You can add holds to Applications, Funding Actions, or any type of Admin Action. You can also modify or remove existing holds whether added manually or automatically by the system.
There are two categories of hold reasons: Non-Compliance and Compliance.
Non-Compliance hold reasons are:
- For Check
- Other (Campus)
- Other (Sponsor)
- Pending Fully Executed Agreement
- Pending Notice to Process/Activation Notice
- PI Signature
- Revised Budget
Compliance hold reasons are:
- Administrative Support
- Cost Share
- Export Control
- F&A
- Federal Flow-Through
- IACUC Approval
- IRB Approval
- PHS Training
Automatic Holds
- Applications: If there is an Export Control watcher on the approval flow, when the application reaches In OSP status, the system will automatically add an Export Control compliance hold. Manually added holds on Applications do not enforce any process rules.
- Actions: The system will automatically place some compliance holds on Funding Actions and Post-Award Changes. See the section on Automatic Holds for further details.
Add a Hold
- On the left navigation menu, select Add/Modify Hold
- In the dialog window that opens, check one or more hold reason boxes. The dialog window is shown in the following image for a Funding Action.

- Enter any optional OSP notes about the holds
- Click Save to complete the process.
Note: When you open the Add/Modify Hold dialog window after the first time, you will see an expandable bar below the list of holds titled “Previous OSP Note Hold Reason Comments.” Click on the bar to expand the section. A table displays that shows the date entered, the comment, and who the comment was entered by. The same information also displays under the OSP Notes tab. Clicking the bar again will hide the table. This section is shown expanded in the above image.
A yellow “On Hold” banner will display at the top of the item’s details page. The following image shows the banner on a Funding Action.

Modify or Remove a Hold
- Select Add/Modify Hold to open the dialog window
- Adjust the selected hold reasons
- Add an optional comment
- Click Save
If you clear all of the check boxes, the item will no longer be on hold and the banner and tasklist icons will no longer display.
You can change any Funding Action or Admin Action in Approved, Denied, Duplicate, or Returned by GCA status back to In OSP status. Use the In OSP link on the left navigation menu to start the process.

A pop-up window will appear that will allow you to change the status, reassign the item, and add comments if desired.

Add any explanatory comments you wish, reassign the item if necessary, then click on the In OSP button to complete the process. The pop-up window will close, and the item details page will refresh showing the new status.
Note: If you change an Admin Action assigned to the location File back to In OSP status, the system displays a warning message, which reads:
“An Admin Action with status of In OSP may not be assigned to File. Please modify the status or the assignment.”
To complete the process, you will need to reassign the Admin Action to a value other than File.
To see a list of any related FAs or AAs, you can click on the Funding Actions or Admin Actions tab in an opened Application.
For FAs, the information shown includes:
- Funding Action Number
- Funding Action Amount
- Start and End dates of the funding period
- UW Budget Number for the currently funded project (six digit value), if assigned
- Sponsor Award Number, if present
You can click on the Open link to the left of the FA Number to open the item.
The AAs displayed here are direct children of the application. An items such as a PAC, which is a child of an FA, will not display.
For AAs, the information shown includes:
- Admin Action Number
- Sponsor Name
- PI Name
- Short Title
- Sponsor Award Number, if present
- Comment (first 20 characters)
You can click on the Admin Action Number to open the item.
The Admin Actions tab also includes a link to “Create New Admin Action”. See Create an Admin Action and Create a Funding Action for more details.
There are a number of functions that are done the same way for Funding Actions and Admin Actions. They are described here.
Each Admin Action has a status that can change based on manual action by the user. The status reflects where the action is in the whole grant lifecycle.
An Admin Action may have one of the following statuses:
- In OSP: The default status of a newly created action. OSP staff can edit actions with this status.
- Approved: When you click the Approve link in the left navigation, the status of an action changes from In OSP to Approved. OSP staff can still unlock and edit an action with this status.
- In GCA: PAC only – When you click the Send to GCA link in the left navigation, the status of a PAC changes from In OSP to In GCA. A PAC must have an Approved status, and not be on Hold, before you can send it to GCA. OSP staff cannot edit a PAC with this status.
- Returned By GCA: PAC only – This status indicates GCA sent the PAC back to OSP to add or correct information. OSP staff can unlock and edit a PAC with this status. When GCA returns a PAC, the system assigns it to the Prepared By person (or to the Failover Team if the person is no longer OSP staff). NOTE: You can personalized your tasklist to help identify these returned transactions.
- Re-Sent By OSP: PAC only – A PAC that was Returned By GCA status and OSP re-sent to GCA. OSP cannot edit a PAC with this status.
- Duplicate: An action has this status when you click the Mark as Duplication link. You must enter the number of the existing action that this one duplicates to assign this status.
- Denied: An action has this status when you click the Deny link in the left navigation.
- Processed: PAC only – A PAC has this status after GCA has fully processed the PAC and notified campus. OSP cannot edit a PAC with this status.
To view status history
If you have any questions about the status of an admin action, you can check its Status Page for the details.