Participant Stories

In these AccessComputing Stories students, mentors, and partners who are part of the AccessComputing community, share their personal experiences and lessons learned as they pursue and achieve educational and career goals in computing fields.

Apply Your Skills in an Internship

Gaining work experience while earning a degree can help students learn important skills and look more attractive to graduate schools or potential employers.

AccessComputing supports summer internships through the Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates program, which begins taking applications in December for the following summer. Learn more about DREU here:

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a disorder triggered by exposure to chemicals in the environment. Exposure can occur through air, food, water, or skin contact. Like allergies, MCS symptoms tend to come and go with various exposures, although some people's reactions may be delayed. MCS often impairs multiple bodily functions, including the nervous system and digestion; typical MCS symptoms include headaches, asthma or breathing problems, memory loss, fatigue, and depression.

Autism Spectrum Disorders and Asperger Syndrome

Autism spectrum disorders and Asperger syndrome are neurological disorders characterized by significant difficulties with the use of language in social situations, poor social skills, and the presence of unusual and repetitive behaviors. Students with autism spectrum disorders or Asperger syndrome have normal intelligence and, in some cases, may demonstrate exceptional skills or talents in a specific area. But the social and communicative problems associated with these disorders often make social interactions, relationships, and participation in group situations difficult.


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