AccessCSforAll leaders publish articles in order to increase awareness about issues related to including people with disabilities in computing fields and contribute to the Knowledge Base on this topic. Some of the published articles are listed below.
Blaser, B., Ladner, R. E., Twarek, B., Steflk, A., & Stabler, H. (2024). Accessibility and Disability in PreK-12 CS: Results from a Landscape Survey of Teachers. In Proceedings of ACM RESPECT Conference.
Blaser, B., Ladner, R. E., Twarek, B., Stefik, A., & Stabler, H. (2024). Accessibility and disability in PreK-12 CS: Results from a landscape survey of teachers. In Proceedings from the 2024 RESPECT Annual Conference.
Ladner, R. E., Stefik, A., Naumann, J., & Peach, E. (2020). Computer science principles for teachers of deaf students. In proceedings from RESPECT '20: the 5th international conference on Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology.
Israel, M., Day, S., Dimitriadi, Y., Feldner, H., Isvik, A., Kuriakos, N., Salas, J., Huh, M., & India, G. (2020). Reimagining accessibility and inclusion in K-12 CS education through curriculum and professional development. Accessible Computer Science Education Fall Workshop.
Huff, E., Koushik, V., Ladner, R. E., Ludi, S., Milne, L., Mountapmbeme, A., Perkoff, M., & Stefik, A. (2020). Accessible tools and curricula for K-12 computer science education. In proceedings from Accessible Computer Science Education Fall Workshop.
Ladner, R. E. (2020). Expanding the pipeline: The status of persons with disabilities in the computer science pipeline. Computing Research News, 32(10), 16-18.
Blaser, B., & Ladner, R. E. (2020). Why is data on disability so hard to collect and understand? In proceedings from RESPECT '20: The 5th international conference on Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology, 19-26.
Stefik, A., Ladner, R. E., Allee, W., & Mealin, S. (2019). Computer science principles for teachers of blind and visually impaired students. In proceedings of SIGCSE ’19: ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.
Burgstahler, S. (2017). Fully including students with disabilities in online courses: Tips for Instructors. Currents in Teaching and Learning, 9(2), 38-47.
Ladner, R., & Stefik, A. (2017). AccessCSforAll: Making computer science accessible to K-12 students in the United States. SIGACCESS Newsletter, 118.
Ladner, R., & Israel, M. (2016). "For all" in "computer science for all", Communications of the ACM, 59(9), 26-28.
Stefik, A., & Ladner, R. (2015). Introduction to AccessCS10K and accessible tools for teaching programming. Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 518–519.
Burgstahler, S. (2015). Opening doors or slamming them shut? Online learning practices and students with disabilities. Social Inclusion, 3(6), 69-79.
Blaser, B. (2014). Ensuring equal access for students with disabilities. CSTA Voice, 10(1), 3-4.
Roth, R. (2013). Summer computing academy. CSTA Voice, 8(6), 5,8.
Cavender, A. C., Ladner, R. E., & Roth, R. I. (2009). The summer academy for advancing deaf and hard of hearing in computing. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 41(1), 514-518.
Bigham, J. P., Aller, M., Brudvik, J. T., Leung, J. O., Yazzolino, L., & Ladner, R. E. (2008). Inspiring blind high schoolers to pursue computer science with instant messaging chatbots. Proceedings of the 39th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 449–453.
Ladner, R., & VanDeGrift, T. (2008). The game of life: An outreach model for high school students with disabilities. Proceedings of the 39th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 296-297.
Ladner, R. (2007). Reaching students with disabilities. Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Voice, 3(2), 4.
VanDeGrift, T., Ladner, R. E., Poginy, A., & Burgstahler, S. (2006). The game of life workshop - Reaching out to high school students with disabilities. American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition.