SAGE is a secure application that requires a UW NetID to log in. In addition, you must have at least one authorized role which defines what types of operations you can perform within the SAGE system. Some roles include a limit, which restricts you to working with specific items.
- Authorization: SAGE uses the UW ASTRA (Access to Systems, Tools, Resources and Applications) system to manage SAGE authorizations. You can request the appropriate SAGE ASTRA role(s) from your unit’s ASTRA authorizer. To find your authorizer, click Who can Authorize Me?.
- ASTRA Roles define what you can do in the SAGE system. Your responsibilities within a department or unit determine which roles you need. Visit the View My Authorizations page to review your current ASTRA roles.
- Limits identify the administrative or academic unit(s) where you have access (for example, a center, division, or department). SAGE ASTRA roles are based on a research hierarchy used behind-the-scenes as a bridge to connect cost centers to organizational review levels like Department or Dean needed for approvals in SAGE.
Common SAGE Roles
The most common roles are listed below. For more information, review the SAGE ASTRA Roles article.
Commonly used ASTRA roles for SAGE
Access Needed |
Assign This Role |
eGC1s That Can Be Accessed |
To view eGC1s, but not to edit, create, or approve them |
SAGE Read-Only with an appropriate Cost Center |
Previously routed and routing eGC1s with the matching Cost Center |
To create new eGC1s |
Proposal Preparer |
Any eGC1 or SAGE Budget you created, are a contact for, or are assigned access to |
To edit existing eGC1s when not an owner, creator, contract, or having assigned access |
Global Edit with an appropriate Cost Center |
Any eGC1 with a matching code for a node on the approval graph |
To create new or access existing Subawards |
Subaward Preparer |
Any eGC1 you created, are a contact for, or are assigned access to. See Subawards Access and Permissions for more details. |
To Approve or Watch eGC1s |
Appropriate level reviewer role (Div, Dept, Dean) with a corresponding Cost Center |
Any eGC1 with a matching code for Approver or Watcher |
Note: The SAGE Read-Only, Global Edit, and reviewer roles require a Cost Center which defines the role’s limit or span of control.
To access SAGE, you need an ASTRA role. Someone who creates items in SAGE (eGC1s, Budgets, Advance Budget Requests) usually has a Proposal Preparer or Principal Investigator role. Campus approvers will typically have one of the reviewer roles: Division Reviewer, Department or Center Reviewer, Dean Reviewer, or Advance Reviewer. Compliance reviewers have distinct ASTRA roles.
Campus approvers access items based on a combination of their role and the associated Cost Center. So a Dean Reviewer for the School of Medicine would be able to access only those eGC1s that include that unit and role combination on the approval flow. An Advance Reviewer would have access to Advance Budget Requests for their unit and role.
To access the item you need to approve:
- In general
- For eGC1s
- Select the link in the email notification, which after signing in, will display the eGC1 approval flow.
- For Advance Budget Requests
- Select the link in the email notification, which after signing in, will display the My Approvals page.
Connected Budget and eGC1
When you link a SAGE Budget to an eGC1, each item’s contacts and access lists are combined into a shared “access” page. A set of rules determines how the data is combined, so that no user loses access.
Once you link the Budget and the eGC1, you can make changes from either the eGC1’s Contact & Access page or from the Budget Settings Access & Roles section.
The shared page includes the “owners” which are the Administrative Contact, Pre-Award Budget Contact, eGC1 Preparer, Budget Preparer and the eGC1’s PI. The list will also include any general collaborators with assigned access, either Can Edit or View Only.
The rules for combining the information from the original pages are:
- If you have different Administrative Contacts and Budget Contacts listed on your eGC1 and your SAGE budget when they are connected:
- Any existing SAGE Budget contacts will display on the resulting shared page.
- The eGC1’s contacts will change to editable access, either Read/Write (eGC1) or Can Edit (Budget). Note: If your budget does not have an Administrative or Budget Contact, then the eGC1 contact will display on the shared page.
