Department of Comparative Medicine

Christina Pettan-Brewer

Veterinarian, Associate Teaching Professor and Co-Director

One Health Fulbright Scholar and Ambassador 2015
Post Doctoral Research Fellow – Comp Medicine University of Washington 2010
Post Doctoral Clinical Fellow – Medical Genetics University of Washington 2007
Research Fellow – School of Medicine University of Washington 2002
EID Research Fellowship Training – CDC Atlanta 1996
DVM/MSc University of California, Davis 1988-1993
Med Vet – Federal University of Viçosa, Minas Gerais Brazil 1983-1988

P: 206-221-2441 (Office)/+1 206 930 8412 (Whatsapp)

Research, Service, and Training Interests

Dr. Pettan-Brewer received her veterinarian degree in Brazil and moved to the USA to pursue her career in Zoological/Wildlife Medicine with Dr. Murray E Fowler (In Memorian) and Comparative Pathology. She accredited her DVM degree in the USA, concluded a Master’s of Science in Comparative Pathology and three years Residency Program in Zoological/Wildlife Medicine at the University of California, Davis and Los Angeles Zoo. The prior focus of Dr. Pettan-Brewer’s research was medical genetics and the basic biology of aging and age-related diseases, particularly healthspan and cancer. She concentrated her studies on DNA damage and oxidative stress, genetic instability in different polymorphisms, and the investigation of DNA repair and antioxidant mechanisms during neoplastic progression by showing that a single nucleotide mutation in the oxidant-sensitive DNA repair gene, XRCC1, suppressed tumor progression, a major discovery for application to translational research. Her personal interests and passion in research, zoological and wildlife medicine provide her with continuous inspiration and direction for the interface of human and animal medicine, and wildlife as reservoirs of neglected and emerging infectious diseases. Dr. Pettan-Brewer received the 2014-2015 One Health Fulbright Scholar Award and is the One Health Brazil Latin America founder, and OHLA representative. She collaborates with microbiome and AMR research partnerships with the UW and Latin America:

Complete Bibliography

Selected Publications

Pettan-Brewer C and Treuting P. Practical pathology of aging mice. Pathobiology of Aging & Age-related Diseases 2011, 1: 7202. doi: 10.3402/pba.v1i0.7202.

Pettan-Brewer C, Li Fu and S Deeb. Distinguishing L from M Cone Pigment Genes Coding Sequences by Hybridization to Novel Chemically Modified LNA (Locked Nucleic Acid) Probes in Humans and Non-Human Primates. Visual Neuroscience, Cambridge Special Edition, 2008, 25: 283-287.

Cole T, Walter B, Costa L, Richter R, Pettan-Brewer C, Shih D, Tward A, Lusis A, and C Furlong. 2003. Contribution of paraoxonase (PON1) levels and Q192R genotype to organophosphate detoxication: evidence from humans and “humanized” transgenic mice. Toxicological Sciences. 72(Suppl. 1):100, 2005.

Furlong , CE, Cole TB, Jarvik GP, Pettan-Brewer C, Geiss GK, Richter RJ, Shih DM, Tward AD, Lusis AJ, and LG Costa. Role of paraoxonase (PON 1) status in pesticide sensitivity: genetic and temporal determinants. Neurotoxicology 2005 Aug 26(4): 651-9.

Pettan KCB, Drew, ML, Ramsay, E, Mohr, C and LJ Lowenstine. Herpesvirus-like infection associated with upper respiratory disease syndrome in desert tortoises (Xerobates agassizii). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 32(3), 1996, pp. 521-526.

Jessup, DA, Pettan KCB, Lowenstine LJ, and N Pedersen. Feline Leukemia virus infection and renal spirochetosis in a free ranging cougar (Felis Concolor). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 1993 24(1):73-79.


Pettan-Brewer KCB, and LJ Lowenstine. Intrahepatic Cysts and Hepatic Neoplasms in Felids, Ursids and other Zoo and Wild Animals. Chapter 57 of the 4th Edition of Zoological and Wildlife Medicine, ed. Dr. Murray E. Fowler, W.B. Saunders Company. July 1998, 423 – 430. Curriculum Vitae Christina Pettan-Brewer

DISSERTATION MONOGRAPH: Magister Scientiæ thesis dissertation: “Epidemiology, Pathology and Etiopathogenesis of Hepatic Proliferative Lesions and Hepatic Neoplasms in Felidae and Ursidae. A Comparative Study among humans, companion and zoo Animals with hepatic and renal disorders.” Mentors: Drs. Murray E. Fowler and Linda J. Lowenstine (UCDavis official archives – 1993)