Tag Archives: Access

How can non-UW employees access and use SAGE?

All SAGE users must have a UW NetID and a UW email account. UW departments/divisions may obtain sponsored UW NetIDs for people who do not have them, such as new hires.

UW departments will also need to authorize access by assigning the appropriate SAGE roles in ASTRA.

Note: Email notifications generated by the SAGE approvals process are generally sent to a user’s UW netid@uw.edu email address. This email can be forwarded to another account for your convenience.

How do I get authorization to use SAGE, and how long will it take?

To access SAGE, you must have an ASTRA (Access to Systems, Tools, Resources, and Applications) authorization. ASTRA provides Web-based management of authority for UW administrative applications.

Ask your local ASTRA administrator to authorize the appropriate SAGE ASTRA Roles for you. If you try to log in to SAGE without an authorized role, SAGE will display a link to ASTRA so you can check your current roles.

ASTRA authorizations generally take effect within 30 minutes. If you are already logged into SAGE, log out and then log back in again to pick up your new authorizations.

When you have read-write access to an eGC1, but find that you are in read-only mode, it can be frustrating.

There are three possible reasons why your eGC1 might open in read-only mode:

Reason Description
Status To make changes to a Routing eGC1, you must withdraw it. If your eGC1 has reached In OSP status and you have indicated “Yes” for the Ready to Submit question, contact OSP to have them return the eGC1 to you; otherwise you can withdraw it.
Locked for Editing – 1 Your eGC1 was already being edited by another user when you opened it. Only one person may have an eGC1 open for editing at a time. You can see who is currently editing an eGC1 by looking at the top of any page.

To resolve this situation, contact the person who is editing the eGC1 and ask them to close the eGC1 to allow editing by a different person.

Locked for Editing – 2 Another user recently exited your eGC1 without closing out of the eGC1 correctly. When this occurs, the system maintains an active status for the eGC1 in the SAGE database for 45 minutes, even after the user closes his or her browser.

To resolve this, the user who exited incorrectly must log back into SAGE, re-open the item, and then close out properly. If the user is unavailable, you can wait 45 minutes, at which point the system will automatically log the person out, or you can call the ORIS Help Desk (685-8335) for further assistance.

Note: To close an eGC1 properly, click the Save & Close this eGC1 link or the Back to My eGC1s link. Do not just close your browser window.

September 2015 SAGE Maintenance Release

EHS-2 Compliance Question Update

The EHS-2 question on the Compliance Questions and Explanations pages of the eGC1 has been updated on all new eGC1s created after the September 2015 release.

Updated logic for the display of the HS-1-B Compliance Question Explanation

The HS-1-B question on the Compliance Explanations page of the eGC1 will now display under the additional condition of a Contract that is utilizing Just-In-Time human subjects approval.

Compliance question HS-1-B was not displaying/hiding in real time, when Project Type = Contract

Conditional questions and instructional text in the Human Subjects section of the Compliance Explanations page of the eGC1 now update in real-time when the eGC1 is for a Contract.

 Prevent multiple RegIDs for the same person from being entered into SAGE

When a user is erroneously assigned multiple RegIDs at the University, it has caused problems with accessing their FIDS information. A change has been made to disallow multiple RegIDs for the same person in the SAGE database.  Upon logging into SAGE, the user will receive an error that is also recorded in the SAGE Suite error log. This error will alert the SAGE team to take the necessary action to resolve the issue with UW IT.

Grant Runner Validation Update on Detailed Budget

A validation was added to the Grant Runner detailed budget form to disallow zero entries in the “other” cost field. This will help mitigate submission errors.


Older FAs in SERA have problems opening

An issue that had prevented Funding Actions that predated the creation of the Authorized Action field from being opened in SERA has been fixed.

If you have a permission type of Owner or Read/Write, or have the ASTRA Global Edit role for the appropriate organization codes, you may give access to the eGC1 or Budget to other SAGE users.

Add a Person

  • Click on the Add User link on the Contacts & Assign Access page to open the Personnel Chooser. Search for and select the person.
  • Select the appropriate permission type (Read Only or Read/Write) for this person from the pull-down menu.

Remove a Person

  • Change the Permission Type value to No Access and click the Save icon to remove someone from the Assigned Access list.

When you choose to remove yourself from the access list, a warning message will appear. If the change you are making removes your last access to this item, once you confirm the change, the tasklist will display.

loss of access warning dialog

See the Access Permissions page for more information about permission levels in SAGE. Read the SAGE Budget and eGC1 Shared Access Data page to learn how contact and permission information is displayed on a shared access page from both your eGC1 and its connected SAGE Budget.

The information displayed for each person with access is:

  • Name
  • Permission Type: The permission level for the individual.
    • Owner:
      • On an eGC1, the following people are automatically owners: Principal Investigator, Administrative Contact, Pre-Award Budget Contact, and eGC1 Preparer. The Budget Preparer is also an owner on the eGC1 if a Budget is linked.
      • On a Budget, the following people are automatically owners: Administrative Contact, Pre-Award Budget Contact, and Budget Preparer. The eGC1 Preparer is also an owner on the Budget if an eGC1 is linked. The person with the role of PI on a Budget is not give owner status by default. However, if the Budget is linked to an eGC1, the PI for the eGC1 then has owner status for both the Budget and the eGC1.
    • Read Only or Read Write: Assign one of these permissions when you add someone.
  • Reason: For owners, their relationship is listed. All others have a reason of Assigned Access.
What are the computer and browser requirements for SAGE?

SAGE has been designed to work on any standards-compliant Web browser. The following sections list the support for specific browsers.

Officially Supported Browsers
Browsers on which ORIS regularly tests new releases and will fix related bugs when discovered or reported.

Browser Versions Supported OSes Notes
Chrome latest & latest-1 MS Windows (10 +)
Mac OS X

Limited Support
Browsers on which ORIS performs limited testing prior to release and will fix related, serious bugs when discovered or reported.

Browser Versions Supported OSes Notes
Firefox latest & latest-1 MS Windows (10+)
Mac OS X

Browsers on which ORIS does not test and will not fix related bugs.

  • Apple Safari
  • Microsoft Edge
  • All other browsers not listed under “Officially Supported” or “Limited Support”