Department of Comparative Medicine

Rates 2024-25

View the 2024-25 rates for Internal, affiliate, non-profit and for-profit categories in a single PDF here.

Review the 5-year rate projection downloadable PDF.

A. Animals
Direct vendor purchases: Expenses for animal purchases are treated as passthrough costs, meaning they are directly charged to investigators without additional fees.
Vendor invoice per line item 0.00


B. Per Diem (Animal Maintenance, Centralized Facilities)
For current per diem rates, please view the above 2024-25 Rates downloadable PDFs.

Chicken brooders, frogs, gerbils, hamsters, finches, mice, and rats are charged on  a per cage basis.  All other animals are charged individually (unless otherwise noted).

Mice (Standard)    = 1 – 5 mice per shoebox cage

Rats (Standard)    = 1 – 3 rats per shoebox cage(depending on weight)


C. Per Diem (Animal Health Maintenance, Decentralized Facilities)

For current per diem rates, please view the above 2024-25 Rates downloadable PDFs.

Aquatics can be fish, frogs, or salamanders


D. Veterinary/Research Services
Vet. Tech. Consulting (non-clinical) 54.76/hr Clinical Vet Tech Assistance, 30-minute increments, 30-minute minimum, charged when part of experimental protocol.  Includes technician salary & benefits, and standard charge for materials; materials not separately charged for most procedures.  (The cost of the preventive medical program and the diagnosis and treatment of non-experimentally induced disease is included in the per diem charge, and not charged separately.)
Clinical Vet Tech. 93.42/hr
Veterinary Consulting (non-clinical) 136.85/hr
Clinical Veterinarian 178.70/hr
Processing Fees Initial health screening and identification upon entrance into the facility and supplies is charged via clinical vet tech assistance or animal tech assistance, depending on the species. Animal tech assist. will charge for the ferrets, frogs, rabbits and chick/brooders. Veterinary tech assist. will charge for pigs, dogs, sheep and cats.
Animal Tech Assist 54.75/hr
Clinical vet. Tech 93.42/hr
Animal Surgery Fees Full surgery station, includes basic pack, anesthesia, one CAS Vet Tech, and animal prep, 30-minute increments.

Surgery station only, 30-minute minimum includes basic pack, anesthesia machine.

Surgery Station & Tech – Induction to Recovery 165.83/hr
Surgery Station Only 80.97/hr
Surgery Tech – Anesthesia / Prep & Post-Op Care 93.58/hr
Surgery Veterinarian Anesthesia 174.22/hr
Surgery – Facility Prep / Clean Up & Surgery Tech – Pre-Surgical Prep Rates 54.60/hr


E. Miscellaneous
Animal Resource Assistance 54.75/hr Animal Resource Assistance 52.02/hr Animal Resource Assistance: Animal tech salary plus benefits; 30-minute increments, 30-minute minimum. This is for special requests & updating cage cards.
Health Certificate: Health Certificate and Vet admin fee will be billed separately.
Transportation: Driver salary plus benefits and vehicle expense; per hour, 30-minute increments, 30-minute minimum, wait time will apply. There is no charge for transfer of UW animals from one UW facility to another UW facility.
Supplies: Actual vendor price (cost of item, sales tax, freight) plus labor fee
Health Certificate 111.30/ea
Anesthetic Machine Rental 16.26/hr
Transportation Services 67.03/hr
Supplies Cost + labor

F. Rodent Health & Biological Monitoring

Imports & Exports are very labor intensive and are only used by a small portion of researchers, so this service is not supported by the per diems.

Routine domestic exports, there is no charge unless forms or additional testing is required.

For International exports, please email for estimated charges.

For Imports, please email for estimated charges.


G. Clinical and Comparative Pathology Laboratory

Please contact the laboratory manager for available tests, Consultations and fee schedules.

Necropsy & UWVDL Histology: Please contact the laboratory manager for available tests, Consultations and fee schedules for Necropsy’s and UWVDL Histology: Kerrie Allen: 206-685-3040,

H. Other Recharge Center Services that DCM provides

Transgenic & In Vivo Services Rates : In Vivo is for colony management and experimental testing for research labs. Transgenic prices are per session.
Gnotobiotic Services Rates: For comprehensive rate information, please see the Rates PDF linked above.

BSL3 & ABSL3 Services in SLU 7th floor: For a complete price list or specific rates for these services, please contact 

Histology and Imaging Core (HIC): For detailed information and rates, please refer to the Rates PDF linked above.

*NOTE: External rates include applicable surcharges and institutional overhead. For detailed rate information, please refer to the Rates pdf linked above.