- The eGC1 and Budget Preparers will display on the shared page.
- The PI listed on the eGC1’s PI & Personnel page will be the PI on the shared access page.
- Users will keep their higher level of access to the connected eGC1 and SAGE Budget. For example, a user with View Only access to the SAGE Budget and Read/Write access to the eGC1, will have edit access on the shared page.
- Read/Write (eGC1) or Can Edit (Budget) are a higher level of access than Read-Only (eGC1) or Can View (Budget).
- Owners (contacts, preparers, and PI) always have edit access.
- Anyone with edit access may change or remove assigned access for anyone else.
Disconnected Budget and eGC1
When you disconnect a budget from an eGC1, each item will retain the Administrative Contact, the Pre-Award Budget Contact and a copy of all users with assigned access.
Additionally, these adjustments will be made:
- The Budget Preparer role will not display on the eGC1. However, if the Budget Preparer had no other access to the eGC1, they will be assigned Read Write access to it.
- The eGC1 Preparer role will not display on the Budget. However, if the eGC1 Preparer had no other access to the Budget, they will be assigned Can Edit access to it.
- The eGC1’s PI will be assigned Can Edit access to the Budget.
Access page for multiple eGC1s and their connected budget
If you have a budget which is connected to multiple eGC1s:
- Access lists for the eGC1s and their connected budget will merge.
- The creator of the most recent eGC1 will become the eGC1 Preparer on the shared access page and will therefore have owner (edit) access.
- Creators of all other eGC1s will have read-only access.
- The PI on the most recent eGC1 will receive any email notifications and be listed as an owner.
- Any former PIs will still display on the PI, Personnel, & Organizations page of the corresponding older eGC1. They will have read-only access to the current eGC1 and Budget. The former PIs will not receive email notifications.
- Note: The PI on the most recent eGC1 will display on your My eGC1s page, so you will be unable to search for an older eGC1 using the former PI’s name.
Access for Global Editors
SAGE users with the Global Edit ASTRA role do not display on the access list for an eGC1 or Budget. They only have access to eGC1s not in Composing status. They will also have read/write access to any budgets connected to those eGC1s.
Notes, tips, and warnings
- If you are preparing your eGC1 and budget at the same time, connect your budget before filling out the access page. You will then only need to fill in the information once.
- If you remove yourself as an owner from the Contacts & Assign Access page for an eGC1 in Composing status or in Withdrawn status with no approvals, you will no longer have any access to the eGC1 or its connected budget. For an eGC1 in Approved or Returned status, you will retain read-only access.
- Be sure you are connecting the correct budget to your eGC1 or the wrong people will end up on the access list.
The Manage Access page allows anyone with read/write access to a subaward to assign additional editors and readers, beyond the primary contacts/owners, to cover absences and collaborate in a more intuitive and consistent way across SAGE.
When you assign access to someone, you indicate either read/write or read-only access to your subaward.
You can navigate to the Manage Access page from either a request in Composing status or from the subaward overview page for all other statuses. Select the Manage Access button in the upper left area.
This page has two sections: Subaward Managed Access and Related eGC1 Access.
Subaward Managed Access
This section lists the individuals that currently have access to the subaward and allows you to grant access to others. The list includes each person’s name, permission type and reason.
The following image shows this section.

The first individuals listed have a permission type of Owner. They are the UW PI, Subaward Preparer, and Financial Contact, as indicated in the Reason column. Each of these owners is always listed, even if one person has more than one role.
As you assign access to additional users, they will be listed below the owners. Their permission type will be either Read Only or Read/Write depending on what you choose. The reason will be Assigned Access.
Permission Types
- Read Only access allows the person to view the subaward, but not edit it.
- Read/Write access allows the person to edit the subaward.
Note: Only subawards for which you have read/write access will appear on your tasklist. You can search for and then view any subaward for which you have read-only access.
