Tag Archives: Cycle

From the Assignment tab of an open Cycle, you can reassign a cycle, or bulk assign items within a cycle to a new user, or view assignment history. The following image shows this tab.

cycle assignments tab

To reassign a Cycle to another user or File

  1. Locate and open the Cycle you want to reassign, and click the Assignments tab.
  2. Select the new assignee for the Cycle.
  3. Enter a note for the reassignment, if desired.
  4. Click assign to complete the reassignment.

Note: A Cycle assigned to File cannot be reassigned.

To bulk assign items to a new user

Because a Cycle contains a number of items, you can do a bulk assignment of the related items to a single user.

You may have two or more applications in a Cycle, with related Funding Actions and Admin Actions. Using the Cycle Assignment actions, you can reassign all these items to the same user.

  1. Open the Cycle containing the items to reassign, and click the Assignments tab.
  2. If hidden, click “Show Related Cycle Items” to display the Cycle items in this Cycle.
  3. Select the checkboxes for the items which you want to reassign.
  4. From the Assign to drop-down menu, select the new user to whom you are assigning the items.
  5. Add an OSP Note if desired.
  6. Click assign to complete the item reassignment.

View Cycle Assignment History

To view the assignment history:

  1. Open the Cycle
  2. Select the Assignments tab.
  3. Under Cycle Assignment History, click Show Assignment History to expand the Assignment History. This section lists the assignment history and comments for this item.
  • Date Assigned: The date when the assignment occurred
  • Assigned By: The person who made the assignment
  • Assigned to: The new assignment, either person or location
  • OSP Note Text: Any notes entered with a reassignment. If the system automatically assigns an item at creation, it will enter a system note.

You can view and add notes to a Cycle for others to review.

  1. Find and Open the cycle to which you would like to add a note.
  2. Select the OSP Notes tab. You will see all previous notes (some automated, some manually created).

cycle O S P notes tab

  1. To add a note, enter the note text, and click Save.

You can relate one cycles to one another.

Relate Two Cycles

  1. Open one of the two cycles you want to relate.
  2. Under Basic Cycle Data, select Relate Cycle.
  3. Search for and select the cycle you want to relate to the one you’re currently viewing.
  4. Enter your search criteria, and then click Search.
  5. From the results list, find the Cycle you want to relate, and click Relate.

cycle relate link

The page will refresh and display the current cycle with the selected cycle now related.

From the View Related Cycle drop-down menu, select the cycle you want to view, and then click Go. This will open the related cycle in the same window.

cycle select related to view

  1. Find and open either one of the related Cycles.
  2. Under Basic Cycle Data, from the View Related Cycle drop-down menu, select the Cycle you want to remove from the relationship.
  3. Click Delete Relationship.

cycle delete related cycle

  1. In the confirmation window that opens, click Confirm to delete the relationship. Once you confirm, the formerly-related Cycle will no longer appear in the related Cycles drop-down.

Regardless of the view, you can perform four actions on most items in a Cycle from the Cycle Detail page.

Exceptions: you cannot reassign, add a child or change the parent of an Advance Budget Request.

The following image shows the location of the links. Open is to the left of the item. Reassign, Add Child, and Change Parent are to the right.

cycle open and modify items

To open an item from the Cycle

  • From the Cycle Detail page in the list of items under Hierarchy View, select Open to the left of the item you want to view.

If you do not see the item you want to open in the list, try modifying the options selected under Show Items.

Tip: When you open an item, SPAERC displays it in a new browser window. If you open a second item of the same type, SPAERC will replace the display of the first item with the second item in the same window. In other words, while you may have multiple windows of various item types open, it is not possible to open multiple windows of the same item type.

Note: You can open Advance Budget Number Requests (ADVs), but you cannot edit them. ADVs open in the SAGE Interface, not SPAERC. Because an ADV opens in a new window, you can return to the Cycle Details at any time.

