There are eGC1 approval rules for each unit on campus, based on Cost Center. The schools and departments determine what rules they need which are then coded into SAGE.
There is a rule for each of the following:
- Cost Center Receiving Funding (CCRF)
- Personnel Selected Department (PSD) – now Selected Unit
- Personnel Academic/Admin Home (PAH) – now Primary Position Unit
- Cost Sharing (CS)
- Joint Appointment Unit (Joint), To Be Assigned (TBA) Personnel Unit (TBA), Space and/or Resources (Space), Other. These are organizations which need to review the application not otherwise identified. They are added in the Additional Organizational Unit Reviewers section of the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page.
For each of these rules there may be 1) no action, 2) approval required, or 3) watcher access. If rules are not defined for a specific Cost Center ID, then it inherits the rules from its parent organization.
Seattle Campus
Each unit on the Seattle campus has three possible levels of review – Division, Department, and Dean. These levels correspond to the SAGE ASTRA roles of Division Reviewer, Department or Center Reviewer ,and Chair or Director Reviewer.
For example, the routing rules for Approvers (A) and Watchers (W) for the Applied Physics Lab (a department) and Health Metrics (a division) are:
Unit |
Applied Physics Lab |
Health Metrics |
Rule |
Div |
Dept |
Dean |
Div |
Dept |
Dean |
Cost Center Receiving Funding |
(none) |
A |
W |
A |
A |
A |
Personnel Selected Dept |
(none) |
A |
W |
A |
A |
A |
Personnel Academic Home |
(none) |
W |
W |
W |
W |
W |
Cost Sharing |
(none) |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
Joint Appointment (Additional Organizations) |
(none) |
A |
W |
A |
A |
A |
TBA (Additional Organizations) |
(none) |
A |
W |
A |
A |
A |
Space and Resources (Additional Organizations) |
(none) |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
Other (Additional Organizations) |
(none) |
A |
A |
A |
A |
A |
Bothell Campus
Each unit on the Bothell campus has 4 possible levels of review – Bothell Grants, Program Director, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Reviewer (VCAC), Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services Reviewer (VCAD). There are corresponding SAGE ASTRA roles of the same name.
For example, Bothell-Business Total defines its rules at the Dean’s level, so any departments within that cost center would follow the same rules.
Unit |
Bothell-Business Total |
Rule |
Bothell Grants |
Program Director |
Cost Center Receiving Funding |
A |
A |
(none) |
(none) |
Personnel Selected Dept |
A |
A |
(none) |
(none) |
Personnel Academic Home |
W |
W |
(none) |
(none) |
Cost Sharing |
A |
A |
(none) |
(none) |
Joint Appointment (Additional Organizations) |
W |
(none) |
(none) |
(none) |
TBA (Additional Organizations) |
W |
A |
(none) |
(none) |
Space and Resources (Additional Organizations) |
A |
A |
(none) |
(none) |
Other (Additional Organizations) |
A |
(none) |
(none) |
(none) |
Tacoma Campus
Each unit on the Tacoma campus has 5 possible levels of review – Division, Department, Dean Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Reviewer (VCAC), Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services Reviewer (VCAD). There are corresponding SAGE ASTRA roles of the same name.
Unit |
Comput & Softwr Sys-t |
Rule |
Div |
Dept |
Dean |
Cost Center Receiving Funding |
(none) |
(none) |
A |
A |
A |
Personnel Selected Dept |
(none) |
(none) |
A |
A |
A |
Personnel Academic Home |
(none) |
(none) |
W |
W |
W |
Cost Sharing |
(none) |
(none) |
A |
A |
A |
Joint Appointment (Additional Organizations) |
(none) |
(none) |
W |
W |
W |
TBA (Additional Organizations) |
(none) |
(none) |
A |
A |
A |
Space and Resources (Additional Organizations) |
(none) |
(none) |
A |
A |
A |
Other (Additional Organizations) |
(none) |
(none) |
A |
A |
A |
The Certify & Route page includes the final compliance questions, a place to add information for the UW reviewers, and the ability to check for any remaining errors. Select Route to Reviewers to send your application to the reviewers. Once routed, you will see a Withdraw button. Use it to withdraw your application for editing. You would then re-route it with the changes.
The sections on the page vary depending on the application’s status and whether the person editing is the PI or not.
In this section, select Route to Reviewers to start it routing for approval. The system will run a validation check, the same one for the Check for Errors link. You will either see the pop-up window with an error list or the message that your application is locked for editing and starting the routing process.
You must correct all errors before you can complete the eGC1.