Add a User
To add a person, select the Add Another User link. The Personnel Chooser dialog will display. Use it to search for and select the desired person. The Manage Access page will refresh and display the added person.
Note: the default access permission type is Read Only. You can use the drop-down menu to change the permission to Read/Write.
Remove a User
To remove a person with assigned access, click on the trash can icon to the far right of the row. The system will not prompt you to confirm the deletion.
Related eGC1 Access
Anyone who has access to an eGC1 (PI, contacts, or assigned read/write or read-only access) can view a subaward which has that eGC1 as the parent of any of the subaward’s funding actions.
Permission types for these individuals are either their eGC1 owner role or the type of Assigned Access on the eGC1. For Assigned Access permission, either “readwrite” or “readonly” displays. The reason column will list the number of the associated eGC1. The possible owner roles are:
- Principal Investigator
- Administrative Contact
- Budget Contact
- eGC1 Preparer
- Budget Preparer (if the eGC1 has a linked SAGE Budget)
The following image show an example of the list.

If your access to the subaward is through an eGC1, the subaward will not appear on your tasklist. However, you can search for it and then open it to view.
This final release for the SAGE Subawards Project includes priority items requested by preparers as well as some updates that will allow OSP to manage subrecipient profile data more effectively.
Managed Access
To make it easier for subaward preparers to cover absences and to allow for broader department review and access to subawards, you can now add additional users (beyond the three UW contacts) with either read/write or read-only access.
Expanded Subrecipient Profile
To improve OSP’s ability to report subaward information to sponsors and auditors, we have added the following attributes to the subrecipient profile in SAGE:
- Employer Identification Number (Federal Tax ID)
- DUNS and DUNS +4
- Country
Subrecipient Types have also been revamped to better align with reporting requirements.
Attachments Display Changes
- From a link on the Subaward Overview page, you can now view a consolidated list of attachments for the entire subaward.
- On the subaward request details page, the Attachments section now visually separates attachments that departmental subaward preparers uploaded from those that OSP did.
Performance Improvements
Using the Subawards section of SAGE and SPAERC will now be faster and more responsive, allowing you to accomplish what you need to get done with less waiting.
Improved Validations
The Start and End Dates on subaward requests are now checked by the system to ensure they make sense within the context of the broader award and subaward. This will help alert you to any easy mistakes made when preparing a request.
Other Enhancements
SAGE Tasklist
- The SAGE tasklist now displays the most recent BPO number, rather than the one listed on the first request. Searching the tasklist will also now only return subawards where the most recent BPO matches your search criteria.
Subaward Overview Page
- A visual cue has been added to the Request in Process section on the Subaward Overview page to make it easier for users to identify how to open the details of request.
- A new Modification Number field has been added, which will be populated by OSP in SPAERC but will be visible on the Subaward Overview page in SAGE as well. The Modification Number will confirm the sequence of changes to the subaward agreement.
- You’ll now see the BPO number associated with each request, within both the Requests In Process and Processed Requests section of the Subaward Overview, for easy reference.
In order to create a new subaward for one of your existing eGC1s, you must have the SAGE Subaward Preparer ASTRA role.
Beyond that, your relationship to the subaward will determine whether you can edit or view it.
Campus Role or Access Type |
Create New Subaward or Modification |
Edit Composing, Withdrawn, or Returned Subaward Requests |
Edit Contact Information (from Overview Page) |
Edit Manage Access List |
Open Subaward & View Request Details |
Subaward Preparer ASTRA Role |
Subaward Contact (PI, Preparer, Financial) |
Create only Modifications |
Assigned Read/Write Access |
Create only Modifications |
Assigned Read-Only Access |
Any Role on any associated eGC1(s) |
- The category “Any Role on any associated eGC1(s)” includes anyone who has access to an eGC1 (PI, contacts, or read/write or read-only access) that is related to the subaward through its Funding Action(s).
- The Edit Contact Information applies only to the following:
- Subaward Preparer
- Financial Contact
- Subrecipient Contact