Updates to Post-Award Change (PAC)
In order to improve the data quality, reporting, and analytics around award data, the following changes have been made to the Post-Award Change in SPAERC and SERA:
- Addition of Revised Start Date field, displayed for the PAC Requested Change type “Start Date Change”
- Addition of Revised End Date field, displayed for PAC Requested Change types “Extension”, “Early Termination”, or “Relinquishment”
- Addition of Temporary End Date field, displayed for PAC Requested Change type “Temporary Budget Extension” (formerly called “Advanced Extension”)
- Addition of Modification Number field
- Addition of Originating Sponsor Award Number field, which will pre-populate from the parent FA data, when present.
Updates to PAC Notification PDF
The above new PAC fields will also be displayed on the PDF attachment that is sent to campus when a PAC has been processed.
Updates to Pending Actions Report
The above new PAC fields are also included on the GCA Pending Actions Report
PAC Requested Change Type Updates
The following changes have been made to existing PAC types:
- “Advanced Extension” is now relabeled as “Temporary Budget Extension”
- “Significant Financial Interest” has been removed
- “Create Program Income” has been removed
- “Change of Award” has been removed
- “Change in Authorized Action” has been removed
The removed PAC Requested Change types will continue to display on historical PACs.
Update to Cycle View of PAC Data
When in the SPAERC or SERA Cycle view, the PAC row will now display the new Revised Start Date, Revised End Date, and Temporary End Date fields when populated.
Intellectual Property Provisions validation message update
The validation message that appears when the Intellectual Property Provisions question is not answered will now match the current question label, for added clarity.
SPAERC only: Grant Runner Submit no longer displays timeout error
Upon submission of Grant Runner applications in SPAERC, the system was displaying time-out errors that were misleading and likely to cause unnecessary alarm or confusion. The error tracking has been updated to improve the quality of the messages received by OSP on submission.
SPAERC only: Activity Locations Page Expanded by Default
The eGC1 Activity Locations page in SPAERC will now display as expanded by default, for easier viewing of relevant data without additional clicks.
Error 99 when trying to change SC cycle in SPAERC
An issue in SPAERC that was causing users to receive a 99 error when attempting to re-parent a subcontract from the Cycle Details has been fixed so that SPAERC users receive a clear error message describing the existing business rule that disallows moving a subcontract between different cycles.
You can use one or more of the following search criteria to locate items:
Field |
Description |
Applications |
Application Number |
Enter an eGC1 number, with or without the “A”. |
Short Title |
Enter one or more words in the short title. |
Long Title |
Enter one or more words in the full application title. |
PI Name (last, first) |
Enter the last name; last name, first initial; or last name, first name of the Principal Investigator. |
Org receiving funding (code) |
Enter three or more numbers that start the Organizational Code. |
Organization Receiving Funding (name) |
Enter part of the organization’s name. |
Sponsor Name |
Enter all or part of the sponsor name. |
Sponsor Award Number |
Enter all or part of the award number. |
RFA/RFP/PA Number |
Enter all or part of the number. |
eGC1 F&A cost rate |
Enter a value for the cost rate. |
Admin Actions |
Admin Action Number |
Enter an Admin Action number, with or without the letter prefix. |
PI Name (last, first) |
Enter the last name; last name, first initial; or last name, first name of the Principal Investigator. |
Sponsor Name |
Enter all or part of the sponsor name. |
Short Title |
Enter one or more words in the short title. |
Sponsor Award Number |
Enter all or part of the award number. |
Admin Action Type |
Use the drop-down menu to limit the search to a specific type of action. |
Funding Actions |
Funding Actions Number |
Enter a Funding Action number, with or without the “FA”. |
Funding Action Amount (less than) |
Enter a dollar amount. |
Funding Action Amount (greater than) |
Enter a dollar amount. |
Short Title |
Enter one or more words in the short title. |
PI Name (last, first) |
Enter the last name; last name, first initial; or last name, first name of the Principal Investigator. |
Org receiving funding (code) |
Enter three or more numbers that start the Organizational Code. |
Organization Receiving Funding (name) |
Enter part of the org name. |
Sponsor Name |
Enter all or part of the sponsor name. |
Sponsor Award Number |
Enter all or part of the award number. |
A breadcrumb trail displays immediately under the “SPAERC” heading. The left-most choice is “Back to Spaerc Tasklist” which you can use to return to the last tasklist viewed. To the right of that is the item number. Click it to return to the page you see when you first open that type of item. In the case of an eGC1, the last part of the breadcrumb is the page being displayed.
The page heading displays just below the breadcrumb and includes the Short Title, the item ID, and the name of the PI. This appears on every page as a quick reference. The following image shows these heading parts.

This article covers:
Using the Action Bar

The icons on the action bar will vary depending on the item you are viewing, and whether the item is locked or unlocked.
Possible Icons in the Action Bar
Save |
Writes any changes made to the database |
Reset Form |
Clears any text entered on the page since the last save |
Previous Page |
Displays the preceding page in an application |
Next Page |
Displays the following page in an application |
Note: any time you navigate from one page to another, SPAERC saves any changes made to the item.
Within an application, the eGC1 pages contain a Previous link and a Continue button, which provide another way to navigate from page to page.
Using the Left Navigation Menu

The left navigation menu for an item generally contains “action” links such as change status, place or remove holds, save & close. For an application, you will also see links to view its pages, a summary, the approval graph and related approvals pages.
Using the Item Tabs
Use the set of tabs across the top of the main display area to access pages related to the item. Generally, you use the left-most tab to return to the page you see when you first open that item.
The following image shows the set of tabs for an application. The tabs are: Application, Funding Actions, Admin Actions, OSP Notes, Assignments, Status, Auto Generated Documents, and Cycle Details.

Applications, Funding Actions, and Admin Actions have the following tabs in common.
Tab |
Description |
OSP Notes |
Displays both system-generated notes and any that you add directly by using the text box on the page. For more details, see the OSP Notes Page article. |
Assignments |
Used to reassign the item, and optionally some related items, to another individual within OSP. You can also view assignment history. For more details, see the Reassign an Item article. |
Status |
Shows the history of status changes to the item from when it was initially created. For more details, see the Status article for the specific item type. |
Auto Generated Documents |
Displays a page with email and/or letters you can use to communicate with the research team or the sponsor. See the Auto Generated Documents articles for more details. |
Cycle Details |
When hovered over with the mouse, this tab displays a flyout list of this item’s cycle ID and all of that cycle’s related items. If no one has placed the item in a cycle yet, no list will appear. If you click the tab when there is no cycle, a pop-up window will appear with options for placing the item into a cycle. See the Cycles articles for more details. |
In addition to the common tabs, since Applications and Funding Actions can have related items (children), they have tabs for viewing a list of these items, and accessing them.
- Applications have a Funding Actions and an Admin Actions tab.
- Funding Actions have a Subawards and an Admin Actions tab.
Note: Use the Admin Actions tab to create a new Admin and/or Funding Action as a child of the current item.
Cycles have just the OSP Notes and Assignments tabs.