Is this application ready to be submitted to the sponsor?
Your response to this question lets OSP know if they can submit the attached sponsor documents. Answer No when routing the eGC1 with draft sponsor documents for internal UW approvals.
You must mark your eGC1 Yes for Ready to Submit by the deadline listed in GIM 19 Internal Deadlines for Proposals to External Entities.
For eGC1s which OSP will submit, if the answer is No, then OSP will not submit the application online. If the answer is Yes, then OSP will transmit these documents to the sponsor once they have completed their review process.
Each time you withdraw or a reviewer returns your eGC1, SAGE clears the answer to this question. You will have to re-answer it when you re-route the application. This is to help you to remember to move it from No to Yes at the appropriate time.
Note: You will not be able to route your eGC1 with Ready to Submit = Yes if any investigators have not completed their FIDS disclosure.
Check for Errors
Click this link to check that all required fields have values and all business rules in this eGC1 are correct. A list of errors displays in a separate window. As you correct errors on the eGC1, click Check for Errors again to see an updated Error List in the window. Once you have addressed all of the errors, select the Route to Reviewers button. See the Errors and Warning Summary article for more details.
View Entire Draft eGC1 (PDF)
Click this link to preview or print the entire eGC1. The printout will be labeled “DRAFT.”
Print Draft Routing Sheet
After you have entered the PI and the Cost Center Receiving Funding, you may click this button to preview or print the draft Routing Sheet. The printout will be labeled “DRAFT” so you must not use it for routing purposes.
If you have any paper documents to submit to campus reviewers, attach a copy of the final Routing Sheet to a copy of the application and provide it to each of the units that will review.
The content of the Routing Sheet will depend on the selections on the eGC1: department and dean for the PI, personnel, Cost Center Receiving Funding, and some compliance questions.
The Routing Sheet has two purposes:
- Provide a link between the paper documents and the online record.
- Provide a list of the units needing to approve this application. Use the checkboxes to denote which copy is for which unit (replacing the need to hand write the name of the unit on each copy for delivery).
View Draft Approval Graph
After you have entered the PI and the Cost Center Receiving Funding, you may click this button to view the Approval Flow. The flow content depends on the data in the eGC1 – department and dean for the PI, additional research personnel, the Cost Center Receiving Funding, and some compliance questions – as well as the rules for each organization involved with this project. If you modify the eGC1 data, the Approval Graph may change.
Route to Reviewers
Click the Route to Reviewers button to lock the eGC1 for routing. Only users with read/write permission on this application may complete it.
SAGE will check required fields and business rules in the entire eGC1. If there are any errors, a list displays in a separate window. After you correct the errors, return to this page and click Route to Reviewers.
After you successfully route the application, it becomes “locked for editing” and you cannot make any changes. You can then print the final version of the Routing Sheet and use it for routing any paper documents. The “draft” links will change to “final” links.
If you need to edit a routing eGC1, you must withdraw it or request it be returned. The Withdraw button will display at the top of the Certify & Route page after you route the eGC1.
In this section, indicate if OSP needs to handle any paper documents, and who will submit the application to the sponsor.

Will paper documents be submitted to OSP in support of this application?
Answer Yes if you will be sending any paper documents (sponsor or internal for UW) to OSP for this application.
Requirements for providing sponsor documents to OSP and campus units may be different. Please be sure to check with the campus units involved.
Will sponsor documents be submitted electronically to the sponsor?
Please identify how your application will reach the sponsor. Follow your sponsor’s instructions for how you should submit your application.
Response |
Description |
Yes, by OSP via |
Select this for applications using the federal portal.
If you have created a Grant Runner eGC1, the system will automatically select this, and you cannot change it. For more information about submitting to, see OSP’s page: at UW. |
Yes, by OSP via online sponsor system |
Select this when using a sponsor system that requires OSP to do the actual submission process. For example: NSF, eRA Commons, HRSA Electronic Handbook, and RAMS ProposalCentral. |
Yes, by the PI/research group |
Select this when the PI will complete the submission process electronically from the sponsor’s system. For example, sponsor web sites that require you to upload and send the application (without saving it).
Whenever possible, OSP prefers to submit electronic applications; please contact your OSP Administrator to coordinate this. |
No |
Select this when you will not be submitting the sponsor application electronically in any fashion. Usually this means that you will send the signed paper documents to the sponsor. |
Royalty Research Fund (RRF) Applicants: If you are submitting a proposal to the (RRF), you should answer No to both questions. Please refer to the Instructions for Preparing an RRF Proposal for more details.
This section appears at the top of the Certify & Route page after an application has been routed to reviewers.
To unlock your application for editing, click the Withdraw button to change its status to Withdrawn and make it editable. Only eGC1 owners, users with assigned read/write access, or reviewers with the Global Editor role can withdraw an eGC1.
After you make your changes and re-route the eGC1, it will continue routing where it stopped when you withdrew the application. Thus, people who already approved the eGC1 do not need to approve it again.
Depending on the significance of the changes made, you may want to use the Add Approver feature to add them to the flow a second time, so they can approve the changes. Check with your unit for guidance.
If you make changes to a compliance question, change the PI, or add new personnel, etc., the approval graph may change. Any approved nodes that remain on the changed flow, will still be in an approved state.
Note: If you have marked an eGC1 as Ready to Submit and it has In OSP status, you cannot withdraw it. Instead, contact OSP and request they return the eGC1.

To be able to make changes to a routing eGC1, you need to start by withdrawing it from routing. Before you withdraw your eGC1, you may want to contact approvers to let them know that you plan to do so.
You can click the Withdraw button on the Certify & Route page in the Update Application section to make an eGC1 that is routing for approval editable. Once you have made your changes, click the Route to Reviewers button on the Certify & Route page to re-route the eGC1. You must add comments when re-routing an eGC1 that has had at least one approval.
Approvers who have already approved your eGC1 will not be notified again. If you make a major change, you may add them back into the approval graph as ad hoc approvers.
Note: If you marked Yes for Ready to Submit and your eGC1 has reached In OSP status, you cannot withdraw it. Instead, contact OSP and request they return the eGC1.
Any reviewer can use the Return process to make your eGC1 editable also. The reviewer will enter required comments which are part of the email notification to the eGC1 owners. See Return an Application in the Approvals User Guide.
Both withdrawing and returning make the eGC1 editable by its owners, those with read/write access and those with the Global Editor role.