Tag Archives: Subaward

Use the View Attachments button on the upper right of the Subaward Overview page to display the Subaward Attachments page.

This page lists all of the attachments associated with the subaward, grouped into Department Request Documents and OSP Documents. You can use the Filter function to display attachments for just a single request.

In addition to the standard information about an attachment, the list includes the Subaward Request Number.

To return to the Subaward Overview page, select the Close button below the list or use the breadcrumb.

The following image shows this page.

subawards view attachments page

The Manage Access page allows anyone with read/write access to a subaward to assign additional editors and readers, beyond the primary contacts/owners, to cover absences and collaborate in a more intuitive and consistent way across SAGE.

When you assign access to someone, you indicate either read/write or read-only access to your subaward.

You can navigate to the Manage Access page from either a request in Composing status or from the subaward overview page for all other statuses. Select the Manage Access button in the upper left area.

This page has two sections: Subaward Managed Access and Related eGC1 Access.

Subaward Managed Access

This section lists the individuals that currently have access to the subaward and allows you to grant access to others. The list includes each person’s name, permission type and reason.

The following image shows this section.

subawards manage access section

The first individuals listed have a permission type of Owner. They are the UW PI, Subaward Preparer, and Financial Contact, as indicated in the Reason column. Each of these owners is always listed, even if one person has more than one role.

As you assign access to additional users, they will be listed below the owners. Their permission type will be either Read Only or Read/Write depending on what you choose. The reason will be Assigned Access.

Permission Types

  • Read Only access allows the person to view the subaward, but not edit it.
  • Read/Write access allows the person to edit the subaward.

Note: Only subawards for which you have read/write access will appear on your tasklist. You can search for and then view any subaward for which you have read-only access.

Add a User

To add a person, select the Add Another User link. The Personnel Chooser dialog will display. Use it to search for and select the desired person. The Manage Access page will refresh and display the added person.

Note: the default access permission type is Read Only.  You can use the drop-down menu to change the permission to Read/Write.

Remove a User

To remove a person with assigned access, click on the trash can icon to the far right of the row. The system will not prompt you to confirm the deletion.

Related eGC1 Access

Anyone who has access to an eGC1 (PI, contacts, or assigned read/write or read-only access) can view a subaward which has that eGC1 as the parent of any of the subaward’s funding actions.

Permission types for these individuals are either their eGC1 owner role or the type of Assigned Access on the eGC1. For Assigned Access permission, either “readwrite” or “readonly” displays. The reason column will list the number of the associated eGC1. The possible owner roles are:

  • Principal Investigator
  • Administrative Contact
  • Budget Contact
  • eGC1 Preparer
  • Budget Preparer (if the eGC1 has a linked SAGE Budget)

The following image show an example of the list.

subawards manage access related e g c 1 list

If your access to the subaward is through an eGC1, the subaward will not appear on your tasklist. However, you can search for it and then open it to view.

February 2017 SAGE Subawards Release 3

This final release for the SAGE Subawards Project includes priority items requested by preparers as well as some updates that will allow OSP to manage subrecipient profile data more effectively.

Managed Access

To make it easier for subaward preparers to cover absences and to allow for broader department review and access to subawards, you can now add additional users (beyond the three UW contacts) with either read/write or read-only access.

Expanded Subrecipient Profile

To improve OSP’s ability to report subaward information to sponsors and auditors, we have added the following attributes to the subrecipient profile in SAGE:

  • Employer Identification Number (Federal Tax ID)
  • DUNS and DUNS +4
  • Country

Subrecipient Types have also been revamped to better align with reporting requirements.

Attachments Display Changes

  • From a link on the Subaward Overview page, you can now view a consolidated list of attachments for the entire subaward.
  • On the subaward request details page, the Attachments section now visually separates attachments that departmental subaward preparers uploaded from those that OSP did.

Performance Improvements

Using the Subawards section of SAGE and SPAERC will now be faster and more responsive, allowing you to accomplish what you need to get done with less waiting.

Improved Validations

The Start and End Dates on subaward requests are now checked by the system to ensure they make sense within the context of the broader award and subaward. This will help alert you to any easy mistakes made when preparing a request.