To reassign an item to a different person or location

Note: You cannot reassign actions with a status of In GCA or Processed, applications with a status of Awarded, and any item assigned to File. In these cases the Reassign link does not display.

  1. From the Cycle Detail page in the list of items under Hierarchy View, click Reassign next to the item you want to reassign.
  2. In the Reassign window that opens, select a value for Assign to from the drop-down menu. You can add a note, if you want.

Click Assign. The window will close, and the Cycle Details page will refresh, displaying the new assignment(s).

To add a child to an item

When you create a Funding Action or Admin Action directly from an application, the system automatically makes the action a child of the application and adds it to the application’s Cycle.

Note: A PAC cannot have a child item.

  1. From the Cycle Detail page in the list of items under Hierarchy View, click Add Child next to the item you want to reassign.
  2. In the Specify a Relationship Window, select the type of item you want to add as a child to the item. For an application, you can choose another application, a Funding Action, or an Admin Action.

cycle add item and specify relationship

  1. In the Search window that displays, specify the criteria to locate the item you want to add as a child, and then click Search.
  1. From the list of items returned, select the correct item and click Add To Cycle. This will close the selection window and return you to the Cycle Details page.

Note: If the item you want to add is already in a different Cycle, or has a parent already, then the system will prompt you to confirm that you want to overwrite the existing relationship.

To change the Parent of an Item

Similar to adding a child to an existing item, you may need to change the parent of an existing Cycle item. The new parent may be an item within the current Cycle, or elsewhere.

Note: PACs can only have an FA as parent, and FAs can only have an application as parent.

  1. From the Cycle Detail page in the list of items under Hierarchy View, click Change Parent next to the item you want to reparent.
  2. From the Relationship Window that opens, select the type of item you want as the new parent of the item. This will bring up the Search options.
  3. Once you have searched for the Item you want to be the new Parent, click Make Parent. The system will prompt you to confirm overwriting the relationship. You may also see a prompt to adopt fields from the new parent (e.g., Principal Investigator).

make parent link

Note: changing the parent on the item will require you to confirm the change in relationship. The change of parent may also result in a change of cycle dependent on the new parent/child relationship. The new cycle details will appear in your browser when this happens.

This article describes how to:

The Hierarchy View section of the Cycle Details page defines how items display, and enables you to customize which items to view, which data associated with the items displays and how to order the items or attachments listed.

Show Items

The “Show Items” radio buttons control which view to display. Each of the four views has its own set of customizations.

  • Hierarchically is the default view, and displays all items in the Cycle in a single table. It displays the items according to their parent-child relationships, indented according to their place in the hierarchy. The order of items is from newest to oldest for direct children of the Cycle. For a given child, its related items generally display in order from oldest to newest.
  • By Item Type displays Cycle items in a separate table for each Item Type; the user can select which Item Types to display
  • In Progress displays just those items still being worked on: Applications not yet Awarded, Funding Actions and Admin Actions which are not yet Processed, and Subcontracts which are Active
  • Related Attachments displays just those items which include Related Attachments, with links to view those attachments

You also have the option to include any Subcontracts and/or PANs in the item list by selecting the appropriate checkbox. If you don’t need to work with these item types, you could choose not to display them to shorten the overall list.

Each view allows a common set of actions to work with the Cycle Items:

  • Open the Item
  • Reassign the Item
  • Add a child item (see Items & Relationships for a better understanding of this)
  • Change the Parent Item

See the Open and Modify Items section for more details.

Customize your view of Cycle items

  1. Select the radio button corresponding to the view you want to see.
  1. Select the options for the items you want to view:
    • Subcontracts and PANs when displaying the Hierarchically, In Progress, or Related Attachments views
    • Specific Item Types when displaying the By Item Type view
  1. Select the options for the columns you want to view (as a whole, or per Item type). Wait for the page to refresh after each option change.

