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Title IX Regulations effective August 14, 2020

August 13, 2020

Dear University Community:

The U.S. Department of Education’s new Title IX regulations governing how educational institutions respond to sexual assault, sexual harassment, and other forms of sexual misconduct take effect August 14, 2020. In January 2019, the UW submitted detailed comments outlining our concerns with the proposed rules and provided a declaration on behalf of a multi-state lawsuit opposing their implementation. Nevertheless, barring developments that allow otherwise, the UW will be in compliance with the new Title IX regulations on August 14.

Because universities were given just 100 days to comply, we have developed emergency and interim policies and procedures which we will assess and adjust with community input over the coming months. Please contact my office at if you would like to be part of that process.

For ongoing information, please bookmark the newly updated Title IX website, which includes:

  • FAQs for all students and employees
  • Support resources for any member of our community who has experienced unwanted conduct or harm
  • Information about how to make a formal complaint
  • Emergency and interim policies that outline the grievance procedures for complaints that meet the federal definitions and criteria
  • Information for faculty and staff

It is important to note that the federal regulations do not apply to all sexual misconduct. The UW will assess each complaint to determine whether the federal regulations, UW policy, or both may apply. In short, we will continue to address all complaints regardless of where the alleged conduct occurs. It is also important to note that when the federal regulations do apply, the adjudication process will include a hearing and verbally conducted cross-examination. This is true for both student and employee matters. If you are considering making a complaint, I encourage you to contact a confidential advocate who can help you understand your options and decide what is best for your situation. If you are aware of sexual misconduct, or want to support a friend or colleague, please call SafeCampus for support and guidance. You can also contact my office at any time, for any reason.

As President Cauce communicated in May 2020, our shared responsibility to create a culture that does not tolerate sexual assault, harassment, or misconduct is undiminished. You will hear more in coming months regarding our Title IX prevention and education initiatives, our response and planning based on the 2019 climate survey, and our ongoing collaborations across the University as we work together to advance systemic change and deepen our commitment to equity and inclusion.


With warm regards,

Valery Richardson
Title IX Coordinator