Tag Archives: ASR

SAGE Awards allows campus preparers to create an Award Setup Request (ASR) after receiving a notice of award (NoA) from the sponsor or to complete one that OSP has started.

Note: The system will prevent more than one Award Setup Request from being created for the same eGC1.

Review the FAQ: What do I do when I receive an Award Setup Request created by OSP?  for an overview, details on what data OSP will enter, and what data you will need to enter and review.


Awards Comments & History

The Comments & History section displays entries for events in the award request process. You can also add a comment at any time. The entries display in reverse chronological order, so the most recent one is first.

The following image shows an example of this page for a fully processed award.

Example of the Comments & History section on a processed award.

Note: Not all actions have comments, such as system-generated history events. For those entries, a dash (-) will appear in the Comment column.

Add and Delete Comments

You can manually add a comment by selecting the Add Comment button above the table, as shown in the following image.

add comment button next to Comments and History heading

A dialog window will display. When you start entering your comment, the Add Comment button in the lower right corner of the window will be enabled. Ensure you add explanatory comments to your requests for anything that might not be clear to OSP or GCA. Select Add Comment to save your comment.

You can only delete your own manually added comments. To remove the comment, select the trash can icon to the right of the comment in the table.

You can also add a comment from anywhere within the Award Setup Request by selecting the “more actions” (3 vertical dots) icon at the far left of the header, and choosing Add Comment.

more actions menu with add comment link

ASR & MOD Comment Examples

Information Type Sample Information to provide within comments ASR MOD
Explain what you are asking for on the Modification request
  • No Cost or Temporary Internal Extension?
    • Please extend Workday Grant IDs GR123456, GR123457
  • Change of PI?
    • We need to change Dr. XYZ to Dr. ABC
  • Progress report/RPPR?
    • Indicate the request is for a progress report
URL for SAGE Budget snapshot

required for all MODs requesting funding changes

E.g.: Budget snapshot: https://sage.admin.uw.edu/…06:21.1234567: 00

For help with creating and adding SAGE Budget snapshots to MODs, use the following 2 job aids:

Compliance Details IRB study numbers and approval dates or if items are pending, indicate they are pending:

UW IRB STUDY00123456 approved thru 1/26/25

OAW approval uploaded to Supporting Attachments

Dr. Harriette Husky is in the process of completing her FCOI training

Sponsor Contact information Please send all correspondence to sponsor contact: Dr. Jane Doe,  jane.doe246@acme.com X X
Sponsor Deadline for Accepting Award or Modification? Include details about the deadline X X
Awards with Advances ADV12345 approved for this award X
NIH fellowship awards I am working with the fellow and mentor to get original signatures on the Activation Notice. Once I have these, I will send the original to OSP for institutional signature and to send to NIH. X

Comments & History Event Entries

The system will add an entry for the events described in the following table. The “Comment Type” column indicates if there will be any comment text, and if so, whether it is system-generated or user-entered.

History Event Event Trigger Comment Type
Created request Clicking “Select” button next to eGC1 (none)
Submitted for routing Clicking “Submit & Route” button on Review & Submit page System-generated
Resubmitted for routing Clicking “Submit & Re-Route” button on Review & Submit page after a return User-entered and required
Approved Clicking “Approve” button on Request Summary page of routing Award Setup Request or Modification Request (none)
Returned Clicking “Return Request” button in return modal of Award Setup or Modification Request User-entered and required
Withdrawn Clicking “Withdraw” button (none)
Added ad hoc approver Clicking “Add ad hoc Approver” button in add approver modal User-entered and optional
Removed ad hoc approver Clicking “Remove Approver” button on the ad hoc approver’s workflow graph node User-entered and optional
Commented Clicking “Add Comment” button on the Comments & History page, or by selecting “Add Comment” from the “more actions” menu in the advance header User-entered and required (to complete process)

The Approvals section of the Award Setup Request displays the units and individuals that will need to approve it. The section appears for all award statuses and can be used to check the approval progress.

The approval flow reads from top to bottom. Some approver cards may be grouped, and can be approved in any order. When the award has been submitted for routing, and reviewers are approving it, the card statuses and color will update to show the award’s progress. When all of the approvals are done, and GCA has completed their steps, the Processed card will also change to green.

example approval flow of process award setup request

Review Approving Awards for details on the approval flow, and Awards Email Notifications for details on emails sent.

