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Supporting Student Success

There are many resources available on and off campus to help students explore potential careers, get funding for their education, and achieve academic and personal success.

Available Resources

Health Science Groups, Clubs & Organizations

There are many community groups, student clubs, and organizations which bring together minority and disadvantaged students with a shared interest in the sciences. Join one of the groups below to build community and create a support network with others with similar passions and interests!

Meet Others in the Health Sciences!

Accessible Accordion

Latino Center for Health
The mission of the Latino Center for Health is to provide leadership to promote the health and well-being of Latinos in Washington State, regionally and nationally, across the lifespan. The Latino Center will bring about sustainable changes in health through innovative community-engaged research, and mentorship and training opportunities for students and faculty, drawing upon the multidisciplinary scholarship from the tri-campuses of the University of Washington.

Indigenous Wellness Research Institute, National Center of Excellence
Marshal community, tribal, academic, and governmental resources toward innovative, culture-centered interdisciplinary, collaborative social and behavioral research and education.

Chicanos/Latinos for Community Medicine
CCM is a Pre-Health organization striving to increase the number of under-represented minorities in Healthcare and committed to improving the health outcomes of under-served minority populations in our community through education and activism.

Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association
UW APAMSA’s goals are to educate health sciences students on health issues affecting the APA community in Seattle and in the WWAMI region so that we may provide culturally-effective care for APA patients

Association of Black Social Work Students
In order to promote the welfare and survival of the Black community the foremost focus for all Black people must be Black unity. Concerned Black social workers state that Black unity must be predicated upon a national movement to organize and develop the Black community. To achieve this goal, the Black Social Worker must recognize the crucial necessity of functioning in the Black community as a servant to his/her people. Through this Association, Black people will move into the arena of Black unity with a motto of liberation by any means necessary, rather than adjustment. With this in mind, this Association is formed.

Global Public Health Brigades
Part of an international non-profit organization, Global Public Health Brigades is a network of students and professionals that volunteer to design and implement public health solutions that strengthen communities in the developing world.

HIV Awareness and Research Exposed
HIV Awareness and Research aims to educate the community within the university as well as outside about Biomedical Research with an emphasis on ethical conducts of research and public health.

Latino Medical Student Association
LMSA strives to educate our peers on social, political, environmental, educational, and health issues affecting minorities communities so that they may be better prepared to address these as future physician leaders.

Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is designed to increase the quality and number of students from under-represented minority groups who complete undergraduate degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Medicine, Education, and Development for Low Income Families Everywhere
MEDLIFE is a student-led organization that partners with low-income communities all around the world to improve their access to quality healthcare, educational initiatives, and community development projects.

Minority Association of Pre-Health Students
Our mission is to increase representation of minorities/underrepresented individuals in health professions, to increase the awareness of health disparities, and to increase the number of health professionals seeking to serve disadvantaged communities.

Operation Smile
Our mission is to raise awareness, promote Operation Smile, and most importantly provide monetary support for free reconstructive surgeries for children that have cleft lip and cleft palate in developing countries.

Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers
Our mission is to raise awareness, promote Operation Smile, and most importantly provide monetary support for free reconstructive surgeries for children that have cleft lip and cleft palate in developing countries.

Student National Medical Association
Student National Medical Association is the nation’s oldest and largest independent, student-run organization focused on the needs and concerns of medical students of color. The University of Washington School of Medicine Chapter was chartered in 1997.

United Colors of Social Workers
There are several purposes of this group. We will collaborate to create honoring and safe gatherings and events at the School of Social Work for self-identified students of color, multiracial, biracial students to full selves; in order to center

UW Global Dental Brigades
To connect a diverse background of UW pre-dental students to promote effective, accessible and sustainable oral care in underserved populations, both foreign and domestic, where access to dental care is limited.

VIVA! Initiative
VIVA! works to amplify the voice, visibility and skills of Latino/a students at the School of Social Work. In partnership with community agencies, this initiative seeks to equip students and the School community to be responsive to the diverse strengths and needs of Latino communities throughout Washington state—home to the 12th largest Latino population in the nation.

