8) Genes in Skeletal Development and Disease
Tara Young
Major: Biochemistry, Minor in Bioethics
Mentor: Dr. Monica Guo, Department of Microbiology
Contact: taramyou@uw.edu
Current research project: A DNA Binding Protein Recruits Type II Topoisomerases by Direct Interaction to Promote DNA Replication