Other Enhancements

SAGE Tasklist

  • The SAGE tasklist now displays the most recent BPO number, rather than the one listed on the first request. Searching the tasklist will also now only return subawards where the most recent BPO matches your search criteria.

Subaward Overview Page

  • A visual cue has been added to the Request in Process section on the Subaward Overview page to make it easier for users to identify how to open the details of request.
  • A new Modification Number field has been added, which will be populated by OSP in SPAERC but will be visible on the Subaward Overview page in SAGE as well. The Modification Number will confirm the sequence of changes to the subaward agreement.
  • You’ll now see the BPO number associated with each request, within both the Requests In Process and Processed Requests section of the Subaward Overview, for easy reference.

September 2016 SAGE Subawards Release 2

This SAGE update introduces to you easier collaboration with the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), more subaward status transparency and a refreshed user interface.


If you are a Subaward Preparer, you are able to:

  • Withdraw a subaward request with “In OSP” status
  • Cancel a subaward request either “In OSP” or “Withdrawn” status.

OSP can return subaward requests that are “In OSP” or “OSP Assigned” status  and will include an return comment so you can revise and resubmit.


For better transparency, a history of changes and comments now displays on your subaward.

You can track the following types of events and comments from the Subaward Overview and within each Subaward Request:

  • Status Changes (includes returns with explanations and related comments)
  • Ad hoc OSP comments to you about a subaward
  • OSP Assignment changes
  • Changes to attachments
  • Changes to OSP Assignment Date, Issue Date, and Fully Executed Date

The Subaward Overview page allows you to either view a comprehensive list of events for all related subaward requests, or filter to see only those for a particular request.

Ease of Use

Subawards refreshed design makes it easier for you to find the information that matters most.

Two new sections on the Subaward Overview Page:

  • Request In Process – This section helps you quickly identify the current request being worked on. This section includes requests that have not reached Active status (i.e. Composing, In OSP, OSP Assigned, Withdrawn, Returned, or Issued).
  • Processed Requests – This section includes any requests your items that have been processed for this subaward (i.e. Active, Expired, or Canceled).

You and OSP now share the same interface, which makes it easier for collaboration on subaward development.

My Subawards Task List

The “Latest Request Status” column helps you easily identify the status of requests that are still in process.

Your subaward requests in either “Returned” or “Withdrawn” status also have an arrow icon next to the status to help you identify those requiring action.

OSP requires specific documents for New requests and for Modifications. Review the Setup page for Subawards for a description of the required documents.

To upload and attach a document, select Add Attachment. The following image shows the link.

subawards attachments section

When you upload the first attachment, the page will refresh. You will see two attachment subsections: Department Request Documents and OSP Documents. All of the documents you upload will display in the Department section. Any documents that OSP uploads will display in the OSP section.

The following image shows the attachments section with a file.

subawards attachments section

Once you have uploaded an attachment, you can view it by selecting its Description. Use the Update link to upload a new version of an existing attachment. The Delete link will remove the attachment. Note that if there is more than one version of an attachment, you can only update or delete the most recent version. The following image shows an example of an updated attachment.

subawards example of an updated attachment

Once you have submitted your subaward request, you will see a View Attachments button on the upper right of the Subaward Overview page. The View Attachments page displays all of the attachments associated with your subaward’s requests in one list.

You can view changes to the subaward and its subaward requests in this section.

On the Subaward Overview page, the All Event History & Comments section shows all changes for the subaward and its related requests.

Initially, the accordioned section displays in collapsed mode. You can expand it by selecting the V-shaped “chevron” at the far right of the section title. Clicking the rotated chevron will collapse the section.

On a Request Details page, the Event History & Comments section shows events related to that specific request only.

When you expand the section, you can select Filter to display the filtering options. For the Event Type filter, all of the check boxes are unselected by default, so all types display. To limit the list to just one or more types, select those check boxes.