Academy Health Student Chapter (AHSC)
To acquaint students with the fields of health services research and health policy and to provide learning opportunities through interaction with health services and health policy researchers.

Active Minds at UW (A.M.U.W)
Active Minds at UW is the newest chapter among over 400 currently at college campuses across the country. In association with the national organization, Active Minds, we strive to promote mental health awareness and education through campaigns, fundraising, informational meetings, and community-wide events. Examples of such campaigns and events include: Stress Less Week, Suicide Prevention Month, National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, etc.. Mental health disorders are an ever-growing problem in college. Unfortunately, most students suffer silently for fear of what others may think, or they simply don’t know where to start in getting help. It can be horribly isolating. Our goal is to provide a place where students can learn about mental health, and mental health issues. We hope to provide information about resources both on and off campus in order to promote help-seeking behaviors in individuals who may be able to benefit from them. We also work to relay the latest scholarly findings of mental health research and information as it pertains to college students. Mental health affects everyone in one way or another, which is why we need to bring Active Mind to UW. All students are welcome and encouraged to join. Please be sure to keep in mind that this is NOT a support group, and we do not provide any mental health counseling of any kind. We are not mental health professionals, but rather students interested in spreading mental health information and awareness, in order to stand up against the stigma surrounding mental health problems, and to promote a mentally healthy campus. Students with or without mental health issues are equally encouraged to join.

American Student Dental Association, UW Chapter
Protects and advances the rights, interests, and welfare of dental students by a unified voice. ASDA provides information, education, advocacy, and services. Introducing organized dentistry and promote change for the betterment of the profession.

Bloodworks Northwest Student Association (BNSA)
The Bloodworks Northwest Student Association Volunteers @ UW will hereby be established as a volunteer service club for the University of Washington aimed to help promote awareness about the need of Bone Marrow Registration Drives and Blood Drives on campus by working with the Bloodworks Northwest.

Cancer Crusaders at the University of Washington
Increase campus and community awareness on cancer, both the disease and its impacts, relevance, treatments, prevention and provide community service to cancer support organizations.

Global Water Brigades
To build sustainable water infrastructure to those in rural communities through public health action, education and empowerment.

Healthcare International @ UW
Healthcare International UW seeks to provide students with an opportunity to travel abroad, gain hands-on and shadowing experience in the healthcare field, and become more culturally minded individuals through their experiences in different countries.

Husky Pediatric Cancer Foundation
The Husky Pediatric Cancer Foundation is a student-led organization dedicated to supporting low income families with cancer patients and promoting awareness of cancer in low socioeconomic communities. This organization focuses especially on helping youth affected either directly or indirectly by cancer, and is committed to providing not just financial support but also serving to assist the overall needs of these disadvantaged families. The Husky Pediatric Cancer Foundation will work to improve the quality of life in these communities by promoting the importance of healthcare.

Inspiring Health Students across the Nation (IHSAN UW)
Providing public health education for students at the University of Washington

National Student Speech Language Hearing Association
The National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) is a pre-professional association for students interested in the study of speech and hearing sciences and communication disorders.

Organization of Student Social Workers (OSSW)
Provide resources and services to support social issues, promote social ethics, values, and camaraderie among administration, faculty, and students as well as within the community.

Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Interest Group

  • The Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Interest Group (OHNSIG) at the University of Washington School of Medicine is designed to:
  • Expose students to the many exciting aspects of the specialty of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery.
  • Create educational and interactive events for students to learn from residents and physicians in the field of otolaryngology.
  • Provide opportunities for networking and mentorship for students interested in otolaryngology.

Pre-Physical Therapy Club at the UW (PPTC)
The purpose of this club will be to educate individuals about the profession of Physical Therapy and aid them in becoming well-rounded graduate school applicants.

Professional Organization of Nursing Students BSN (PONS BSN)
To represent the interests of the undergraduate school of nursing cohorts in the Professional Organization of Nursing Students.

Puget Sound Blood Center Student Organization
We are an organization advocating for the health and wellness of our community by promoting wellness. We help organize blood drives on campus and serve as a volunteer group for students that want to give back to the community.

