Grant Runner RR Detailed Budget

Budget Form Note: Currently, Grant Runner only supports the 5-year version of the RR Detailed Budget form.

Budget Sync Feature Note: If you connect a SAGE Budget to your Grant Runner application when using the RR Detailed Budget, the system will automatically add periods and data to the RR Detailed Budget form. The form will become read-only, except for the link to add the Budget Justification attachment. In addition, a link to the Sponsor Budget Map page will appear on the left navigation menu. The Sponsor Budget Map shows how your SAGE Budget data flows into the RR Detailed Budget form.

Rounding Note: Because NIH wants the budget data in whole dollars, we recommend you select rounding to whole dollars.  If you don’t, you may see a very slight difference in some values.

The information on this page covers an application without a connected SAGE Budget.


The RR Detailed Budget can include up to 5 budget periods. Depending on the Opportunity ID chosen, the detailed budget may appear in the Mandatory Grant Runner Forms section of the left navigation menu or in the Optional Grant Runner Forms section. For some opportunities, both the RR Detailed Budget and the PHS398 Modular Budget form may appear in the Optional section on the navigation menu.

Be sure you fill in the appropriate form for your opportunity according to the sponsor instructions.  You may only include one budget form (modular or detailed) for a given submission to  SAGE will give you an error message if you attempt to complete an application that contains both budget forms.

The Detailed Budget form includes four major sections:

  1. Project Information
  2. Budget Periods
  3. Budget Justification Attachment
  4. Cumulative Budget

detailed budget sections overviewThis article covers the Project Information section.

For details on the other sections, click the links below.

Project Information Section

This read-only section displays some general information about the Grant Runner application for reference purposes.

detailed budget project information section

Note:  the “i” instructions indicate where you can change some of the displayed data.

Field Description
Organization Name and Organizational UEI This information is copied from the SF 424 form. The UEI is the Unique Entity Identifier.
Cognizant Federal Agency POC The information for the Point of Contact is the same for all Grant Runner eGC1s at the UW.
Budget Type For a Detailed Budget, this is set by the system to Project.
Project Start and End Dates This information is copied from the eGC1 Details page. The values can be changed there.