Status Change All status changes with their associated comments
Comments Just the comments from OSP, when a request is returned, and from campus, when the returned request is resubmitted
Assignment Change Changes to the OSP Assigned To value
Contact Change Changes to the UW or Subrecipient contacts; only appears in the “All” events section on the Overview page
Attachment Change Added, updated and deleted files

When on the Overview page, you can also select a specific request from the Request ID drop-down menu to limit the events list to changes for just that item.

The following image show the All Event section filters.

filters for all events history and comments

For each event or comment, the information shown includes:

  • Event Type, such as Status Change
  • Subaward number (SC) or Subaward Request number (SA)
  • Person who made the change
  • Date and time when the change occurred
  • System generated description of the change
  • Comments from OSP and campus about a returned and resubmitted request

example of event history and comments entries

The Details page displays when you open a New request in Composing status, or when you select a request from the Request in Process or Processed Requests sections of the Subaward Overview page. If the request is in Composing, Withdrawn, or Returned status, you will be able to edit it.

Note: From the Request Details page, you can select the SC number part of the breadcrumb to return to the Subaward Overview page, as shown in the following image.

example breadcrumb with s c and s a numbers

On the Request Details page, you will see these sections:

Subaward Request Details

For a New request, this section displays the values you entered when you submitted the request. It will be read-only unless the request is in Composing, Withdrawn, or Returned status.

If you change the eGC1, the Look Up Funding Action button will re-display, and you will need to choose a Funding Action associated with the new eGC1.

The following image shows an example of this section.

subawards request details section

Modification Details

This section displays the associated eGC1, the Funding Action, and Purchase Order Number. If the request is in Composing, Withdrawn, or Returned status, you may edit these fields. The FA Start and End Dates, and the FA Amount always display in read-only mode.

Changing the eGC1 requires you to select a new Funding Action from those associated with that new eGC1.

subawards modification details section

Modification Type(s)

This section displays the types selected and any associated values. Review Creating a Modification Request for details. The following image displays this section.

modification types section for extension and funding change

OSP Managed Information

This section provides information about the progress of your request. This image below shows a fully processed New request in Active status. Therefore all of the date fields have a value. The Modification Number value is only used with Modification requests.

subaward o s p managed information section

Field Description
SA Assigned To The person in OSP who is reviewing your request, or File if the request has been processed.
SA Assignment Date The date when the request was changed to OSP Assigned status.
SA Status The current status of this request.
Modification Number OSP enters this value. It is used to confirm the sequence of changes to the subaward agreement.
SA Issue Date The date when the request was issued to the subrecipient.
Fully Executed Date The date when the request was fully executed.

When you are composing a new subaward request, you will need to complete the required fields for the UW and Subrecipient Contacts before submitting it. Once submitted, you can update the Contacts information on the Overview Page.

Adding UW Contacts

When you select the eGC1, the system auto-populates the UW PI from the application. While the request is in Composing status, you can change the PI information.

The Subaward Preparer auto-populates with the person who creates the New subaward request. You can change the preparer.

You will need to add the UW Financial Contact before you can submit your request. Use the look up button to search for and select the appropriate person. The system will auto-populate the Name, Email, and Phone fields.  Once you have added a person, a Change link will display.

Subrecipient Contacts

You must add the name and email address for the Subrecipient PI (Principal Investigator) before you can submit your request. The phone number is optional.

Optionally, you may also add the name and email for a Subrecipient Contact. Include any other contact information in the Notes field.

Updating the Contacts

If you are a UW contact on the subaward, or have the Subaward Preparer ASTRA role, you may edit the non-PI contacts. Only OSP can make changes to the UW PI or Subrecipient PI.

Note: If the Subrecipient PI is blank, you’ll be able to add contact information regardless of status.

Select Edit Contacts to make the contact information editable, as shown in the following image.

subawards contacts edit button

The button label will switch to Save Contacts for saving your changes. A Cancel link displays below the button, if you decide not to make any changes.

The following image shows the Subaward Contacts section, in editing mode.

subawards edit contacts section

To update the current Subaward Preparer or Financial Contact, select the “change” link to access the personnel chooser.

Enter any new information for the Subrecipient Contact or notes.