Rotaract Club at the University of Washington
We are an organization for young adults aged 18-30 based on the principles of Rotary International. We participate in local and international community service projects.

Seattle Children’s Hospital at U.W. Student Guild
We are excited to build on the existing partnership between Seattle Children’s Hospital and University of Washington through our guild. We are hoping that our club will create awareness and raise funds on campus for Seattle Children’s Hospital, particularly focusing on immunity and immunotherapies research.

Student Environmental Health Association
SEHA is committed to community engagement and education, advocating for environmental justice and creating professional opportunities in the field of environmental health.

Student National Medical Association (SNMA)
The Student National Medical Association (SNMA) is the oldest and largest student run organization focused on the needs and concerns of medical students of color. SNMA supports current and future underrepresented medical students. Chapters, based at medical schools throughout the nation, implement activities locally. The UW School of Medicine Center for Equity Diversity & Inclusion (formerly Office of Multicultural Affairs) established a SNMA chapter in 1997. Each year SNMA holds a medical education conference to support the educational and professional pursuits of underrepresented medical students.

Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA)
The purpose of this organization to provide communication between students and faculty, allow for interaction between first and second year students, organize additional educational opportunities for students in the organization, and promote the SOTA

Student Public Health Association (SPHA)
SPHA’s purpose is to integrate and unify students across the multiple graduate and undergraduate departments and programs at the UW School of Public Health (SPH), and to create a consolidated voice to address student concerns as they arise.

Tobacco Action Group
The mission of the Tobacco Action Group (TAG) is to promote tobacco prevention, cessation, and awareness activities at the University of Washington (UW). The vision of TAG is a 100% smoke- and tobacco-free UW.

Black Student Commission (BSC)

The Black Student Commission is the liason between Black /African Heritage student organizations and the Associated Students of University of Washington.
Constituents: RETRO, Sisterhood, Black Student Union, African Student Association, Somali Student Association, NPHC, ABBS, NSBE, Impact/ Sos, Graduate black Associations & RSO’s


  • Oversee the coordination, planning, and implementation of all programs and activities of the commission, including special events, workshops, lectures, discussion groups, etc.
  • Oversee the expenditures of the annual budget and keep financial records up to date
  • Act as representative and advocate the issues and concerns of black students on the campus and in the local ad greater washington community

La Raza Student Commission
La Raza Commission is a student resource for economic, political, and social change. This is made by several objectives, which include networking and coordinating with local, as well as national organizations, maintaining community (in and out of the university campus) involvement, assist incoming students, sponsoring, endorsing, and planning events which focus on political and socially conscious issues which arise within the Chican@/Latin@ community, and working toward university accessibility. La Raza Students Commission Center is open to all students. We have many events throughout the academic school year, all are encouraged to attend. For more information on our events, “like” our page on facebook: Associated Students of University of Washington – La Raza Commission, Your participation, support and input is greatly appreciated!
For more information or to volunteer please contact La Raza or stop by the office in 131F in the HUB (ASUW+).

Pacific Islander Student Commission (PISC)
As a part of the Associated Students of Washington (ASUW), the Pacific Islander Student Commission (PISC) is made up of the eight collaborative and collective communities of Pacific Islanders here on the University of Washington campus: AnakBayan Seattle, the Filipino American Student Association (FASA), Hui Hoaloha ‘Ulana, Micronesian Islands Club (MIC), Pi Nu Iota sorority,Pacific Islander Opportunity Network for Educational Equality and Representation (PIONEER)., Pacific Islander Partnerships in Education (P.I.P.E.), and the Polynesian Student Alliance (PSA). Our diverse membership welcomes Pacific Islanders from all walks of life, and we strive to increase cultural awareness and empowerment through political, educational, and social events. PISC aims to raise awareness and empower change for Pacific Islander issues and identity, and to increase solidarity amongst our various island communities. We also hope to provide the rich support and resources for Pacific Islander students’ success and growth here.

