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Leadership & Committees

We enter this work with the understanding that experiences of discrimination, harassment, and violence impact individuals of all genders, sexual orientations, races, religions, abilities, citizenship statuses, socioeconomic means, and other identities and that impacts can be disproportionate based on a person’s identity(ies) and power. And, we know that discrimination, harassment, and violence impact not only the individual who experienced the harm but also the communities in which they live, study, and work.


The University of Washington carries out the objectives of Title IX through a coordinated system of initiatives, programs, and services that collectively protect educational access, advance gender equity, and prevent and respond to sex- and gender-based discrimination, violence, and harassment. Title IX applies to and protects students, staff, faculty, other academic personnel, and visitors at the Seattle, Bothell, and Tacoma campuses, all UW medical centers and clinics, as well as other sites and programs affiliated with the University.


The University strives to be a leader and model within higher education for achieving gender equity, and providing and maintaining a respectful learning and working environment free from sexual harassment, sexual violence, and gender discrimination.

Guiding Values

  • Survivor choice: providing options and support resources to those who experience sex- and gender-based discrimination, violence, and harassment.
  • Community responsibility: working to prevent harm to members of the UW community and appropriately respond when harm occurs
  • Equity: ensuring equitable access to academic and workplace activities, providing support resources to all members of the UW community, and using equitable procedures and due process for both/all parties during resolution processes.
  • Moving beyond compliance: Title IX and related laws provide a floor or a foundation from which we can build services, programs, and systems that collectively move us beyond compliance towards prevention, inclusion, and equity. Focusing solely on what the law requires is not sufficient, and we are committed to moving beyond compliance.

Title IX Steering Committee

The Title IX Steering Committee, appointed by President Ana Mari Cauce, provides strategic guidance for Title IX-related work at all UW campuses and locations.

Valery Richardson (chair), Title IX Coordinator, Compliance Services

Glenna Chang, Associate Vice President for Student Life

Mentha Hynes-Wilson, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, UW Tacoma

Michaelann Jundt, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Academic Affairs

Mindy Kornberg, Vice President for Human Resources

Jill Lee, Executive Director, Compliance Services

Louisa Mackenzie, Faculty Senate Chair and Associate Professor, UW Seattle

Jack Martin, Vice President for Marketing and Communications

Fredrick Nafukho, Vice Provost for Academic Personnel

Erin O’Connell, Deputy Athletic Director

Jodi Sandfort, Dean, Evans School of Public Policy & Governance

Margaret Shepherd, Chief of Staff and Chief Administrative Officer

Denzil J. Suite, Vice President for Student Life

Joy Williamson-Lott, Dean, Graduate School

Tim Wilson, Dean of Student Affairs, UW Bothell

Andrea Woody, Divisional Dean of Social Sciences

Jane Yung, Vice President, Compliance and Risk Services

Working Committees

In 2017 The Title IX Steering Committee identified three Title IX-related strategic priorities for the University.

UW Task Force

From 2013 to 2015, a UW Task Force on Sexual Assault Prevention and Response met and compiled eighteen recommendations. The Title IX Steering Committee provides ongoing governance of this work.