Tag Archives: Copy

Can I create a template for my eGC1s?

Yes. To create a “template” eGC1, start with a newly created eGC1 and fill in just the data values that you commonly use. This might include:

  • The Cost Center Receiving Funding
  • The PI’s Name
  • Administrative Contact
  • Pre-Award Budget Contact

Review the data that is copied, so you’ll know what to add.

Give the eGC1 a title that indicates it’s a template, and then save it, leaving it in Composing status. When you need to create a new eGC1, open the template eGC1 and make a copy of it.

You can make a copy of any standard eGC1 that you have access to by clicking on the Copy icon in the top, right corner of the eGC1 page.

Note: When you copy a Grant Runner eGC1, the new eGC1 will be a standard one.

When you select the Copy icon, you will see an information page listing what data is not copied. This information is also detailed below.

Click the Confirm Copy button to complete the process. The page will refresh and will display the Details page of the new eGC1.

You also have the option to Cancel the copy process, or to Print a basic version of the information page for reference.

You may find it useful to copy an eGC1 when you want to:

  • Create a template eGC1 with a PI, Contacts, and the Cost Center Receiving Funding to use as the basis for new eGC1s. Leave it in Composing status so you can reuse it as needed
  • Revise an earlier application that was not funded
  • Submit a non-competing renewal
  • Submit a single application to multiple sponsors

Data NOT copied from the original eGC1:

  • Specific dates, such as the sponsor deadline, the start and end dates
  • Cost Center – either Receiving Funding or Additional Organizational Unit Reviewers: If a Cost Center on your original eGC1 is above the department level or expired, the system will not copy it, so you will need to select a new Cost Center
  • Sponsor: If the sponsor on your original eGC1 is no longer active, the system will not copy it, so you will need to select a new sponsor.
  • Connected Budgets
  • Cost Sharing data
  • Personnel Investigator Status; it will default to Yes
  • Answers to Compliance Questions
  • Attached files
  • Sponsor forms included in Grant Runner applications
  • The Approval Graph
  • Any Post-Approval Personnel Changes
How do I create a copy of my budget?
Can I create a copy of an existing eGC1?

You can Copy an Existing eGC1. However, if it is a Grant Runner application, only the standard part of the eGC1 is copied, not the Grant Runner forms. Details about what will be copied are given on the page which displays when you start the copy process, and in the linked article above.

To copy an eGC1, click the Copy icon in the top right corner of your eGC1 window. After you review the instructional information, click Confirm Copy.

When viewing the worksheet for the main (parent) budget, or a sub budget, you will see a set of icons at the upper right of the sheet. They allow you to make adjustments to what you see on the worksheet, and to perform actions on the worksheet. The set of icons are shown in the following image, and are numbered left to right.

budget worksheet icons

The icons are:

  1. Full Screen Budget, and Close Full Screen Budget
  2. Show all sub-object budget lines, and Hide all sub-object budget lines
  3. Print Budget
  4. Export Budget to Excel
  5. Create a copy of this budget – this feature is no longer available.
  6. Delete this budget  – this feature is no longer available

Display Full Screen

These icons allow you to choose how you view the worksheet within the browser window.

budget icons with the open and close fullscreen icons circled

The “magnifier with plus” icon (to the left) allows you to expand the worksheet to fill the whole browser window, allowing you to see more of the sheet details, rather than the SAGE and budget tabs.

The “magnifier  with minus” icon (to the right) returns you to the standard view.  When you’re in full screen mode, you can also use the Close Full Screen link in the upper-left corner of the screen.

Show All Sub-Object Budget Lines

You can use these icons to fully expand all of the line items in your budget.

budget icons with the expand and contact icons circled

The “plus” icon expands the worksheet, and displays the sub-object lines you have already entered and the Add buttons for each section.

The “minus” icon contracts the worksheet back to displaying just the object code summary lines.

Print the Budget

This icon displays a printable copy of your budget.

budget icons with print circled

A new browser window will appear with the budget data formatted for printing.

The output includes two different formats of the data: the first is line-by-line for all periods; the second is to help you complete the SR 424 (R&R) Detailed Budget used in Grants.gov submissions.

Export the Budget to Excel

This icon exports your budget as an Excel spreadsheet.

budget icons with export circled

You will be prompted to open Excel.