Biology Ongoing Grads Organization
To facilitate community, networking, and volunteerism among students working towards dissertations in the life sciences.

The purpose of Denatured is to be an educational journal designed to introduce and elaborate on the biomedical and biotech fields to scientific minds of any experience.

Free Radicals Chemistry Club and the Epsilon Chapter of Phi Lambda Upsilon Chemistry Honorary Society
This is a joint organization to coordinate service and social activities for students interested in chemistry or biochemistry.

Neurobiology Club
We seek to promote the interest and study of neuroscience through educational and social programming.

Neuroscience Community Outreach Group (formerly known as: Neurobiology and Behavior Community Outreach)
Promote public awareness and understanding of the brain, and to engage in dialog with the local community concerning the progress and benefits of brain research.

Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
STEM aims to provide support, networking, and educational opportunities for LGBTQ+/Queer students, faculty, and staff in science-related fields.

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science Student Chapter at the UW (SACNAS)
Interested in increasing diversity in science. We aim to further the work of and enhance the public understanding of underrepresented minorities in science.

Graduate Opportunities and Minority Achievement Program (GO-MAP)
Offers programs and support to serve the needs of underrepresented graduate students of color to enhance equity and graduate student success.

Emerging Leaders in Science and Society at UW (ELISS)
Professional development for science leaders

Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
To advance the quality and affordability of our health care system by promoting the application of medication-related research and education.

Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Student Advisory Committee
DEOHS SAC’s purpose is to promote students’ professional development by acting as a conduit of information in matters pertaining to student-faculty relations, administrative policies, career development, personal guidance and social activities.

Department of Rehabilitation Interdisciplinary Student Organization
DRISO is a student run organization that strives to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration within the Department of Rehabilitation. This is done by hosting social and educational events, as well as promoting service-learning activities.

Doctor of Physical Therapy Student Organization
DPT Student Organization serves to promote and conduct extracurricular and educational activities for students enrolled in the UWSOM Doctorate of Physical Therapy Program.

Epidemiology Students Group (ESG)
This group’s purpose is to promote students’ professional development by acting as a conduit of information in matters pertaining to student-faculty relations, administrative policies, career development, personal guidance and social activities.

Forum on Science, Ethics, and Policy (FOSEP)
Our mission is to increase dialogue between scientists, policy makers, and the general public about issues at the intersection of science and society.

Geriatrics Interest Group at UW
The purpose of the group is to provided oppurtunity for health profession students to explore geriatric medicine. As a group, we hope to bring to light the joys, challenges, ethical dilemmas and political issues that surround the practice of geriatric medicine.

Global Rehabilitation Organization at Washington
To provide opportunity, structure, and support for students in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine to participate in the global community, both locally and internationally.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement Open School UW Chapter
The UW IHI Open School chapter is an interprofessional student organization that provides opportunities for health sciences students to collaborate and learn about quality improvement in healthcare.

Master of Health Administration Student Association
The purpose of the MHASA is to provide a forum to explore issues of importance to healthcare students and others interested in the improvement of the healthcare system.

Maternal and Child Health Group at UW
To provide a space for students interested in Maternal and Child Health to come together and collaborate.

Pharmacists for Reproductive Education and Sexual Health
PhRESH promotes the involvement of the pharmacy profession in the access and education of reproductive and sexual health services.

Science Explorers
STEM enrichment at local, under-served schools.

Student National Pharmaceutical Association
SNPhA is an educational service association of pharmacy students who are concerned about pharmacy and healthcare related issues, and the poor minority representation in pharmacy and other health-related professions.

University of Washington School of Dentistry Student Research Group
SRG is an elective course that will explore cutting edge dental research currently being studied by faculty members within the School of Dentistry. This lecture series is open to anyone enrolled in the University of Washington School of Dentistry who is interested (you do not need to register for the class to attend the lectures) and will be held over lunch.

UTEST is a medical student-run outreach HIV testing program that offers HIV Testing and Education, promotes Sexual Health, and facilitates Treatment Referral. We currently provide free rapid HIV testing weekly at Seattle Area Support Groups.