Use this section of your award to review the Significant Financial Interest (SFI) and Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Training status of the investigators on the associated eGC1 application. The table lists each investigator, their role, SFI disclosure submission status, and FCOI training status. If any investigators are not up-to-date, an alert appears above the table. The green check marks will indicate at a glance if training and disclosures are up-to-date.

SFI Disclosure Requirement

Each investigator must have completed an SFI disclosure in FIDS for the associated eGC1 application whether or not they have any financial interests to disclose. If the investigator submitted that disclosure more than 12 months ago from the current date, and has not created another disclosure of any kind within the past 12 months, the investigator would need to submit an annual update disclosure.

An investigator’s disclosure status is either “Up-to-date” or “Disclosure Required” with a Notify link. Select the Notify link to send a notification that either the primary disclosure or an annual update disclosure is needed. The system determines which disclosure is required and sends the corresponding notification. The award preparer is copied on the notification. You can select the Notify link more than once. The date will refresh automatically. Review the Award SFI & FCOI Notifications for details.

FCOI Training Requirement

If the eGC1 application’s sponsor is one that requires UW review of SFI, the investigator’s FCOI training must also be “up-to-date.” The training expires after four years. If the investigator’s training is not current, their status is “Training Required” with a Notify link. Use the link to send a notification about the training requirement, with instructions. The advance preparer is copied on the notification.

Below the table is a link to the parent eGC1 application’s PI, Personnel, & Organizations page where you can update the list of investigators. If you make changes, the award will automatically update.

The following image shows an example of an investigator who is not up-to-date for neither SFI disclosure nor FCOI training.

SFI and FCOI section

When you receive a Notice of Award (NoA) for a new award or a competing renewal, you will need to create an Award Setup Request (ASR) in SAGE to initiate the actions needed to setup your award in Workday Finance. If you are uncertain whether to create an Award Setup Request or a Modification Request, refer to the How do I know if I should create an Award Setup Request or a Modification Request? FAQ.

Before Getting Started

In order to create an Award Setup Request, you will need to be listed on the Contacts and Access page of the proposal eGC1. If you are not already listed, you will need to ask one of the owners to add you to the eGC1. You can view the owners on the eGC1 by going to the eGC1 Forms section in SAGE, clicking on Advanced Search, entering the eGC1 and clicking Search. In the results row, click on the Contacts link at the far right, to view the Owners that can grant you access to the eGC1.

Contacts button on eCG1

As an alternative, an existing eGC1 contact can create the ASR, and add you as an award preparer to the ASR, for you to continue the process.

Create a Request

To create an ASR, start at the Awards tab and select the Create A Request button at the upper right.

Note: You can also start a new request from the Award Requests tasklist.

The following image shows the Awards tab in SAGE.

awards tab in SAGE

When you select the Create A Request button, a menu displays with the option to create an Award Setup Request.

The following image shows this menu:

Create a Request button selection: options for creating an Award Setup Request, creating an OSP-GCA Mod, or creating a GCA-only Mod

Select Award Setup Request from the menu. Use the search to find the associated eGC1 application. You can search by eGC1 number, PI (Principal Investigator), or Short Title (short name), then select the desired eGC1.

Image for create award setup request box. Search eCG1s by number, PI, or short name.

Only eGC1s in Approved status and not already linked to an Award Setup Request will display. eGC1s for Non-Award Agreement or Pre-Applications will not display.

Image of Create Award Setup Request dialog box. Select the application associated with this award

An Award Setup Request form will open, displaying the General Information page by default. SAGE auto-fills details from your eGC1 (Short Title, Full Title, Sponsor, Bill to Sponsor, and PI).

The left navigation menu displays all of the required sections of the ASR at top, and the additional Approval flow, Access & Roles, and Comments & History sections at the bottom. You can use the left navigation to switch between forms, or within each form you will see a Next Section button in the lower right navigation as an alternative.

Image of the Next Section button

The following image shows the navigation menu, with the General Information section highlighted. If all of the required information is entered for a given section, you will see a grey checkmark next to the section name.

Menu options General Information, Budget and Award Lines, SFI and FCOI, Supporting Attachments, Review and Submit, Approvals, Access and Roles

ASR Information Entry

The auto-filled information on the Award Setup Request can be updated, with the exception of the PI, since information may change between time of proposal and time of award. You can also update the award’s start and end dates, funding amounts, and other details, as needed. See detail on each individual section’s entry requirements in the section-by-section help documentation listed below:

You can also refer to the Checklist: Award Setup Request – Steps for PI/Campus for step-by-step guidance when you receive a Notice of Award.