Customize the Hierarchically View

The Hierarchically view displays all items in a cycle, organizing them by their Parent-Child relationships. The following image shows an example of this view.

cycle hierarchy view

Show Columns

The Show Columns set of check boxes enables you to determine which data to display about each item in the list of items. The following image displays the check boxes, which occur just below the view choices.

hierarchy view show columns section

In the Hierarchically view, a display column may represent something different based on the Item type. For example, the “Admin Action Types/App Types” column will display the Requested Change type(s) for a PAC, but will display the Application type for Application items.

The following table summarizes the information that displays for each Column where it varies based on the type of item.

View Column Applications Funding Actions Subcontracts Admin Actions Advance Budgets
Sponsor / Subcontractor Sponsor Sponsor Subcontractor Sponsor Sponsor
Start Date Proposed Dates Actual Dates Period Dates PAC only: Revised Start Date, if available Actual Dates
End Date Proposed Dates Actual Dates Period Dates PAC only: Revised End Date or Temporary End Date, if available Actual Dates
Processing Date Approved Date FA in GCA Date Received Date (not applicable) Request Date
Amount Requested Amount FA Current Amount SA Amount (not applicable) Requested Amount
Sponsor Award, UW PO Number Sponsor Award Number Sponsor Award Number UW PO Number (not applicable) (not applicable)
Admin Action / App Types Application Type (not applicable) (not applicable)  Action-specific Admin Action Type (see below) Request Types

Each admin action type (PAC, PAN, etc.) defines actions specific to the type. The Admin Action Types column displays this type for each Admin Action Item in the cycle. The table below describes the column meaning for each specific Admin Action type.

For all types, you can make multiple selections. When this occurs, the Hierarchically view displays the phrase “Multiple Types.”

Admin Action Type Admin Action Types Column Info
PAC Requested Change
PAN Content of Notification
NAA Agreement Type
CO Close Out Action

Customize the By Item Type View

The By Item Type view displays Cycle Items in tables according to the item type, so all Applications display separately from all Funding Actions. Because of the individual tables, each column is specific to the Item Type being displayed.

The actions available on the different items are the same as in the Hierarchically view. You can, however, add some layout customizations in the By Item Type View.

Show Item Types

In the By Item Type View, you have complete control over which item types you want to display.

  1. Select “By Item Type” in the Show Items list
  2. Choose which item types you want to view
    1. Check the box(es) specific to the columns you want to see, or
    2. Click the “Show All” link to display all Item types for the Cycle

If there are no Items of a specific type, then you will see
There were no <item-types> found.

Select Individual Columns to display

Each Item type display has a separate control for specifying which columns to view.

cycle show by items column selection

  1. From the Cycle Details Page, navigate to the table for the Item Type you want to customize
  2. Select the Columns to display for that Item Type

Sort Items by Column

In the Item Type view, you can sort each display table by column

  1. From the Cycle Details page, navigate to the table for the Item Type you want to sort
  2. Click on the Column name in the item display. This will sort the column in a descending order
  3. Click on the Column name again to sort in ascending order

Customize the In Progress View

The In Progress View displays

  • Applications not yet Approved
  • Funding Actions not yet Processed
  • Admin Actions not yet Processed
  • Subcontracts that are Active

This layout is nearly identical to the Hierarchically view. The difference is that the items do not display in a defined order.

This view is customized in the same manner as the hierarchy view, and the columns have the same meaning. Refer to that section for working with the In Progress view.

Customize the Related Attachments View

The Related Attachments view displays only those Cycle items which have attached documents. Each item displays a list of the attached documents for viewing.

Note: Items that do not have attached documents will not appear in this view.  

cycle related attachments view

In general, this view is similar the Hierarchically and In Progress views for column descriptions and layout customizations. The one added capability on this view is to list and view Attachments for each Item.

View a Cycle Item’s Related Attachment

  1. In the Show Items list, select “Related Attachments”
  2. Locate the Item for which you would like to view the attachments
  3. Click the “Show Related File Attachments” link under the item. The list of attachments for the item will display
  4. Locate and click ‘View’ on the attachment you would like to open