Organization Codes have been replaced with Cost Centers; see Cost Center Receiving Funding article.
The Organization Code Receiving Funding is the UW’s ten-digit code which identifies the department or unit that will receive funding. Ask your fiscal specialist or department administrator which code you should use.
Note: GCA requires the code to be at the department level or below. See the OPB Orgcode and Budget Number Guidelines for an explanation of organization levels.
The following image shows this section before a code is selected.

Enter your organization code number directly on the page or select Look Up Organization Code to use the Organization Chooser.
Once you have selected the organization code, the associated Box number will appear. You can edit the box number if desired. If you need to change the box number associated with the code, use the “Changes To Existing Org Code Form” available from the Office of Planning & Budgeting web page.
You can also use the +/- buttons to expand and collapse the organization code’s hierarchy. The following image shows an expanded hierarchy.

The Change the Organization Code? link will re-display the chooser so that you can select a different code.
Organization Codes have been replaced with Cost Centers; see Cost Center Chooser.
Use this chooser whenever you are looking up an organization code across all of the SAGE Suite except for SAGE Budget and Advances, which use a type-ahead style search.
This image shows the organization code chooser.

There are two ways to look up your code:
- If you know the ten-digit code, you can enter it in the text box and click the Find Match button (Option 1 section).
- You can also find your code by expanding the higher level codes listed in the Option 2 section, and working down the levels. The system will not allow you to select a code above the department level.
You can use the Cancel link, or the X in the upper right corner, to return to the page your were on without completing the search process.
Find a Match
You must enter the full ten digits when using this option.
Search for an Organization Code
Click on the arrowheads to open the levels. In the example below, there are three levels opened to display the list of departments in the School of Medicine. Any code that is at the department level or below has a link. Click the link to make your selection.
To reset the hierarchy back to the initial display, use the Clear Selection(s) link.

Where the Organization Code Chooser is Used
- eGC1s
- Add or change the Org Code on the Details page
- Add an Organization on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page
- Add or change the Org Code on the Cost Sharing page
- Approvals
- Add a role with an Org Code restriction as an ad hoc approver or watcher to the approval flow
The UW Box Number is Now a Required Field
When a user chooses the Organization Code Receiving Funding, the UW Box Number will be automatically populated. Users can still edit the field as needed.