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Overall feedback on draft elements via the online form

Faculty who filled out the online feedback form were asked to rank the extent to which they agreed or disagreed that each draft element is core to good teaching. Responses were overwhelmingly positive.

Rank the extent to which you agree or disagree that each draft element is core to good teaching. Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
ALIGNED: Good teaching is organized to help students meet course learning outcomes 9 4 41 110
INCLUSIVE: Good teaching values students’ experiences and creates opportunities for each student to succeed 9 6 42 107
ACTIVE & ENGAGED: Good teaching creates opportunities for students to engage with ideas and each other 9 2 37 116
GROWTH-ORIENTED: Good teaching uses formative assessment and feedback to help students grow their abilities 8 6 45 105
RELEVANT: Good teaching helps prepare students for life after graduation 9 7 46 102

Learn more about this effort.