financial aid
January 3, 2018
UW Fast Facts 2018 – Now Available!
The 2018 edition of UW Fast Facts is now available. You can find it on the OPB website under the UW Data tab, and in the Quick Links bar on the right. A special thank you to OPB’s Institutional Data & Analysis team, the Marketing & Communications team and to our partners around the UW…
December 15, 2017
Governor Inslee’s 2018 Supplemental Operating and Capital Budgets
Governor Jay Inslee released supplemental operating and capital budget proposals on Thursday. For more information, please see OPB’s brief. The Governor’s operating budget proposal includes technical corrections and minor appropriation changes to the current 2017-19 biennial budget (fiscal years 2018 and 2019). Because the legislature did not pass a capital budget in 2017, the Governor’s…
July 5, 2017
2017 Legislative Session: OPB Brief on 2017-19 Compromise Operating and Capital Budgets
Leadership in the House and Senate released a 2017-19 compromise state operating budget on June 30, 2017 in the form of Substitute Senate Bill 5883. The Governor signed the budget less than an hour before midnight, narrowly avoiding a partial state government shutdown. Lawmakers also passed a partial capital budget that reappropriates unspent capital funding from the…
June 7, 2017
Two New OPB Briefs: Resident Undergraduate Tuition Trends and Net Price
OPB has released two new briefs. The first brief focuses on trends in Resident Undergraduate (RUG) tuition rates and state funding environments across the United States, based on the most recent “Trends in College Pricing” report, which is released by the College Board each year. The report identifies Washington as the only state to have…
March 29, 2017
2017 Legislative Session– OPB Brief on House Appropriations Operating Budget Proposal
On Monday, leadership in the House Appropriations Committee released their initial operating budget proposal. This proposal follows last week’s release of the Senate operating proposal and December’s release of the Governor’s operating and capital proposals. See the new OPB brief here for information regarding the House proposal, as well as a full comparison between current…
March 22, 2017
2017 Legislative Session– OPB Brief on Senate Ways & Means Chair Operating Budget Proposal
On Tuesday, leadership in the Senate Ways & Means Committee released their initial 2017-19 operating budget proposal. This proposal is the first from a legislative body following the release of Governor Inslee’s operating and capital budget proposals from December. See OPB’s brief here for a full comparison. Unlike the Governor’s budget proposal, the Senate does…
December 16, 2016
Governor Inslee’s Proposed 2017-19 Biennial Operating and Capital Budgets
On Wednesday, Governor Inslee released his proposed 2017-19 biennial operating and capital budgets. For a detailed analysis and summary of the Governor’s proposals, please review the OPB brief. The Governor’s ambitious spending plan relies on new revenue streams, including closing tax exemptions and establishing a new capital gains tax, to make significant investments in K-12 education,…
June 10, 2016
2016-17 Cost of Attendance for First-Year UW Undergrads
The estimated annual cost of attendance for first-year UW undergraduates is now available for the 2016-17 academic year. Cost of attendance shows estimated expenses by campus for: Tuition Student fees Room & board Books, personal, & transportation Cost of attendance (COA) is defined by the Higher Education Act. It is a statutory term that typically refers to the…
April 25, 2016
New Report Examines Challenges Facing Public Research Universities in 21st Century
The Lincoln Project, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences’ study of public research universities (PRUs), has recently come out with its fifth and final report, which examines the challenges facing PRUs and recommends strategies for addressing them. The recommendations are threefold: Address Financial Challenges: The sharp reduction in state funding for PRUs—down 30 percent…
April 8, 2016
Updated OPB Brief on Published Price vs. Net Price
The rising costs of college are a popular subject for everyone from presidential candidates to media outlets. Parents and students blanche as published tuition prices climb ever higher. But the published price – often referred to as the “sticker price” for colleges – offers a misleading picture of the cost of higher education. OPB has updated…
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