Tag Archives: SAGE Budget

April 2012 SAGE Release

New Features

  • Budget and eGC1 Preparers, formerly known as Creators, may be updated by anyone with Read/Write access. This allows you control who gets notifications for an eGC1.
  • Users can enter or update access information once, and it will display on the centralized access page shared by both an eGC1 and its connected SAGE Budget.
  • Users with global edit access for an eGC1 will also have read/write access to the connected budget.


  • A validation message will be displayed if a user attempts to add a person a second time on the eGC1 PI and Personnel page.
  • All new approval snapshots will be in PDF format; the HTML option has been removed.
  • Personnel from older eGC1s who showed up as duplicate owners will now be displayed once.

January 2012 SAGE Maintenance Release

New Features in SAGE

  • The Advance Budget Form has updated instructions. We have created a new Advance Budget Job Aid which you can find on the My Advance Requests page.


  • The SAGE Budget wizard can now handle F&A rates correctly for grants which go beyond the agreement dates.
  • On applications which use human subjects and stem cells, you cannot leave comments without choosing a Type on the Compliance Explanations page.
  • SAGE will only copy valid 4th level org codes. Incorrect and expired org codes will be removed from copied eGC1s.
  • In Grant Runner, the PHS398 cover letter Update and View links will now display correctly.
  • You will not be able to select or copy inactive sponsors on your eGC1, and SAGE will remove inactive sponsors from copied eGC1s.

August 2011 SAGE Maintenance Release

New Features

  • SAGE users will be required to select or specify an organizational code which ends in fewer than four zeros.
  • When an eGC1 with any EH&S compliance question answered “yes” is funded, EH&S will be notified.


  • Fixed the PAC notifications so that all Pre-Award Budget Contacts, eGC1 Creators, and Administrative Contacts will now receive Post-Award Change (PAC) email notifications.
  • The F&A checkbox displays correctly when the F&A rates are customized at the period level in SAGE Budget.

June 2011 SAGE Maintenance Release


SAGE Budget: When a line item is deleted from the budget worksheet, the page refreshes to reflect the change. However, if a budget has Targets & Limits enabled, the F&A values displayed are not immediately updated. The next time the page is refreshed, the displayed F&A values will be correct, and the Total Project Costs will include the F&A change.

April 2011 SAGE Budget Versioning and eGC1 Integration

New Budget Features

  • Budget period naming conventions have been enhanced to include the most common period names.
  • Budgets built in SAGE can now be connected to an eGC1, so that any updates made to the budget automatically display on the budget page of the connected eGC1.
  • Budgets in SAGE route with the eGC1 they’re connected to and anybody with access to eGC1 will also have access to the budget.
  • The worksheet in SAGE Budget displays the eGC1 number and status of connected eGC1s.
  • Fiscally responsible departments can now be specified on the setup screen for sub budgets.
  • New Budget Edit Numbers in the Budget History enable users to see when a budget has been revised and to read comments associated with those changes.
  • OSP Administrator/Coordinator now has read access to Budgets built in SAGE.
  • SAGE saves all changes to budget and assigns a unique Budget Edit number and timestamp to versions created at critical points in workflow, such as at submission or approval.
  • Users can access a read-only view of a budget at a specific point in time from the Budget History and copy, print, or export it to Excel.
  • Users can access an Excel version of a connected budget from the eGC1 Attachments page under Connected Budget Data.
  • Users with the appropriate permissions can view or withdraw the eGC1 and budget from the Budget History tab.
  • Ability to define lines that automatically adjust their amounts to make selected total match target amount.
  • Ability to include fixed fee on APL budget
  • Ability to see sub-budget information for awards where proposal includes an associated SAGE Budget.
  • Added ability to modify Administrative and Pre-Award Budget contacts regardless of eGC1 status
  • Budget title field width reduced to better match maximum characters allowed


