Elaine Schaertl Short

Elaine Schaertl Short, co-PI of AccessComputing, is an Clare Boothe Luce assistant professor within the Departments of Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering at Tufts University. She is the PI of the Assistive Agent Behavior and Learning (AABL) Lab, and her work focuses on lies at the intersection of assistive technology and social robotics, focusing on developing robots that can support people in achieving their goals.

Eelane Short

Stacy Branham

Stacy Branham, co-PI of AccessComputing, is an assistant professor of informatics in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine. Her research sits at the intersection of human-centered computing and accessible computing, exploring how technologies mediate colocated interpersonal relationships, specifically in regards to how they affect the physical safety and social wellbeing of marginalized people.

Stacy Branham


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