Department of Comparative Medicine

Animal Shipping

Shipping Animals

Animal Billing recommends that labs use the Off Campus Customer’s Courier Account for shipping for exports to other institutions.

The lab must have approval from the receiving institution to ship animals prior to setting up any shipments. Please contact Animal Exports if you have questions about this process.

If you will be using the DCM courier account to ship animals:

Please submit the Outgoing Shipment Request via AOps.

 If Off-Campus Customer Paying For Expenses:

(Option A) Comparative Medicine responsible for billing to Off-Campus Customer

Use this process if you want the Off-Campus Customer to be billed for all expenses (freight, Health Certificate…), but do not want to be responsible for tracking, billing, and receivables. There is an 18.6% indirect cost that is added to the total bill on all off campus customers.

  1. Complete and submit the Request to setup 22-XXXX Budget Form to setup a dummy budget for the off campus customer.
  2. Contact the courier to make shipping arrangements, when the customer is ready to receive the shipment, use the 22-XXXX budget number as the reference.
  3. If tests need to be ordered on these animals, use the 22-XXXX budget assigned.
  4. At the time of any requests for this shipment, please use the 22-XXXX budget assigned. This includes freight charges, Health Certificate, Rodent Health Monitoring Report, per diems, and tests.

(Option B) UW Department responsible for billing to Off-Campus Customer

Use this process if you want to be responsible for tracking and billing to the Off-Campus Customer. If using DCM’s acct # with the courier, Comparative Medicine will bill you for all expenses.

  1. Once approval is granted by receiving institution, contact the courier to make shipping arrangements, and use your budget number as the reference.
  2. If tests need to be ordered on these animals, make sure to bill to your budget.
  3. All charges for this shipment will be billed to your budget at the time of request. This includes: freight charges, Health Certificate, Rodent Health Monitoring Report, per diems, and tests.
  4. After completing #1 through #3, gather all documentation to use as support to bill the Off Campus Customer.

If UW Department Paying For Expenses:

Comparative Medicine will be responsible for billing UW Department

Use this process if the Off-Campus Customer is not paying for any expenses. Comparative Medicine will bill your departmental budget.

  1. Contact the courier to make shipping arrangements, when the customer is ready to receive the shipment, use your budget number as the release #.
  2. If tests need to be ordered on these animals, make sure to bill to your budget.
  3. All charges for this shipment will be billed to your budget at the time of request. This includes: freight charges, Health Certificate, Rodent Health Monitoring Report, per diems, and tests.