The output includes two different formats of the data: the first is line-by-line for all periods; the second is to help you complete the SR 424 (R&R) Detailed Budget used in Grants.gov submissions.

Note: only the values export, not the formulas.

December 2014 Grant Runner Detailed and Subaward Budgets Release

New Features

Grant Runner Detailed Budget Implementation

The Grants.Gov RR Detailed Project Budget form will be made available in Grant Runner. This form supports the NIH SF 424 research opportunities where funding greater than $250,000 per period is being requested. With the addition of this form, users will be able to utilize Grant Runner for a much wider range of opportunities, taking advantage of the streamlining and time savings that Grant Runner is known for.

Key Features Include:

  • Pre-filled data on the institution, project start and end dates
  • Summary view of period totals, with expand capability to view/edit details
  • On screen highlighting and messages to assist in identifying and correcting errors that lead to submission problems
  • Auto-calculations of sub-totals and totals, with totals refreshing with each new entry
  • Easy to read cumulative budget summary section at bottom
  • Copy previous period feature (see separate listing for detail)

Continue reading »

This feature is available for Modular, Detailed, and Subaward budgets on a Grant Runner eGC1.

Once you have entered one new period on your budget, the next time you click the Add New Budget Period button, you will have to option to copy the prior existing period.

copy previous budget period dialog

The reference in the dialog Note to “subtotals related to attachments” applies to just the Detailed and Subaward budgets.

The Start and End Dates for the period created by copying will default to the same dates as a new, non-copied period. The start date will be one day after the previous period’s end date, and the end date will be one year after the start date.

For example,  if the period you are copying has the dates July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, then the newly created period will have the dates July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

January 2014 SAGE Release

New Features

SAGE eGC1 copy feature expanded to copy all sponsor info

As requested by campus in the ORIS Survey, the SAGE eGC1 copy feature will be expanded to also copy the sponsor address and contact information (if the sponsor on the original eGC1 is still active). Users will need to review the information to ensure it is up to date and accurate, but this change should reduce their data entry efforts.

SAGE Search Enhancements: Personnel look up added to eGC1s search

The PI Name field has been replaced with a more general Personnel field which allows users to search for any person listed on the PI & Personnel page. Once they have selected a person, they can refine their search by using the Role Type (Principal Investigator, Fellow, etc.) drop-down menu. They can also combine this search with the new Search Scope feature to find all the eGC1s a researcher is named on.

SAGE Search: Show all results beyond access

Users now have the option of expanding searches to include all eGC1s. The search results will display all eGC1s that match the specified criteria. This enhancement will allow users to more easily find proposals that include personnel they’re responsible for. Previously, search results were limited to only those eGC1s that users could access. They will still only be able to open eGC1s they have access to. However, the research results now display a new column containing a link to the eGC1 contacts so users may contact them to ask questions and/or to request access.

Addition of Seattle Cancer Care Alliance to Locations list

Research administrators for clinical trials have indicated an increase in work performed at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, and therefore requested to see this site added to the Locations drop down list in the compliance explanations section (FG-2). They will no longer need to select “other” and manually enter an address for SCCA with this change. SCCA is considered off-campus.

May 2012 SAGE Maintenance Release

New Features

  • The Security and Export compliance questions have been revised, and a new one has been added concerning access to classified national security information. Answering “Yes” to the new question will generate a new Security Reviewer approver node on the approval graph.
  • The SAGE Budget export now contains data formatted to simplify data entry for the SF424 forms. You will find this information following the usual export data.
  • When adding an ad hoc approver or watcher, a new validation checks for any mismatch between the Role chosen and the level of the associated organization code.
  • When OSP marks an eGC1 as eligible for an Advance Budget Review, the eGC1 owners will automatically receive an email message.
  • When users look up personnel, the results will contain the employee identification number. This will allow users to quickly differentiate between personnel with similar names.
  • You may now delete an eGC1 sooner. You must have read/write access, it has been more than six months since the eGC1 has been completed, and the eGC1 is in Withdrawn or Returned status.


  • If you create new budget and complete all of the steps until you reach the access page where you add and remove an admin/budget contact, you will see the full budget navigation instead of the wizard.
  • Hyphenated names now display properly.
  • Advance budget is marked as ineligible when a user copies an older eGC1.