  • Error when opening Targets and Limits auto-adjusting entries with read-only access.
  • Cascade non-salary line items when a period is added
  • When a user adds TBD personnel to a sub budget, the salary that is created in the setup screen is not transferring to the period set up. The first period starting monthly salary should match the value defined on line setup, instead it is $0.
  • Corrected TBD personnel starting monthly salary on sub budget not copying to periods
  • Changes to how dates are calculated in SAGE Budget may cause a discrepancy between effort months and period length in a select number of budgets. Each of the affected budgets has a salary line item where the number of effort months originally calculated does not match the number of effort months that the current date calculation produces. This means that the effort months in the budget period now exceed the period length.
    • Symptom: When you click through salary details, you will see the following error message when you attempt to tab off the affected period: “Effort Months cannot exceed the number of months in the period (there are currently x months in this period). To increase the effort months, you will need to lengthen the period at the Periods tab.”
  • Changing period dates flips academic/summer months on salary lines
  • Period months incorrect when period start and end dates are in months of different durations (e.g. 28, 30, 31 days)-Current production issue discovered during Budget 2.2 user acceptance testing. When creating a period that has dates that start/end mid-month in months with a different number of days, the period months on salary lines may be calculated as a whole number where a user may otherwise expect them to be. For example: a period starting on 1/16/2011 and ending on 4/15/2011, period months comes out to 3.0161.
  • In a Grant Runner application that has been withdrawn or returned for updates, if an Appendix file is added immediately after updating the Research Strategy file, the Appendix file will appear in the Strategy section.
  • The Advanced Search for Approvals has two issues. First, if both the Date Approved After and Before fields are used to set a date range, the system will not return any results. Using just one date fields works correctly. Second, if a very large number (such as an org code) is mistakenly entered in the eGC1 Number field, an error (99) will occur.

The Student Aid (08-00) line item links directly to personnel setup in the (01) Salaries and Wages section of the budget. It may be used for specific personnel sub-object codes (33, 34, 43, 44, 51-54, 91-94).

This page presents the information for all of the periods for the chosen person. The values are from the Salary and Wages section.

The information displayed here is not directly editable.

  • Quarterly Tuition Rate displays the value for this person, such as: Standard Campus.
  • Number of Quarters displays the value entered for the particular period when the person was added in the Salary and Wages section.
  • Increase % (percent) is the percentage rate that applies to the Quarterly Tuition Rate.
  • Total Tuition is the dollar amount of the tuition.

The Sea Pay line item appears if the Budget includes Sea Pay checkbox is selected on the Properties Tab. Use it to include additional work hours above a standard 40 hour work week when personnel are at sea.

sea pay line item in the salary and wages section

The Sea Pay Calculation accommodates up to an additional 44 hours per week for personnel at sea.

Sea Pay Personnel List and Benefits

Click in any period to open the Sea Pay Personnel List.

entry screen for sea pay hours

Field Description
Name Shows the name of the individual or TBD person added, followed by their Title.
Monthly ($) For salaried personnel, this value is derived from the “Monthly Base Salary” plus any salary inflation rate increases for a period. For hourly personnel, this value is the “Rate/Hour” value plus any salary inflation rate increases for a period multiplied by 173.3 (hours per average month).
Hourly Rate ($) For salaried personnel, this value is the Monthly value divided by 173.3 (hours per average month). For hourly personnel, this value is the “Rate/Hour” value plus any salary inflation rate increases for a period.
Hours Enter the value that represents the actual “Sea Pay” hours worked for each period.
Period Total ($) Equal to Hourly Rate times Hours.

This section indicates the specific object, and sub-object, codes that are included in the F&A base being used. Budget values for this period will display for included object codes. The Amount Subject to Base, Base & Rate, and Total F&A values for this period are also displayed.

Use the plus sign (+) to fully expand the list and display all of the sub-object codes. The minus sign (-) will contract the entire list. You can expand, and then contract, an individual object code by clicking on it.