How do I connect my SAGE Budget to an Award Setup Request?

Review the Budget & Award Lines article for the complete steps.

Briefly, to attach the SAGE budget to your Award Setup Request, search for your budget by budget title, BudgetID number, or PI.

Select your budget from the results list.

This page describes email notifications related to Awards.

The SAGE Suite Email Notifications article provides information about other system emails.

Routing and Approvals

SAGE sends a number of email notifications during the routing and approval processes. The table below lists each notification type, the condition that generates the email, and the recipients. SAGE generally sends emails to the person’s UW NetID address.

Use the link in the Email column to see an example of the email.

Email Purpose Sent When Sent To
Award Setup Request Created by OSP To alert the eGC1 Owners that an Award Setup Request has been initiated and is waiting to be completed OSP has received the Notice of Award, initiated an Award Setup Request, and sent it to campus Principal Investigator, Administrative Contact, Pre-Award Budget Contact, and eGC1 Preparer
Award Setup Request Returned To alert the Award Preparer(s) of the need to modify Award data Reviewer, OSP, or GCA takes a “return” action on an approval node Award Preparer(s)
Approval of Award Setup Request Required of Ad Hoc Reviewer To alert an Ad Hoc Reviewer that an Award Setup Request is waiting for approval Ad Hoc Reviewer node updates to “In Progress” Ad Hoc Reviewer
Award Setup Request Processed To notify owners that the Award Setup Request has been processed by GCA. The email includes a PDF of the completed form as an attachment. GCA completes the Award Setup Request and clicks the “Process Request” button Award Preparer(s)
Modification Request Created by OSP To alert the Award Preparer(s) that a Modification Request has been initiated and is waiting to be completed OSP has initiated a Modification Request, and sent it to campus Award Preparer(s)
Modification Request Returned To alert the Award Preparer(s) of the need to modify Award data Reviewer, OSP, or GCA takes a “return” action on an approval node Award Preparer(s)
Approval of Modification Request Required of Ad Hoc Reviewer To alert an Ad Hoc Reviewer that a Modification Request is waiting for approval Ad Hoc Reviewer node updates to “In Progress” Ad Hoc Reviewer
Modification Request Processed To notify owners that the Modification Request has been processed by GCA. The email includes a PDF of the completed form as an attachment. GCA completes the Modification Request and clicks the “Process Request” button Award Preparer(s)

Investigator SFI & FCOI

As part of the Award Setup Request and Modification Request process, an Award Preparer can notify any investigators who are not up-to-date on either their SFI disclosures or FCOI Training.

Select the link in the Email column of the table below to see an example of the email’s content.

Email Purpose Sent When Sent To
SFI Disclosure Required To notify an investigator they need to complete a primary disclosure for the related eGC1 before the request can be submitted “Notify” selected under SFI Disclosure Investigator named on the award, cc: Award Preparer(s)
SFI Annual Update Disclosure To notify an investigator they need to complete an annual update disclosure before the related request can be submitted “Notify” selected under SFI Disclosure which sends the SFI Annual Update Disclosure notification if the last disclosure was more than 12 months from the current date Investigator named on the award, cc: Award Preparer(s)
FCOI Training Required To notify an investigator they must complete the required training before the related request can be submitted “Notify” selected under FCOI Training Investigator named on the award, cc: Award Preparer(s)

System Emails to SFI Compliance Officers

The system sends these emails automatically. Select the link in the Email column of the table below to see an example of the email’s content.

Email Purpose Sent When
Award SFI Priority Review Request To notify the Compliance Officer to re-review the primary disclosure(s) with SFI for the Award Setup Request’s associated eGC1 The Award Preparer routes the Award Setup Request AND at least one investigator’s primary disclosure has a status of “Waiting for JIT” or “Review Required” and has SFI
Award Management Plan in Place Notification To notify the Compliance Officer to re-review the primary or related disclosure(s) with management plans for the associated eGC1 of a Modification Request The Award Preparer routes the Modification Request AND at least one investigator’s primary disclosure has a management plan indicated


The Processed Awards feature will be coming soon.

It will allow you to view a processed Award’s activity including Advances and other request history, add or remove Related Items, or create Modifications to the Award.

The following image shows the Processed Awards portion of the Awards Landing page.

processed requests section of the awards landing page