by Kamaria Carnes

Getting to Ghana was quite the adventure. We arrived at Sea Tac at 5 a.m. and everyone basically had the same expression on their faces because most of us stayed up so we can knock out on the plane. Our group’s movement through security was kind of slow going, and by the time they had started checking our passports at our gate they were making the last call to board. I don’t exactly know the logistics of the situation, but judging by Jo-Nathan’s expression it wasn’t that awesome….
We arrive in Atlanta for a layover and I have my stomach set on getting some Chick-fil-A, a fast food chain that Washington doesn’t have. A group of 10 of us set out to another concourse to find it….only to find that it was taken out of the airport completely! So most of us settled for a home-style Southern restaurant instead. After our food adventure I came back to our gate and made sure all of my electronics were charged — the flight to Ghana is long, roughly 11.5 hours, so I especially wanted to make sure my iPod was ready!
We were told that the flight was packed but I was lucky enough to get 2 seats to myself! So I used blankets and pillows to create a very comfy seat. I haven’t had the opportunity to sit in first-class yet, but I’m pretty sure my makeshift comfy chair could easily rival the ones in first class.

Finally we arrive a little bit jet lagged, but excited to start our adventure. We had orientation, met the staff and moved into our rooms. We had delicious fried rice, grilled chicken, steamed veggies and watermelon for dinner and an awesome musical performance after.

Tracy learning to play the instruments
Ghana isn’t ready for us!