U.S. Under Secretary James Kvaal visits the UW Undergraduate Research Program
URP hosted a visit from U.S Under Secretary James Kvaal on November 3, 2022. We facilitated a gathering with students and faculty, listed below. After students and faculty shared highlights from their research, we had a productive conversation about the value of undergraduate research in promoting student belonging, retention, and career advancement. We are grateful that Under Secretary James Kvaal made time to connect with us and hope our paths cross again.
Thank you to our invited guests!
- Zoe Lu Chau – Senior, Bioengineering
- Daniel G. Chen – Alumni (2022), Microbiology and Informatics (Data Science)
- Harry Furey-Soper – Senior, Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
- Rudy Gallardo – Senior, Biology
- Abigail Heath – Alumni (2022), American Ethnic Studies
- Shannon Hong – Senior, Neuroscience
- Tran Luu – Senior, Bioengineering
- Varuna Ravi – Senior, Public Health-Global Health
- Sharlene Shirali – Senior, Neuroscience
- Kai-Mei C Fu, Physics
- David Ginger, Chemistry, Chief Scientist UW Clean Energy Institute
- Kathleen Woodward, English, Director, Simpson Center for the Humanities
Additional Attendees
- Ed Taylor – Vice Provost and Dean, Undergraduate Academic Affairs
- Sang Han – Deputy Director, Federal Relations
- Janice DeCosmo – Associate Dean, Undergraduate Academic Affairs
- Sophie Pierszalowski – Director, Undergraduate Research Program