Annual Updates
The GIM 10 Financial Conflict of Interest Policy requires all Investigators to update their SFI disclosures at least annually. Most active UW investigators will have disclosed their SFI within the past year through developing a proposal and/or responding to a funding action. For a few investigators, however, twelve months will go by after they last entered or updated their SFIs. These investigators (and ONLY these investigators) will need to submit an annual update to their SFIs.
FIDS sends reminder notifications to investigators who have not entered or updated their SFIs for nearly 12 months. The system sends a Notification 45 days before the annual update is due and again at 15 days prior if necessary.
GIM 10 requires annual SFI updates. Therefore:
- OSP will hold funding for new projects, and new eGC1s for existing projects, until all investigators are current with their SFI updates.
- SAGE will block submission of an Advance Request for a selected eGC1 if any investigator’s primary disclosure was submitted more than 12 months ago and no other disclosures have been submitted within the past 12 months. The Advance Preparer will be able to notify investigators within the advance request that a disclosure is needed, or training needs to be completed.
In addition, the Institutional Official in the Office of Research has the authority under GIM 10 to suspend research that is not compliant with the requirements of GIM 10.
If you are an investigator who needs to submit an update for review by the Office of Research, follow the links to instructions on how to:
If a researcher is no longer an investigator on any currently active project or pending proposal, the research team should remove that researcher from those proposals in SAGE.